What's the feeling when you get stabbed?


Yellow Belt
Jun 12, 2023
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Some people survived up to 50 stabs and I don't know why the freak they can survive lying down on a bath of blood while for me makes me :vomit:

In before posting, if you want to explain a situation, you can but PLEASE omit gore and blood parts, it triggers me so much. For me is too hard to ask because it gets me sick even writing or reading.


Purple Belt
Aug 21, 2023
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Some people survived up to 50 stabs and I don't know why the freak they can survive lying down on a bath of blood while for me makes me :vomit:

In before posting, if you want to explain a situation, you can but PLEASE omit gore and blood parts, it triggers me so much. For me is too hard to ask because it gets me sick even writing or reading.
Wow. All these questions makes me wonder if you may have some sort of obsesssive thoughts about getting hurt? What you described can make all of us puke, but you seem to be obsessing about these things? Do you suffert PTSD due to something in the past or something else? As noted in previous thread, all the questions add up to more than I think anyone can advise on here.


Yellow Belt
Jun 12, 2023
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Wow. All these questions makes me wonder if you may have some sort of obsesssive thoughts about getting hurt? What you described can make all of us puke, but you seem to be obsessing about these things? Do you suffert PTSD due to something in the past or something else? As noted in previous thread, all the questions add up to more than I think anyone can advise on here.
My dad told me that someone, in this small city of Italy, stabbed a guy yesterday.


Senior Master
Supporting Member
Nov 21, 2020
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The several surviving stab victims I’ve asked say being stabbed with a bladed weapon feels like being punched very hard.

Whilst embroidering a pretty pink flower on my keikogi the other day I pricked my finger, so I know what they’re talking about, first hand 😐


Purple Belt
Jul 28, 2018
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Never been stabbed, but in 1993 during Rock Festiwal in Jarocin (Poland) one tried to stab me in my belly, I tried to block it with my left hand, my left hand was cut to the bone and I felt the pain immediately. In 2000 my left cheek was cut with the razor and I didn't feel anything except hot blood.
In 1995 our skinheads (S.H.A.R.P.) group had scuffle with group of naziskinheads the centre of Warsaw, one of our guys was stabbed into the chest and he didn't notice this at all. 30 seconds later he fell unexpectedly down unconscious. Pierced lef lung but survived.
The same year during big fight with bouncers of Remont music club in Warsaw my collegue was kicked in the chest, flew tflew through the window into the exhibition and he did not noticed that 15 cm long piece of glass pierced the back of his thigh. Lost a lot of blood but survived too.
The year I do not remember during another fight wit naziskinhead of the them was stabbed in the buttock and ran about 20 metres with the knife in. And he realized he was hurt when the knife fell of the wound. We had a lot of fun when the one who stabbed was chasing him screaming "Give the knife back, m...f..r".


Black Belt
Dec 23, 2017
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Safe room and coloring books for you 😜

I was sliced during a demo, for a health expo. Got a nice 2.5 inch scar on the inside pad of my right hand. At the time it bled like crazy, but didn’t hurt terribly. My maniac demo partner saw this and started to freeze up. I said “don’t stop” and continues though the short disarm set. I remember the gasp from those in front of the audience. I actually look at that scar with bit of fondness. Needless to say we didn’t get any new students from that demo!

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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I got stabbed in the shoulder blade through my flak jacket when I was an MP in the Marine Corps. I was kneeling on the sand, attempting to put handcuffs on a drunk who ran from me after I removed him from where he was stuck in concertina wire. His buddy came up behind me and tried to stick his bayonet into my back. My partner tackled him off of me. The blade penetrated my flak jacket and about 1/4 inch went into my back. I just hurt, that's all. Like being punched and stung. Bled a bit. No stitches to close it. More of a bruise.

Dirty Dog

MT Senior Moderator
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Lifetime Supporting Member
Sep 3, 2009
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Pueblo West, CO
Most people who are "stabbed" really are not. Especially if you're talking about large numbers of wounds. They are far far more likely to be cuts, not stabs. I'm betting you've cut yourself a time or two. So you already know what it feels like. Except with adrenalin pumping, it probably hurts less, at least initially.
I've been "stabbed" and like most, it was actually a slashing wound. Cost me an eye. Didn't hurt until later.


Green Belt
Nov 8, 2022
Reaction score
Never been stabbed have been cut, in various MA demos....

Served as an infantry medic in the US Army during the cold war, 70s.
treated lots of wounds, a few inflicted by others, most by self with objects that happened to be near by.

For example in Korea, a ROK soldier, thinking it was a good idea to try to cut off the top half of a Soju (소주) bottle with his hand.
Slicing it down to the bone in the process...required subcutaneous sutures. "Sutures below the skin" before closing with sutures above the skin... He couldn't speak much English very drunk,,,kept saying " I f__k up, I f__k up". 😂
yep,,,looked like he did....late at night trying to impress a lady friend at the time...isn't that always the case 🤔

In the German Democratic republic "GDR" during the cold war, a GI decided it would be a good idea to punch out a window...the window won 😂

Sliced his tricep down to the bone as he managed to slip a little bit...before retracting his arm...

The body can be surprisingly resilient, unless one manages to either hit or cut an artery...

Venous blood dark red...takes a while to bleed out..
Arterial blood bright red, bled out may take as little as 3 min....
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