What you like about TKD

I agree. I do what I call "old style TKD" (That's before all that stuff was removed for sport). Some people don't realize that TKD does have a fair amount of joint locks, throws, take-downs, ect. I even asked my instructor once if he mixed some kind of Judo with TKD, but he said no. TKD does have this stuff. I was kinda shocked, because I didn't know it either, till I started training here. It was a welcome suprise for me, cause I came from a sport TKD school. And we regularly train in this stuff, also. It's not just kicking, punching and sparring. It's so much more :)
Originally posted by karatekid1975
I agree. I do what I call "old style TKD" (That's before all that stuff was removed for sport). Some people don't realize that TKD does have a fair amount of joint locks, throws, take-downs, ect. I even asked my instructor once if he mixed some kind of Judo with TKD, but he said no. TKD does have this stuff. I was kinda shocked, because I didn't know it either, till I started training here. It was a welcome suprise for me, cause I came from a sport TKD school. And we regularly train in this stuff, also. It's not just kicking, punching and sparring. It's so much more :)
WOW! And this is from Rochester! That is simply amazing. I would be thinking a state like NY would've gone ballistic, but NY is no California. :D You found a diamond in the rough, kudos.

Old style TKD is the only TKD, no exceptions. The days of the drill instructors beating you with sticks is gone and making training like British SAS boot camp, only it never ends are gone, but I'm glad to see that those types of schools are still around. That may not be your school, but that doesn't define combat-oriented school. You found a combat-oriented school, and that's great! I'd be thinking that with all the ***** RIT kids getting off spring break would like a few lessons (my newphew goes to RIT).
Yes, I found a gem amoung stones, dude. This school is awsome. You are right. I was lucky, because Rochester is full of the McDojang, sport, money greedy places that don't teach nothing. This school is in a little town, too. "You blink you miss it" type thing. And I also drive 40 minutes to get there, but it's worth it :)

We have kids from RIT at my school, too :)
i must say for me the main attraction of TKD was the kicking, jumping kicks arnt a large part of the syllabus in my base style, but the staying power was competition.

i managed to make vice captain of the england AIMAA squad (GM hee il cho's association) so it was mainly the ITF sparring but still great fun!:D
My favorite thing about TKD is that we are considered family. White belts through black belts are our brothers and sisters. The Masters treat us the same and after class, we can share and laugh at jokes as family. I feel like the dojang is my home away from home.
I also enjoy board-breaking a lot.
And I like watching the more advanced students doing their forms or breaking techs.
I believe the things I like most about TKD, is the movement. The footwork and the movement speed of one's attack's is what drew me to TKD at second glance. The footwork just amazed me. Of course at first glance, all I saw were the dynamics... which I might add are superb. In short, I suppose that its the fluidity of movement, and SPEED that i love about TKD most.

Along with the speed, I also believe the dexterity and flexibility gained from TKD is an excellent quality. These are very important stepping stones for me in my progress as a martial artist.
I agree with you there :) Plus, I like the stuff I learn as far as self defense goes. It's second to none in this area. Of course there is no Hapkido here, but it's close :D
Originally posted by platinum_angel
hmmmmm..................sorry can't think of anything


DonÂ’t mind him. He is MTÂ’s newest troll. He was in the karate forum trash talking as well.
He studied Goju for a whole year:eek: and now reckons he is an expert to critique all MAs.
What would this forum be without the inexperienced experts telling us all the TRUTH about martial arts? We need guys like him to keep the boards alive with excitement!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
hhmmm...i know something good in TKD, the throat pratice, when praticing TKD they send more kiais then kicks!
What would this forum be without the inexperienced experts telling us all the TRUTH about martial arts? We need guys like him to keep the boards alive with excitement!

well yea, without them it would just be people sharing honost information(for the most part):shrug: how boring would that be?
Originally posted by Infight
hhmmm...i know something good in TKD, the throat pratice, when praticing TKD they send more kiais then kicks!

You trying to reassert your trollish presence now that platnum_angel has fallen?
Infight, I've tried not repsonding to your ignorant attitude in the past but I'm going to say it now... don't be a moron.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis
Infight, I've tried not repsonding to your ignorant attitude in the past but I'm going to say it now... don't be a moron.

At the risk breaking a Martial Talk rule: I'm not sure Infight can help it.
What I like about taekwondo is........about taking a new approach in life. To work hard, understand culture, meeting new people, finding new ways to explore spirituality, and to experience pain.