whats the diffrence between black & mexican pujalist

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Racist means based on race. You're asking a question about boxers based on their race. Race is the primary topic. It's racist, because the question is about the style of boxers based on their race. It can't be spelled out for you much further than that.
i wasnt suggesting one has more of anything ? as for writting i write what i feel what i got on my mind , as long as im not disrespecting no one then its all good !

and duran and tyson do not have the same style ... they both do damage but thats about it

i dont know why what i asked was so sensitive ' here in cali i grew around blacks & mexicans all my life they are some of my best friends ' the people at my house the night of the fight were all black mexican and white and 2 philipino buddys of mine SO I DONT SEE THE RASICT ANGLE after the fight me and pals were discussing the way black & mexican boxers box and decided to see what you guys think - but you guys ran with in a totatly diffrent direction - one guy wanted me to use microsoft word before posting something another came out with 2 arms 2 legs another with theres black mexicans WHO CARES ABOUT ALL THAT this was about style and grace thats all ...

Suidcide, you really must stop posting stuff without actually thinking about what you are writing!

I'm going to take a stab at what I think you mean.... and it's that Mexican boxing trainers and coaches are influenced by specific boxers while black boxing trainers and coaches and here I'll assume you mean Americans are also influenced by specific but different fighters. Being influenced this way they are trying to emulate their 'heroes' if I put it that way. This accounts for different styles being done by Mexican and black boxers. Is this what you meant?

I'm not sure it holds water as an argument but it's certainly less contentious that how your OP reads.
i wasnt suggesting one has more of anything ? as for writting i write what i feel what i got on my mind , as long as im not disrespecting no one then its all good !

Except that if your writing creates the impression that you ARE disrespecting someone, even if you don't intend to, then it's not really "all good." It's quite bad in fact.

whats the diffrence between black & mexican pujalist




mastering of the sport :mst:

If what you're really asking is "what's the difference between black and Mexican pugilists in each of these categories?" then I'd say we're still back to the assertion that your writing needs work. But that's at least a bit better than suggesting that one group has all of these categories over the other (though even that question is misguided, as the answers are no more generalizable across the board).

as for writting i write what i feel what i got on my mind , as long as im not disrespecting no one then its all good !

Communication 101 and the first thing they teach you in any public speaking course is that the burden of understanding is placed squarely on the communicator not the reader or listener. If you are unclear and people misunderstand you because of something poorly expressed, that is your fault.

Expressing yourself is all well and good, but, if you want people to understand you then the expression must be intelligent and concise. What you said was racist. Furthermore, I believe that it was intended as such, otherwise there was no reason to bring up race!

But let me give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are completely ignorant to what racism is. First, let's define it for you:

From the Oxford English Dictionary
• noun 1 the belief that there are characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to each race.

Clearly you and your friends don't have a problem with racism. Okay. I do, and clearly other people here do. Racist assertions like:
this was about style and grace thats all
The implication here is that one boxer has more style and grace than the other because of his race. That is by definition (given above) a textbook example of racism.

Now having been educated on the matter there is no further excuse for you to continue a defense. If you were indeed ignorant of what racism was then a simple statement of such and an apology for miscommunication would probably allow everyone to put it behind them.
you got it twisted ? just cause you talk of race doesnt make it racist - thats you being insecure ... according to you im not thinking when i write ´but i dont really CARE WHAT YOU THINK :) and where did i say that a coach can be or is influenced by boxer ? its the other way around love ! HERO´S ? come back to earth please ...

• noun 1 the belief that there are characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to each race.

this is about boxing not about what a textbook say s - this aint about downplaying no race on this planet ? whats wrong with you guys ... mexican & black boxers both have buetiful styles of boxing , but there diffrent : yes or no ? YES and whats the difference ? i thought all of you would recognize them , guess not.
you got it twisted ? just cause you talk of race doesnt make it racist - thats you being insecure ... according to you im not thinking when i write ´but i dont really CARE WHAT YOU THINK :) and where did i say that a coach can be or is influenced by boxer ? its the other way around love ! HERO´S ? come back to earth please ...

• noun 1 the belief that there are characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to each race.

this is about boxing not about what a textbook say s - this aint about downplaying no race on this planet ? whats wrong with you guys ... mexican & black boxers both have buetiful styles of boxing , but there diffrent : yes or no ? YES and whats the difference ? i thought all of you would recognize them , guess not.

If you don't care what we think why ask a question!

suicide I was trying to help dig you out of a hole you'd just dug yourself into, if you don't want any help and prefer to just keep digging fine, I'll sod off.
Suicide, your initial question was written extremely poorly. You asked a question in the header and then your OP looks like you posted an answer, not a continuation of the question, which led many people to a conclusion that you meant something other than what you did. A lot of people over-reacted without asking for real clarification, but then you reacted defensively instead of clarifying what you meant.

In the end this is was all started because of a really poorly communicated initial post on your part. Take the criticism and learn the lesson.
Suicide, your initial question was written extremely poorly. You asked a question in the header and then your OP looks like you posted an answer, not a continuation of the question, which led many people to a conclusion that you meant something other than what you did. A lot of people over-reacted without asking for real clarification, but then you reacted defensively instead of clarifying what you meant.

In the end this is was all started because of a really poorly communicated initial post on your part. Take the criticism and learn the lesson.

yeah i guess it is my fault for not being more to the point - the thing that got to me was peeps were trying say it was racist ... im deading the issue :angel:
Suidcide, you really must stop posting stuff without actually thinking about what you are writing!

I'm going to take a stab at what I think you mean.... and it's that Mexican boxing trainers and coaches are influenced by specific boxers while black boxing trainers and coaches and here I'll assume you mean Americans are also influenced by specific but different fighters. Being influenced this way they are trying to emulate their 'heroes' if I put it that way. This accounts for different styles being done by Mexican and black boxers. Is this what you meant?

I'm not sure it holds water as an argument but it's certainly less contentious that how your OP reads.
Kudos to you, Tez for trying to give the benefit of the doubt.

The only problem with interpreting the question this way is that he said Mexican, which is a nationality, and Black, which refers to an ethnic group, some of whom are of Cuban, Mexican, United States, Canadian, English, or some other nationality.

I would venture that there are regional differences in training methods and stragegy preferences, but that would be about it.

One really cannot base it on ethnicity because for the most part, aside from skin tone, the only factor ethnicity really plays is differences in average height and build, but these are mostly discounted by weight class. A guy who is 6'3 and 200lbs. will fight differently than a 5'10 boxer who is 200lbs. This has nothing to do with ethnicity, though.

There may be certain cultural preferrences in terms of stylistic factors, but that only accounts for style. The rest really will not be based on ethnicity, but on training and personal dedication, which can vary greatly from person to person, regardless of ethnic group.

and duran and tyson do not have the same style ... they both do damage but thats about it.
They were also in a different weight classes, so undoubtedly their styles will be different due to that factor alone.

But given the nature of the question, I feel that one important detail which negates the comparison of the two men is that Duran is not Mexican. He is Panamanian.

Kudos to you, Tez for trying to give the benefit of the doubt.

The only problem with interpreting the question this way is that he said Mexican, which is a nationality, and Black, which refers to an ethnic group, some of whom are of Cuban, Mexican, United States, Canadian, English, or some other nationality.

I would venture that there are regional differences in training methods and stragegy preferences, but that would be about it.

One really cannot base it on ethnicity because for the most part, aside from skin tone, the only factor ethnicity really plays is differences in average height and build, but these are mostly discounted by weight class. A guy who is 6'3 and 200lbs. will fight differently than a 5'10 boxer who is 200lbs. This has nothing to do with ethnicity, though.

There may be certain cultural preferrences in terms of stylistic factors, but that only accounts for style. The rest really will not be based on ethnicity, but on training and personal dedication, which can vary greatly from person to person, regardless of ethnic group.


Yes. I would not object to discussion on differences between an American boxer and a mexican boxer or a Russian Boxer, or a Chinese Boxer, etc.

To that end there are differences not because of race, but the trainers and their methods, the styles of boxing preferred culturally, weight, strength, speed, height, and stamina. Also the boxers personality comes into play.

But that is not how this post was worded.
You obviously have never seen the Arctic Games, and the Inuit High Kick competition......

That's true. But after watching The Ultimate Warrior on Spike, and the scientific vigor with which they approached the subject, I'm confident at least that the Maori will lose to a Shaolin monk in the majority of 1,000 computer simulations.

Very valuable data indeed.


you got it twisted ? just cause you talk of race doesnt make it racist - thats you being insecure ... according to you im not thinking when i write ´but i dont really CARE WHAT YOU THINK :) and where did i say that a coach can be or is influenced by boxer ? its the other way around love ! HERO´S ? come back to earth please ...

• noun 1 the belief that there are characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to each race.

this is about boxing not about what a textbook say s - this aint about downplaying no race on this planet ? whats wrong with you guys ... mexican & black boxers both have buetiful styles of boxing , but there diffrent : yes or no ? YES and whats the difference ? i thought all of you would recognize them , guess not.

When you communicate the words have to mean what the words mean to effectively communicate. If you can't accept the definition of words in the english language then you can't communicate effectively.

If you don't care what others have to think then you have no business posting in public forums. I have given you information to better your communication skills, but if you don't care about improving your communication skills then by all means continue on, and if you are too proud to take the help offered by Tez, myself, and others then don't act like you haven't a clue when people misunderstand your posts.

Likewise, it is unreasonable to assert that people who disagree with you or misunderstand you are narrow-minded. And if that is the attitude you are going to take then you will also find yourself with few people wanting to discuss anything with you.

It's just friendly advise mate.
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