Many years ago, there was a debate in which it was posited that student did not need to memorise vast amounts of information but instead, learn how to
access it from various digital media and implement. They were essentially a conduit, accessing it and implementing those data due to them having a physical body to do so.
The scenario might be,
Medical assistant: “Medical computer? This person has a
dangerously high potassium level. What should I do?”
T800 Medical Computer: <In Austrian accent> Give them insulin via a syringe driver and 10% glucose saline IV and closely monitor potassium and blood glucose levels. I’ll be back.
The medical assistant then gathers the equipment and blindly implements the advice. They don’t
need to know that high levels of insulin causes the cellular transmembrane sodium/potassium ATPase pump to change direction and safely pump potassium into the cell thus reducing plasma potassium. They would need to have the skills of venepuncture and setting up drips etc, but little else. The T800 would also talk other medical assistances through heart bypass surgery and…rectal examination.
The other side of the debate suggested that in emergency situations the medical practitioner needs to
know that a plasma potassium level above about 4.5mmol/L is high and how to act on it rapidly without logging on, and searching through the options.
The T800 Medical Computer would need to be brilliantly designed probably avoiding Microshaft/Appul. Imagine it updating it’s OS for 30 minutes when powered up in an emergency
ChatGPT is the equivalent of the T800 Medical Computer…