What martial art would a Jedi/Sith take? (for fun discussion)

Though Jedi and Sith are ideologically extremely different, there isn't a major difference in how they fight. A Sith will resort to "darker" tactics to win, but the physical techniques don't vary greatly from the Jedi.

Sai Tok is a lightsaber technique to cut an opponent in half, it's frowned upon by the Jedi. However, it's been used by numerous Jedi(including Obi-Wan). As Skribs mentioned, there are different forms of Lightsaber combat which is important to understand. Juyo has dark side roots, but it encompasses all of the other forms, nothing technique-wise causes it to be used by darksiders. Juyo practitioners must like fighting to be able to use it to its full potential, the psychological dynamic is "dark", not the techniques themselves.

Mace Windu(Samuel Jackson) created Vaapad, a watered down version of Juyo. He created it to be used by Jedi, hence why he watered it down. Many Jedi criticized him for doing so, for Vaapad also requires the practitioner to enjoy fighting. Every practitioner of Vaapad, excluding Mace, fell to the darkside.

Luke Skywalker created a light side version of Force lightning(darkside power) called Electric Judgment. The darkside version was fueled by hatred/rage, but Luke's version was fueled by determined justice. Both powers electrocute your opponent, but the psychology is different.

It's more the mindset/source(hate, justice, passion) of the technique that determines its alignment, not the technical dynamic itself.

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