what to do

hong kong fooey

Black Belt
I have started to take TANG SOO DO and im not sure if I should drop my TAE KWON DO Class! I like MY TKD class but I feel as if Im not learning anything new.

I want to learn some self defence moves and they are not taught at my TKD class.

maybe I should take a break for awhile but I have my Brown Belt and I really want to get my black belt also.

should I bite the bullet and continue with the class until I get my black belt or should I take a break for awhile?
Quit now before it is too late. TKD can be addictive and once you are under the influence you may never escape.
thanks for the advice. Im still wondering what to do as of now I am taking a break and maybe I will go back to TAE KWON DO later on
Do what is best for you HKP and remember if you are not happy then why be there.
Taking a break for a bit from one Art while studying another is a good thing. Is there a reason that you have to decide what to do about TKD, now? You can always pick up TKD again later.

If you are close to getting your black belt, get it! Get it and then decide if you want to try something else.

What is more, in your TKD class, is it so rigid you can't use any technique but what they allow in that class? If not, improvise. Add some things you can pick up from boxing or JKD or Kempo. Read Bruce Lee! He really did have some interesting methods and ideas.

I can undstand you feel it's kind of stale, so see about refreashing it some!

I think I should point out that,

martial art training is NOT always about "learning new stuff."

Very often (especially at the level you have reached!) it is about TRAINING what you have learned so far!

Do you REALLY think your sidekick is as good as it could be or should be?

Do you REALLY think you are doing Taeguek Pal Chang as well as you could be or should be?

You think that's air you're breathing now? er wait. wrong line. disregard (/end humor attempt)

Are you REALLY breathing as well as you should be during your forms?

I empathize with you: I know what it's like to be thirsty for new stuff. FWIW, I went several YEARS without learning a single new technique in hapkido yet my hapkido improved significantly during that time.

But IMO it is THESE times in your training that will give you DEPTH in technique and depth is in many ways much more important than breadth.

Fun or not, I would recommend sticking it out with TKD at least until you have successfully tested for black belt + another 6 to 9 months of training as a black belt.
I think I should point out that,

martial art training is NOT always about "learning new stuff."

Very often (especially at the level you have reached!) it is about TRAINING what you have learned so far!

Do you REALLY think your sidekick is as good as it could be or should be?

Do you REALLY think you are doing Taeguek Pal Chang as well as you could be or should be?

You think that's air you're breathing now? er wait. wrong line. disregard (/end humor attempt)

Are you REALLY breathing as well as you should be during your forms?

I empathize with you: I know what it's like to be thirsty for new stuff. FWIW, I went several YEARS without learning a single new technique in hapkido yet my hapkido improved significantly during that time.

But IMO it is THESE times in your training that will give you DEPTH in technique and depth is in many ways much more important than breadth.

Fun or not, I would recommend sticking it out with TKD at least until you have successfully tested for black belt + another 6 to 9 months of training as a black belt.

OK I have to say this in regards to being a BB, the belt is not the end all it is trhe spirit that each of us have for the Art that we practise, once that spirit has been taken from us and we start to look into other ways to fill that void we must move on. Now witht hat being said one maybe down the road be able to rekindle the flame and continue training at a later point. We all have a path to enlightment we cannot choose when and where it will happen but train to get there at that certain point.

Matt you must do what your heart tells you and what your body will endure during these times. If you need someone to talk to then please call, e-mail or write, I am always in your corner.