I apologize. it was hard for me to read too. lol Hopefuly I get it right this time.
Yes, you got it.
There is no confusion. All I am saying is there are times when calling for help isn't enough. I think we have, like two different type of scenarios in our heads. Maybe in this car accident that you're thinking of it is late at night and it's on I-95 and it's really dangerous to stop in the dark etc. Maybe in my scenario it's daytime on a quite street, and I'm comfortable with stopping and comfortable with first aid(which is a good class BTW and you should consider taking it. At least for your loved ones sake)
True, depending on location does make some difference. Of course, it could be said that despite first aid which is basic training, maybe I don't want to risk causing further injury. Another short story. I was in WalMart a few years ago. From the next aisle I heard a yell and a thud. I walked around the corner and saw an elderly lady on the ground. Apparently someone bumped into her with the carriage and knocked her down. She didn't 'appear' to be injured. One of the store mgrs. came over with another kid. He told him to get a chair and then looked at me and asked to help him lift her up. I suggested that he keep her on the ground and call an ambulance. He disregarded that, the kid came back with the chair and he told the kid to help her. I backed off and left. Why? How does she know that she isn't injured? Happens all the time in an accident. You feel fine at the moment and suddenly pain. First aid or not, I'm not a professional. I also don't want to get sued. There're people out there, ie: EMTs, Paramedics, LEOs, Firefighters, and Doctors who get paid to give care. Let them do it. They know how to properly lift, stabalize, etc. Again, calling should be enough.
Chasing after bad guys IS crazy. They're running away. Screw'em. Getting physically involved when it is appropriate is different from being a dumbass and chasing bankrobbers and stuff
So, when you approach this guy kicking his girlfriends ***, and he pulls out a gun and aims it at you, then what? What happens when you're pulling him off of his girlfriend, she pulls out a knife and stabs you. See what I'm saying? The intent is good on your part, I will give you that. But I'm looking at it from another side. Will that always happen? I don't know, but personally I'm not risking my life in a situation like that.
Again, maybe the scenarios are different between us. Maybe you're thinking of a couple drunk college kids brawlin it out in some bar. No, I wouldn't break them up because I don't think that's worth my time. I remember seeing this Dateline episode and they had a little girl(actress) playing in a park by herself. Then, they'd have some guy(actor) who would begin to coerce her to go with him even though they are strangers. Just an experiment on seeing what bystanders would do. Only a small % got involved.
The other %....did they call the police? Or did they do nothing at all?
That's what I mean. Some people are just too reluctant to get involved. That little kid is worth my time because she can't fight for herself, unlike some moron in a bar. If calling the police is all I can do than that's fine but if the conditions are good to get verbally involved than I will. If the conditions are right to get phyically involved than I will.
As I said, I respect your decision if thats what you want to do. In return, people should respect the decision to a) not do anything or b) at least call, if they don't want to get involved. As long as you're prepared to take the risks that come along with getting involved. As long as you're willing to die for 2 people who you don't know and who probably fight on a daily basis, but the girl is too dumb to leave because she thinks the guy really "loves" her, thats fine. As long as your wife and kids are ok with that, then as I said, I wish you well.
The scenarios going through my head have nothing to do with playing hero. I remember stopping at an accident last year. This elderly gentlemen crossed the median and struck a car. I dialed 911 and stopped to see if I could help before aid showed up. It was impossible to apply first aid cause he was still in the vehicle and it was slightly crushed in. I just told him that help was coming and I'd stay until they got there. Just to let him know he wasn't alone. He was very scared and I think that by just hangin out with him for a few minutes was comforting.
You know what I mean?
And I could tell you stories of the Chief of one of the fire depts that I dispatch for, who stopped his fire vehicle behind a disabled car, and stayed until PD got there. However, it was a very busy night, and he was getting upset because PD wasn't getting there quick enough. Well, nobody told you to play police officer and stop, you did it on your own, so shut the hell up and wait until the domestics, assaults, and major accidents clear up. If he wants to be a cop that bad, then he should apply.
Believe me, I've stopped, and asked if everyone was ok, if the police had been called, etc. Trust me when I say though, you'd be surprised at the number of people who do just what I do....drive by and call 911. Everybody calls.

However, when I ask if there are injuries, the majority of people that I talk to say...." I don't know. I was driving by, saw the crash and called 911." or, " Don't know, but everybody is out of their cars." or "I stopped and asked. Everybody said they were ok."
Props to all those folks.

They helped. Their simple call got help started.
As I said, if someone wants to physically get involved, more power to them. As long as they are willing to accept anything else that follows. If someone just wants to call, then those people, whether they could help physically or not, still deserve some props for getting involved. Afterall, they could have just looked the other way.