What's with the inflated rep system?

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<B>Banned User - Multiple Accounts / Previously Ba
I'm on some other boards with the exact same rep system... This one is obviously out of control...

people have 26 stars... are there any plans to reset it, fix it, SOMETHING?
I'm on some other boards with the exact same rep system... This one is obviously out of control...

people have 26 stars... are there any plans to reset it, fix it, SOMETHING?

Any rep system goes out of control sooner or later. To be honest, the folks on here with lots of stars tend to be our better posters, which is the way its supposed to be. You can always disable your rep if you don't want to play the game, several members have.

I'm on some other boards with the exact same rep system... This one is obviously out of control...

people have 26 stars... are there any plans to reset it, fix it, SOMETHING?

I believe all that have those high numbers are with there wieght in gold around here. The rep system is just that a system right or wrong we all have a choice whether to play or not. Ella these people have been here for years it is not like they started two months ago, it has been a long hard road for all. enjoy and relax have fun.
I too am a member of some other boards, where I have no reps to speak of because I find the threads BORING so I don't post...I elect to be here as there is ALWAYS some controversy brewing...
Me, I have little rep points compared to many, many others. For the most part, I look up to those with high rep, thier posts are normally very informative and insightful. At times, I have questioned the rep points, and why what I feel is a very good post gets not reaction, but for the most part, it seems to be somewhat valid even if a bit inflated. As stated by others, there are ways to disable the rep points and not play the game.
The systems a bit different here. Couple of tweaks, different point values, and the running it unreset for a long time. We've discussed a reset and revamp a few times, but it gets voted down. *shrug* take it with a grain of salt. The high reps tend to be the more active posters.
Or those with the most valuable things to say.

Ella, the rep system is a very good way of cutting down on the endless tide of "Me too!" posts that you tend to find in some quarters.

If someone has made a very good point to which I can add nothing but would like to commend them on then the rep system is a perfect tool for the job. PM's would work too but it's much easier to just hit the rep button, type in a short comment and on we go :D.

Plus, it is a good guide to how valuable someones contribution has been. A poster such as Exile has a high 'rank' because almost every time he touches his keyboard he makes a positive addition to a subject.

At the end of the day, you don't have to pay any mind to it if you don't wish too. I didn't even know what it was when I first came here - I only realised after I spotted a post in the 'congrats' thread with my name in it that those dots and stars actually indicated something :D.
I don't see much problem with the high number of stars. They all deserve them.

One thing I have noticed is how quickly those stars are accumulating. It took me a year to get my first one, and others have racked up in a few weeks.

I suspect this is because how much positive rep is worth is directly tied to number of posts and amount of personal rep. So if somebody like Carol, Exile or Georgia reps you....well, you end up with a lot of points.

I wouldn't mind seeing that tweaked a bit, as that inflation seems a little out of control.

But overall, Ella, relax and enjoy the board. Those folks with lots of rep are good posters and valuable friends.
Personally it is nice when someone reps you after you have worked hard on a response. Still having said that it is not needed! This particular board is really nice because it has a friendly atmosphere and high quality discourse!
That is what makes MartialTalk so special!
I'm on some other boards with the exact same rep system... This one is obviously out of control...

people have 26 stars... are there any plans to reset it, fix it, SOMETHING?

What would be truly awful, Ella, is if you were to get 5000 negative rep points for simply raising this...:uhohh:

Seriously, while I do not always agree with you, it is clear you have both a conscience and a brain. I'd say the same of the huge majority of those who have big star counts.

Hope you stay.
I thought for some time that it was simply a post counter heh.
I do find though, as most, it seems to indicate those posts I'll find more informative.
It wasn't meant to be an "I'm leaving" or "I'm infuriated" type post....

its just, to me, to a newer user, when EVERYONE has yellow dots, its hard to tell who are the more "respected" users. I mean, yellow is a pretty big deal elsewhere, but here, it's like I have to actually get to know the people before I decide whether or not their worth their weight in salt.

Naw, we're all just weird. ;)

and my weight in salt could deice a small road, LOL!!!!! (ok, sidewalk, I aint that big.) :D
OT: Carol, is your hair that color all by itself? It's beautiful.
Color me confused, but I do not see anyone with 26 stars. ;)

The highest at the time of this post is 11 with a couple at 10. :D

As stated by others, some do not like the rep system.

Some use it more than others.

Others like me can be disagreeable, so I get rep points sometimes, while others I do not. :) :lol:

It is no big deal to me.
It wasn't meant to be an "I'm leaving" or "I'm infuriated" type post....

its just, to me, to a newer user, when EVERYONE has yellow dots, its hard to tell who are the more "respected" users. I mean, yellow is a pretty big deal elsewhere, but here, it's like I have to actually get to know the people before I decide whether or not their worth their weight in salt.


Actually Ella, that's what the rep system is supposed to signify. The gold pips, or stars, are the signs of well respected members. I know few people who rep just for the sake of repping. Those with high rep counts have been around a long time and have made many very valuable contributions to the board with very informative posts. Sometimes a new member comes in with a fountain of information and is willing to share in a respectful way, those people end up racking up the points fast too. I understand your thought process though. As a new member all those pips and stars can seem rather daunting, but rest assured, they have been hard earned. :asian:
I elect to be here as there is ALWAYS some controversy brewing...

You mean, like a rep system running rampant, and out of CONTROL!!! :lol:

here, it's like I have to actually get to know the people before I decide whether or not their worth their weight in salt.
Isn't that the way it should be? :asian:

I would say the rep system here, while not perfect, typically reflects those who contribute the most, and whose posts are better received by their peers. Occasionally, this means that the same group of like-minded individuals read each others posts, and continue to rep one another, "spreading" the love around to the same popular friends (kind of like High School all over again!).
:high5: :highfive: :cheers: :-partyon: :ladysman:

However, look at the number of posts and "join date" in relationship to the number of stars. Some have been here for several years, and posted many thousands of posts (beyond my level allotted internet time). :) Naturally, if a person manages to squeeze out one intelligent thought every dozen or so posts, after ten thousand posts you are bound to have a constellation of stars. I don't think anyone has attained a galaxy yet, though. :lol:
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