What were you attacked with?

What type of weapon were you attacked with?

  • Blunt object: stick, bat, rock, bar stool

  • Pointy / sharp object: knife, broken bottle, razor blade, wit (kidding)

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When I was still in my teens I had a gentleman break his half arm cast over my head and in the same fight a beer bottle over my forearm.

While I was in the army sitting in a bar one night I had turned around talking to a buddy of mine and another gentleman stuck a pen knife through my left index finger. He said it was because of something I did to him the week before (beat his ***) I proceeded to give him his knife back and did. Also during this era of my life I was dating a very lovely young lady. I had told her I was going to a bachelor party. she said "ok". I told her what bar I was going to and what time I would be home. Well that night she had locked her keys to the apartment in the apartment and seeing as how the bar wasnt too far from the house. She came to the bar to get my keys. As soon as she walked into the bar I was at the bar getting more beer and talking to the waitress. She saw this picked up a kitchen knife we used to slice my buddy's going away cake with and proceeded around the bar several times to give me that Knife
clapping_tiger said:
Back in high school (God, it's been 12 years already?!?!) my buddy and I were walking down a quite street when another kid neither of us have seen before came out from behind a bush trying to hold us up with a Steak Knife. We were not physically attacked, but for some stupid reason we did not run and were going to take the kid on. After all there was 2 of us :rolleyes: Stupid move now that I think of it. But I slowly cirlcled around to the guys side that was holding the knife while my buddy was egging him on to try something. My plan was to grab his arm and try to break his arm over my knee. I don't know if it would have worked or not. But for some reason (I don't have a clue in the world as to why he gave up his advantage) he dropped the knife and that's when I tackled him into the bush he jumped out of and my buddy grabbed the knife and broke the blade from the handle and threw it, we then proceeded to thrash the kid good then went on our way, feeling real tough now.
While getting the hell out of dodge in the first place may have been a better solution, you did the next bes thing. Which was display confidence, disrupt his narrative, and shift the threat from you, to him. Suddenly he wasnt the big bad mugger any more, he was the scared kid facing off against two mean looking guys who clearly werent scared of a knife.

Of course, it could have all gone pear-shaped if he had some buddies around that corner. But it could just as easily gone pear-shaped if you ran and he chased.
Rocks(cut head), beer bottle(cut head and fractured skull), lead pipe(broken rib), heavy boots(broken rib), switchblade(slashed chin and puntured lung), P38 9mm(wounded dignity).
Rocks(cut head), beer bottle(cut head and fractured skull), lead pipe(broken rib), heavy boots(broken rib), switchblade(slashed chin and puntured lung), P38 9mm(wounded dignity).

Holy Crap. I hope that all wasn't in one fight. Just kidding. Was this due to your job(bouncer, LEO, or Military), or just street fights?
TonyM. said:
Rocks(cut head), beer bottle(cut head and fractured skull), lead pipe(broken rib), heavy boots(broken rib), switchblade(slashed chin and puntured lung), P38 9mm(wounded dignity).
I am also interested in this post, in regards to the 9mm. Can you provide more details of that situation and how you disarmed/evaded the threat?
Venomstrike said:
I am also interested in this post, in regards to the 9mm. Can you provide more details of that situation and how you disarmed/evaded the threat?
The way I understand the post I would say that he didn't, it looks like he either got shot or performed my personal favourite Kenpo technique "the fleeing chicken" (as somebody else put it...)
I remember I was working at a restaurant and the kitchen manager had a few words and I told him shut up because he was talking so much crap. He then proceeded to get a large cleaver and started to come after me. Luckily, the manager came in and he dropped the knife and acted like nothing happened. We both were told to chill out and if we touched each other outside the establishment that we can just get another job. We chilled out and the next night, we went out and had a beer. Go figure.
masherdong said:
I remember I was working at a restaurant and the kitchen manager had a few words and I told him shut up because he was talking so much crap. He then proceeded to get a large cleaver and started to come after me. Luckily, the manager came in and he dropped the knife and acted like nothing happened. We both were told to chill out and if we touched each other outside the establishment that we can just get another job. We chilled out and the next night, we went out and had a beer. Go figure.
This is a prime example of not doing somethng to provoke a physical confrontation or reaction. remains me of that saergant in "Full Metal Jacket" yelling at that private in the latrine whom had a loaded weapon.

Perhaps things happen for a reason, thus to "clear the air".

Who bought the beers? :)
I have never actually been attacked with a weapon. I have disarmed an acquaintance of a hickory baton (which was mine) before he was able to seriously threaten someone with it. He was not impressed with that, but I was. :uhyeah:

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