I studied under Grandmaster Lu, 2 time full contact National Champion of Taiwan. He was a master of Northern Shaolin Gong Fu and Old Yang Style Tai Qi. We'd meditate every day and every day after meditation he'd be up in the rafters 30 feet above us, and nobody could figure out how he got there, we never heard anything.
Long Gong Fu forms and Tai Qi forms are the Antithesis of MMA. They are to promote strength, health, memory, mindfulness, mental health, protect against degenerative brain function etc.
MMA sport fighting has at its core the disregard of one's health and metal well-being.
There's no Chinese practicioner that wouldn't rather cut you down with a sword than allow you to pummel their head repeatedly. You'd die. Nobody tolerates blatant disrespect, and they'd be fine knifing you through the back in kind.
Further more if you're getting mugged, its probably not one guy. A Kung Fu practicioner trains multiple opponents all the time. That's Kung Fu. Going into an angry crowd that wants you dead and walking away without being knifed in the back by the 7th guy you didn't see.