What martial arts book are you currently reading?

Oh yes, Bennet knows his onions! Hagakure is like Go Rin no Sho…there are great translations and some not so good. It’s interesting to read Tsunetomo Yamamoto’s thoughts on the ‘47 Ronin’ incident (or the ‘Asano affair’ as I think he calls it).
Do you have any good book recommendations for the story of the 47 Ronin?
Do you have any good book recommendations for the story of the 47 Ronin?
I don’t really. There are many to choose from including audiobooks. The controversy seems to be how Kira (the etiquette coach) was insulted by Asano. Was it an inadequate gift to thank him for his teaching, was it because Asano was an uninterested student or was it that Kira simply took a dislike to the provincial lord that was Asano?
Just started on this, a very well-renownded text. I read the e-book version years ago and it's incredible (the original physical book is worth a LOT), he re-released this 2nd edition due to demand. Not just for Kyokushin practitioners but applicable to many martial artists. I love how he brings in the relevance of Eastern philosophy, spirituality and symbolism of the ranking system, and the holistic nature of the journey.

@Fungus have you read this yet? Highly recommended

Just started on this, a very well-renownded text. I read the e-book version years ago and it's incredible (the original physical book is worth a LOT), he re-released this 2nd edition due to demand. Not just for Kyokushin practitioners but applicable to many martial artists. I love how he brings in the relevance of Eastern philosophy, spirituality and symbolism of the ranking system, and the holistic nature of the journey.

@Fungus have you read this yet? Highly recommended

Not yet, the problem with books is that there are so many I should read, but I will keep an eye on this!
Just started on this, a very well-renownded text. I read the e-book version years ago and it's incredible (the original physical book is worth a LOT), he re-released this 2nd edition due to demand. Not just for Kyokushin practitioners but applicable to many martial artists. I love how he brings in the relevance of Eastern philosophy, spirituality and symbolism of the ranking system, and the holistic nature of the journey.

@Fungus have you read this yet? Highly recommended

View attachment 32339
I can’t find it on Amazon?
I can’t find it on Amazon?
OH and Cameron Quinn just put this up on FB, great timing for anyone interested haha:

"If you get an order in this week, I'll deliver it express mail the same day, so it has an excellent chance of arriving by Christmas.

Use the code XMAS20 until the end of January for 20% discount!"

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