What martial arts book are you currently reading?

Xing Yi Nei Gong: Xing Yi Health Maintenance and Internal Strength Development
Drawing on information from Zhang Bao Yang, Wang jin Yu and He Yu Qi all students of Wang ji Wu
Compiled/Edited by
Dan Miller and Tim Cartmell
I've been reading one of the very, very early TKD textbooks, Korean Karate, by Duk Sung Son—1968, but has the feel of something from a still earlier era, an echo of the dangerous mean streets of post-liberation Seoul. Unlike S. Henry Cho's book Taekwondo: Secrets of Korean Karate, DSS's book still has the reading feel of the old dingy kwan era... grimy, street-oriented bone-breaking TKD. DSS, a `first generation' shodan in the Chung Do Kwan, is one of the early 9th dans, and anyone who is under the severe misimpression that TKD is nothing more than some flashy martial acrobatics will get a very different idea of the art from his business-like descriptions of how TKD techniques can be employed to break an attacker into itty-bitty pieces, basically... they don't make 'em like that anymore, alas!

Where did you get those books? Barnes & Noble? I would like to know how TKD kicks can be used for self-defense.
I'm new to martial arts so I havn't really been exposed to much literature. However, I am currently readying Mushashi's Book of Five Rings. So far it is pretty good. His ways on strategy apply to anyone and can be incorperated into any martial art.
The Complete Martial Arts by Paul Crompton. It's been sitting on my shelf at my parents house for well over a decade. Thought I'd finally pick it up...
The Secret Power Within by Chuck Norris. Not exactly technique heavy or anything, but I am enjoying it and Chuck's insights are priceless. You know, Chuck Norris doesn't write his own books, he growls at a stack of papers then they get scared and write themselves :p:lol2:.
The Hidden History of Capoeira, A Collision of Cultures in the Brazilian Battle Dance, by Maya Talmon-Chvaicer, University of Texas Press, Austin, 2008.
Well I'm reading...hey wait a minute :xtrmshock I'm not reading ANY martial arts books at this time :erg: I...I... aaaaa...

My world just does not make sense anymore :anic:


Seriously I just realized I am not reading any MA books and that has not happened in a long time.
im reading bushido the book of the samurai and tae kwon do olympic style sparring(i forgot the name of the authors, they r 3)

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