What Martial Arts Book are you reading now


I am Advanced Pressure Point Fighting by George Dillman

Constantly Gorin no Sho (The Book of Five Rings), it's too deep comprehend in one lifetime, especially when practising Niten Ichi-Ryū.

I've been meaning to read others but I don't know where to start!
Constantly Gorin no Sho (The Book of Five Rings), it's too deep comprehend in one lifetime, especially when practising Niten Ichi-Ryū.
I've read it at least a couple dozen times over the span of years. Keep in mind that it was written expressly for his disciple who had intimate knowledge of Musashi's teachings, so don't feel bad that some understanding may be elusive. On the other hand, having felt wielding the sword, you have some advantage over others.

By the 10th reading I started to realize that Musashi was a practical warrior and was trying to get to the bare essence of what he thought was significant to pass on. Accordingly, I believe his writing, although very deep and far reaching, is in fact simplistic. Sort of like haiku. Seeing it in those terms, I at least have the illusion that I've gained some comprehension.
I've read it at least a couple dozen times over the span of years. Keep in mind that it was written expressly for his disciple who had intimate knowledge of Musashi's teachings, so don't feel bad that some understanding may be elusive. On the other hand, having felt wielding the sword, you have some advantage over others.

By the 10th reading I started to realize that Musashi was a practical warrior and was trying to get to the bare essence of what he thought was significant to pass on. Accordingly, I believe his writing, although very deep and far reaching, is in fact simplistic. Sort of like haiku. Seeing it in those terms, I at least have the illusion that I've gained some comprehension.

As I understand it, there's a lot of assumed/implicit knowledge required to receive the text's entire message. Like you said, it's a document written for students already deeply committed to his Ryū, and advanced.