What Would You Throw In?

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
If you were trying to create a well rounded system based upon Western Martial Arts, what would you throw in? GM Presas threw in jiu-jitsu and karate, as well as Arnis, to create the dynamic style of Modern Arnis. What would you choose from among Western arts and techniques to create your ideal Western based system?
Is pankration considered a Western martial art? I don't know much about it, but it always struck me as being a pretty good blend of different ranges.
Johnathon this is a great question. I would throw in the following :

Pankration or BJJ
Boxing (old style)
Spanish Sword skills
Spanish Stick skills
Modern Police Defensive Tactics
Firearms Training
Combined with paramilitary training in Survival skills
Verbal Judo
Legal Issues on Self Defense

There would be more but that would be a good start.
you could cover a lot of ground with just good ol' wrestling and boxing. got your stand up, got your ground. only gap i see is neither is designed around combat -- the basics aren't harmful enough for true self defense.

weapons would be another dimension, and sadly we westerners just don't have the richness (or maybe tradition) of weapons training they had back in the day. still, there's some good sword arts...
To the aforementioned list I would like to add Scottish backhold wrestling. It is an often overlooked style that can be a very good addition to many styles.
Well here is exactly what I do.....first off I want to make sure all ranges of combat are covered so I will place the arts at range.

Weapon arts:
Quarter staff/Jogo Du Pao
Single stick/broadsword/saber
bowie/navaja and tomahawk

kicking range:

Punching range
boxing inclucing older bareknuckle style, early modern and Russian casting style

Grappling range
Sambo, folks styles and catch wrestling

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