What martial arts book are you currently reading?

Thanks for the reminder, I have been meaning to pick up that book by Mitsugi Saotome Let me know what you think

Another good Aikido book, if you have not already read it, is "Book of Ki: Co-Ordinating Mind and Body in Daily Life by Koichi Tohei"

Not a book for someone who has no idea what Akido is. YES, one can see the techniques or at least get an idea what they are but if you have never done Aikido or something like Aikido the book will be of little help.
Having said that I find the book informative in it's pictorials. You have been in the arts for many years and I belive you would enjoy what you see in the book.
The Martial Apprentice by Dean Roy.

By the way, could somebody throw me a list of books that I should read regarding Martial Arts, whether it be somebody else's experiences, factual stuff or anything like that.
just starting reading Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere ( an Illustrated introduction)
By A. Westbrook and O. Ratti

this seems to a book heavy with the philosophy of Akido and i feel it would be extremely hard for a novice in the arts to follow and learn from. This is the 4th time I have tried to red this book over many years and it is the first time my mind would let me follow and understand the many words used to convey the message of the author........Then again it just might be my mind was not ready to settle down and listen before. ...
I downloaded "Ultimate Kempo: The Spirit and Technique of Kosho Ryu" into my Nook. I am enjoying the book and it looks like I am out of luck on getting the video files to play. I will keep trying. I don't know if they did not download properly or the Nook won't play that format.

The book outlines a conceptual approach to stand-up fighting at the forearm to forearm level. The physics of what is going on and what the defenders options are for evasion and response and flow based on the geometric shape of the octagon. The book contains much careful explanation.

History is discussed at the beginning of the book and ways to apply its principles to daily life are brought up occasionally.

It would not be of much interest to a person already well versed in this subject. It stands more as a beginners reference text for the system.


These are the 4 books ive had out for the past few months.
As it turns out I was able to get the video file that came with this book after talking to an employee of Tuttle Publishing. Sandy was very helpful. The files will not download to a nook so they send you a link to get them.
Yiquan and the Nature of Energy by Sifu Fong Ha


Traditional Sun Lu-Tang Style Tai-Chi Photographic Guide by Jian-Yun Sun (Author), Bradford Tyrey (Compiler)

Not currently reading but I do want a few (I need to get copies of):
The complete ninja: The secret world revealed
Muay Thai: Peace, at last
Modern Arnis: History, and practice
Currently reading from my old collection of Blitz Martial arts magazines, going through them one by one (which I now just found out they're no longer publishing the magazine anymore :( ).

Hey @JR 137, do you have any of Tadashi Nakamura's books or have you read any of them? If so what did you think of them? I'm considering getting them, as I love what he and Seido Juku is about, and reckon his books would be a perfect read for me.. I even heard you have to have read certain books for certain grade promotions I think?
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Currently reading from my old collection of Blitz Martial arts magazines, going through them one by one (which I now just found out they're no longer publishing the magazine anymore :( ).

Hey @JR 137, do you have any of Tadashi Nakamura's books or have you read any of them? If so what did you think of them? I'm considering getting them, as I love what he and Seido Juku is about, and reckon his books would be a perfect read for me.. I even heard you have to have read certain books for certain grade promotions I think?
I’ve read both Karate: Technique and Spirit, and The Human Face of Karate. Both are quite good IMO. Both are technically required, per the syllabus, but I haven’t heard of anyone taking a test on them by any means. My CI has a copy or two if someone wants to borrow them.

I bought Technique and Spirit during my first stint in karate (non-Seido) as I thought it was a great book. My interest was mainly his philosophy as it relates to the study of karate. There’s technique stuff in there too, which the main allure to Seido students is most likely terminology. There’s a history section which is a bit suspect IMO, but it’s ok. It isn’t intentional nor slanted to benefit him, Seido, nor anyone else.

The Human Face is his autobiography. Quite an interesting read. The earliest parts are about his growing up. It focuses heavily on his karate - his pre-Kyokushin days, his days with Oyama, being sent to the US, his departure from Kyokushin and the aftermath of it, and why he’s taken Seido in its current direction.

There’s some quite interesting stuff about his Kyokushin days that’s not common knowledge - he introduced the belt color system, the seniors were pretty opposed to it, yet Oyama allowed it; the struggles in running Camp Zama, which was a US military base, etc.

Technique and Spirit can be found pretty cheap new and especially used on Amazon here. Human Face isn’t very common; I ordered it directly through Honbu for I think $20 or $25? Both are worth their new price IMO. I bought Technique and Spirit brand new in a bookstore before Amazon (and the internet, for all intents and purposes) was a thing. I didn’t regret spending the money. Again, this was about 20 years before my Seido days, so no real bias on my part.
@_Simon_ & @JR 137
i have "One Day One Life Time". i havnt read it in years but i really liked it. At the time i was practicing Rinzai Zen along with Aikido and my Karate. i was very much into blending Zen and karate at the time.
@_Simon_ & @JR 137
i have "One Day One Life Time". i havnt read it in years but i really liked it. At the time i was practicing Rinzai Zen along with Aikido and my Karate. i was very much into blending Zen and karate at the time.
I haven’t read that one, but I’ve heard several passages of it during meditation class. Very interesting stuff. I’ve been meaning to get it, but $40 is a bit steep. I can’t find it anywhere for less, such as Amazon. I’ve though about asking my CI to borrow it, but it’s not a book you borrow for a few days IMO. He’d gladly let me borrow it though, along with any other books on his shelf in the dojo.

He’s got Oyama’s holy trinity - What is Karate, This is Karate, and Advanced Karate sitting there too. Among others.

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