What makes your primary style primary

American kenpo.karate is my style its a good style for me because its fluid it also applies logic and practicality its also a thinking art also it teach ya to always check when ever you do a technique also kenpo teaches ya about opposite and reverse how technique can relate to each other and what if
American kenpo.karate is my style its a good style for me because its fluid it also applies logic and practicality its also a thinking art also it teach ya to always check when ever you do a technique also kenpo teaches ya about opposite and reverse how technique can relate to each other and what if

OK... I had to stop and mentally insert commas and periods into that, but I ended up getting it.
Could you share more on why it's perfect for you?

I find that low snapping kicks are where my physical body type, flexibility, and ability to generate power work well for me. Stances are typically higher and more natural, which also suits me. Upper body power generation is well-suited for my body type as well. I like to fight in close, I like to jam kicks, I step on feet. Less flash and more substance is right up my alley. Isshinryu is a brutal, fast, powerful style. Doesn't look pretty. Get the job done and leave, that's for me.
American kenpo.karate is my style its a good style for me because its fluid it also applies logic and practicality its also a thinking art also it teach ya to always check when ever you do a technique also kenpo teaches ya about opposite and reverse how technique can relate to each other and what if
Tbh in a lot of Kenpos techniques there's not a lot of real life logic in them and very much not practical
Why do you practice your current style? What about the style, gym, class, instructor or training culture keeps you coming back? For those who have studied multiple styles, why have you continued training in your primary style above the others? Why is it your primary style?

Good question.

For a long time it was a combination of muscle memory and brand loyalty.

One day I overcame those. Now I see style as a limitation. My primary style is what works best in a given situation. Go live, go live, and go live some more. Be honest with yourself and see where it takes you.
Why do you practice your current style? What about the style, gym, class, instructor or training culture keeps you coming back? For those who have studied multiple styles, why have you continued training in your primary style above the others? Why is it your primary style?

Mainly because it has proven effective against violent felons over the last (nearly) 30 years. When I started teaching in 1986 I began to see the glaring weaknesses in the various arts I studied when used in an actual real-world altercation against a pissed-off and/or high, resisting bad guy. This set me on a quest to find and merge more effective techniques and strategies that led me to what I teach today.
Mainly because it has proven effective against violent felons over the last (nearly) 30 years. When I started teaching in 1986 I began to see the glaring weaknesses in the various arts I studied when used in an actual real-world altercation against a pissed-off and/or high, resisting bad guy. This set me on a quest to find and merge more effective techniques and strategies that led me to what I teach today.

What is it you teach today?
Tbh in a lot of Kenpos techniques there's not a lot of real life logic in them and very much not practical

Could you give more detail to what you're referring to? I've never studied Kenpo, but I'm aware of their training methodology. You being a practitioner of the art, I'm interested to know more on what you think of it.
What is it you teach today?

Mainly a blend of all that I've trained in over the last 4+ decades. Mostly akin to Aiki Jujutsu/Chin Na/Hapkido as that has proven very effective for use while on-duty i.e. joint-locks/manipulation, chokes, sweeps, throws, cavity pressing, pressure points etc.
Mainly a blend of all that I've trained in over the last 4+ decades. Mostly akin to Aiki Jujutsu/Chin Na/Hapkido as that has proven very effective for use while on-duty i.e. joint-locks/manipulation, chokes, sweeps, throws, cavity pressing, pressure points etc.

Welcome back, bro. :)
You have an odd concept of being a good moderator and promoting friendly discussion.
When you jump in with derogatory statements about something, you really shouldn't expect that nobody will disagree. When you then claim truth and say others' experience doesn't matter, because of some quote you once heard, you really shouldn't expect that to be seen as "friendly discussion".

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