What should be The Warrior Diet?


White Belt
The Warrior diet is a controversial diet that encourages under-eating during the day and then feasting at night. It is designed to mimic the way a warrior would eat (Spartans are mentioned by the creator).

I was just wondering if anyone had tried this diet or knows anything about it?

It seems to go against a lot of the more traditional methods of dieting e.g. 6 small meals a day.

Cheers Guys
Thread moved to Health Tips where it is better suited.

Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin.
We know a lot more now about physiology than they did 2000 years ago. Eating at regular times is very important. So is being mindful of what you're eationg. But if you want to lose weight and have energy during the day it's best have breakfast (most important) and lunch. Medical wisdom for a generation, confirmed by the best science has to offer is "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper."
Meat! Meat and beer! With a side of meat!

and more beer!

seriously though, the 'warrior diet' had better be a joke.

everything today points to small meals throughout the day, a steady intake of calories and nutrition to avoid hills and valleys in your energy and ease digestion.

to top it all off, if you're going to skip a meal it's dinner that should go missing. the idea of a huge meal just before bed is downright silly.

raw, red meat and beer! six times a day. fed to me by nubile wenches. (lamenting wenches who once belonged to my enemies, whom i have crushed and seen driven before me)
and more beer!

seriously though, the 'warrior diet' had better be a joke.

everything today points to small meals throughout the day, a steady intake of calories and nutrition to avoid hills and valleys in your energy and ease digestion.

to top it all off, if you're going to skip a meal it's dinner that should go missing. the idea of a huge meal just before bed is downright silly.

raw, red meat and beer! six times a day. fed to me by nubile wenches. (lamenting wenches who once belonged to my enemies, whom i have crushed and seen driven before me)

What is good in life, Conan?
Seriously: A rice and vegetable based diet with some animal protein.

Remember the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin: 'to lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.'

There is scientific evidence to support Ben's theory. Rats that were on a calorie restricted diet lived 50% longer than rats that could eat whatever and whenever they wanted, in one scientific experiment.

Just be moderate and eat natural and simple foods
Seriously: A rice and vegetable based diet with some animal protein.

Remember the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin: 'to lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.'

There is scientific evidence to support Ben's theory. Rats that were on a calorie restricted diet lived 50% longer than rats that could eat whatever and whenever they wanted, in one scientific experiment.

Just be moderate and eat natural and simple foods
Wasn't Ben a little overweight?
Yep I cook a rice, chicken veg and sauce dish for my household at least 4 times a week, especially the day before a heavy training day, we can accomplish more on this than we ever used to. The days before rest days we often get a roast dinner or chicken breast sandwiches, but I'd agree that breakfast is important, as I can't eat in the morning I have taken to drinking a vitamin shake instead.

Chicken is a good meat for people who do a lot of physical excercise, it's a good protein and I've heard it doesn't stick in your colon and weigh you down as much as red meat.
In ancient days, warriors ate simple food, for that is all they had. If you are seeking to improve your health, a balanced diet, a calm mind and proper exercise will take you far. If one wishes to look at ancient diets for athletic health, look to the diets of the first olympians, whose diet of fresh fish and fresh vegetables combined with intensive exercise led them to be far fitter than todays athletes, according to several reports comparing the two. In any event, fresh is better than preserved, though more expensive and less obtainable to some.
everything today points to small meals throughout the day, a steady intake of calories and nutrition to avoid hills and valleys in your energy and ease digestion.

To say that everything today supports the idea of eating small meals throughout the day is just plain wrong. There are not only studies suggesting that caloric restriction increases longevity as Freestyler mentions, but there are also studies suggesting that intermittent fasting (eating once a day, every other day or the like) can provide the same benefits as CR without restricting calories. My own experience with IF, which admittedly serves only as anecdote, is that it can help shed fat while leaving the lean mass.

Getting back to the question of what someone would eat on the Warrior Diet, most people that I've heard of who do IF tend to be on moderate-low carb diets otherwise. They tend not to eat things that would cause a large insulin spike when they do eat.
And different diets work better for different people and different activities.

Consult your doctor, especially if your doctor has a lot of sports medicine experience.

If you mean "soldier" when you say "warrior" rest assured that the armies of the developed world spend a hell of a lot of money figuring out how to deliver optimal if not always palatable nutrition to troops in the field.
The Warrior diet is a controversial diet that encourages under-eating during the day and then feasting at night. It is designed to mimic the way a warrior would eat (Spartans are mentioned by the creator).

I like this....reading further at this time....


Thread necromancy. if the OP hasn't sorted out his diet in the eleven years since he posted I reckon there's little hope.