What were you attacked with?

What type of weapon were you attacked with?

  • Blunt object: stick, bat, rock, bar stool

  • Pointy / sharp object: knife, broken bottle, razor blade, wit (kidding)

Results are only viewable after voting.


For those of you who have been attacked, assaulted, or in some kind of altercation where a weapon was involved (either offensively or defensively).

Feel free to vote once for every incident.

This is a follow up to the poll of who have been attacked, whether a weapon was involved or not.
None of the about, my mother in law cant fit into any of those categories.


Can I select Both?

I have been attacked more than once. :confused: :eek:

Must have been the job and friends I was hangng around.:shrug:
Originally posted by Yari
None of the about, my mother in law cant fit into any of those categories.



They Don't Call Em Battleaxes for nothin...
I've been attacked with a donut before.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Can I select Both?

I have been attacked more than once. :confused: :eek:

Must have been the job and friends I was hangng around.:shrug:

Me too. I must live in the same state as Rich, and I must have hung around with similar morons!
...Did I mention it was jelly-filled and had sprinkles very dangerous.
I was once attacked with a mechanical pencil.

The person tried to stab me and broke his pencil.
Heh. You need a spot for 'other'. When I was a wee lad, I got in a fight with some fella and when I was trying to make him eat my shoe, his buddy kept hitting me on the back with a trumpet case.

I guess that would be considered a blunt object, though.

Way way before any seriouos M.A. training, I was trying to be
chivalrous and jumped a guy that was slapping the blonde off
his girlfriend. I was on top of him, had him pinned, and was
pounding on him when she broke a dowel, mop handle,
something like that across my back. It was 1 1/2 to 2 inches in
diameter I'd say. No idea where she got it from, she certainly
didn't have it when "the love of her life" was slapping her into
next week. Had it not hurt so bad, that would've been the first
time I ever hit a woman. But instead it led to her boyfriend
getting the drop on me, and me getting my just desserts for
sticking my nose into thier business.

Funny thing is, I totally forgot all about it, until this thread.
(slight tangent)... thats funny... the amount of times I've intervened to help others and been attacked/assaulted or verbally shot at! No one accepts chivilary anymore!
LOL - still, good to try!

As for the weapons.... hmm.... the most interesting ones would have to be a bag of flour, a shopping basket, a CD, a fridge door (detatched!) and a rabbit, (the last might not count... I was 5 and my sister was 4... LOL oh such fun in childhood - I had scratches for three weeks all over my face and neck! Does a rabbit come under blunt or sharp?)
Yes was a high school teacher and had to break up the fight, the 13 year old stuck me with the knife, so I re-acted and broke his nose mother,school administrators and everybody was pissed, oh well things happen get over it my dad always said!!!
Aye, you didn't put enough choices there because I too have been attacked by both in the poll and other odd things.
So might want to do it again or find a way to break it all up...
Guys at the pub used to break bottles, which were sharp. Never got too dramatic.

Glad I'm an engineer now and no longer a bouncer.
I got hit jumpers cables once and a spark plug wire another time.
Mr.GoodWrench?! HA!

I was actually with a kebab once!
I have been attacked with a knife, that wasnt to fun. Turned out to be painfull for the guy with the knife though. I was also attacked with a loaf of bread one time. The sad part about that was that i got beat due to uncontrollable laughing.
As regards actually attacked, a broom handle, but I have also had several sharp things waved at me, a broken bottle, a long screwdriver and (as funny as it sounds) a T shaped corkscrew...

Can't say that I miss working in that bar...
Back in high school (God, it's been 12 years already?!?!) my buddy and I were walking down a quite street when another kid neither of us have seen before came out from behind a bush trying to hold us up with a Steak Knife. We were not physically attacked, but for some stupid reason we did not run and were going to take the kid on. After all there was 2 of us :rolleyes: Stupid move now that I think of it. But I slowly cirlcled around to the guys side that was holding the knife while my buddy was egging him on to try something. My plan was to grab his arm and try to break his arm over my knee. I don't know if it would have worked or not. But for some reason (I don't have a clue in the world as to why he gave up his advantage) he dropped the knife and that's when I tackled him into the bush he jumped out of and my buddy grabbed the knife and broke the blade from the handle and threw it, we then proceeded to thrash the kid good then went on our way, feeling real tough now.

When I think of all the bad that could have happened I am almost embarrased at what we did. But when you are a young teenager, and with your friends you think you cannot be hurt.

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