Whatcha been up to lately?

KenpoTess said:
Anything new and interesting or not so new and uninteresting going on in your world? Do tell :D

Same ole stuff, working,teaching, working out, and hoping to win the lotto to retire, and teach Kenpo full time! :asian:
well that sounds exciting Ricky :)

Teaching Kenpo full time can be Time consuming *G* but it's fun and I sooo need a vacation~!!

Oh that cruise is sounding sooo inviting........
Same crap, different day...

home on spring break till the 21st and getting to see lots of me friends, which is all good. :D
KenpoTess said:
I so want my first one........... You can carry the luggage ..

me carrying luggage still means I'm on it the friggin' boat...so it's all good. I'll carry mine and yours, don't matter...just as long as I'm there.

planning and thinking when I can take my vacation.

Then work changes my plans again :( ;), and I start all over :rolleyes:
lessee...bathing suit...pair of khakis...TMNT shirt...sunglasses...razor...face wash and medicine...toothbrush...towel. bare neccessities. :)
...I went to the arcade today...and played one of my favorite games...and got my *** handed to me by a kid no older than twelve.....I'm getting old. :waah:
Hmm.........I don't want to be back in Virginia or back in school! Argh. I wanted to stay in the Bahamas but my friends wouldn't let me. What bad friends they are. This semester is really kicking me a**, who knew it was gonna get harder? All I can say is I'm ready for summer and only 9 credit hours (instead of 18:)). Six more weeks, hope I can handle it.

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