Please help me! I'm desperate!
Hello Desperate in Virginia!
I'm Last Fearner from Michigan :mst:
Christina, since you seem to be seriously attempting to discover the answer to your instructor's question on your own, even though you're having trouble with it, I would be willing to help you some. It is good to seek out other sources from which to learn, but if you were just being lazy and asking others for the answers, I would say to try harder. However, you appear to be genuinely stuck, so here are some hints:
First of all, you should be sure that you learn the trigrams of the I-Ching that are used for each of the Taegeuk Poomsae, and the corresponding elements of nature that each represent (four of these trigrams are depicted on the Korean Flag, and four are not). Each of these trigrams represent many things in life, and characteristics of forces in nature. The first form, Il jang, is represented by the three solid bars which represents heaven. I'll leave it to you to search out the rest.
Secondly, think about the directions you are turning, and the path you are taking throughout the pattern of each Taegeuk. Where do you go for movements 1-8 in Il jang, Yi jang, and Sam jang. Then compare those to where you go in movements 1-8 in Sa jang. If you notice a difference, what is it, and why do you suppose it is that way?
Another point to consider are the types of techniques used. If you have really been analyzing these forms closely, you should have at least observed some differences in progression of techniques. What types of blocks are used in each form? - - punches? - - kicks? Are the blocks and strikes open or closed hand? Are they all single hand, or are there double hand techniques (two things happening at once)? How does that compare to the first three forms? What types of kicks are used, how many, and where in the form do they occur? What is done on the top line of Sa jang, and how is that different from any of the other three poomsae? How is the second half of Sa jang different, and how does the form end that might vary from the others?
Perhaps these things will give you something to stir up some thought. If more questions occur in your mind, post them here, and we can continue the search for knowledge, and maybe others will give you their personal insights and observations. If you like, you can PM me directly, and I will taunt you some more. :ultracool
Talk to you soon
CM D.J. Eisenhart