What makes people believe absurd conspiracy theories?

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im talking about you proving the world is a sphere , you only belive that to be true coz someone told you it was, now there are lot of people who can prove that, but your not one of them
Live camera feed from space. You have 2 choices. You can believe it or don't. Accept it as proof or don't
they were the greatest scientific minds in the whole world, some the greatest scientific minds that have ever been or likely to be
According to who? You? There are scientist who have already surpassed them in their own field of study.
Live camera feed from space. You have 2 choices. You can believe it or don't. Accept it as proof or don't
well exactly, yoyr defering to an aurthority figure, in this case nasa, that could be cgi, quite easily, you have noway of knowing if its real or not just that you trust nasa not to lie to you, so belif with out proof, again
but you dont think they were clever enough to know what radition was, ok
Nope. I don't. Just the same way scientist have discovered things in our lifetime only to discover many years later that it's harmful.
According to who? You? There are scientist who have already surpassed them in their own field of study.
no, who has surpassed neils bohr, he invented quantum mechanics, in fact he "invented "the atomic bomb, before there was even a war,

he is undoubtedly one of the finest minds there have ever been or likely to be

the germans tried to recruit him, it may all have turned out cery differently if they had done so

now be honest, you never heard of him have you ?, these days he nostly only famous have having had a major fall out with einstein
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no, who has surpassed neils bohr, he invented quantum mechanics, in fact he "invented "the atomic bomb, before there was even a war,

he is undoubtedly one of the finest minds there have ever been or likely to be

the germans tried to recruit him, it may all have turned out cery differently if they had done so

now be honest, you never heard of him have you ?, these days he nostly only famous have having had a major fall out with einstein
Steven Weinberg
Stephen Hawking
Edward Witten
Alan Guth
Peter Higgs
Steven Weinberg
Stephen Hawking
Edward Witten
Alan Guth
Peter Higgs
all great people, in what way have they surpassed neils bohr?, just writing a list of contempary scientists doesnt actually support the point , ut just show youve google scientist

he is lije einstein and a good few others from the 1910/ 20s, they conpkwly redesignes our understanding of physics, others have built on their work, but could never be said to have surpassed it, unless they to do something original that completly changes our understanding of physics of those higgs is the closest
You got the names. look it up for yourself why take my words? Determine that on your own.

And yet you still got the names.
i know their work, ive put a great deal of time in to understanding hawkin radiation and the higgs boson

you said they had supassed bohr, its up to you to say why you think that is so, not for me to guess your mind
you said they had supassed bohr, its up to you to say why you think that is so, not for me to guess your mind
It's not up to me. you are the one hung up on this issue. prove it or disprove it to yourself. Either way works for me
It's because they only expose their minds to one type of mindset for a long period of time. They have basically willingly "brain washed" themselves.

Conspiracies and Cult followings often fulfill a subconscious need. Usually the need to feel important, or to know something that someone else doesn't know. Or to be special. You can often tell which needs the leader or the creator is trying to satisfy, because they repeat it. For example. Things that have been said over the years.

1. I love the poor uneducated - There is a group of people who believe they are just as smart as people who go to college yet they choose not to go to college but feel the need to always prove to someone they are smarter.
2. I know more than.... - This addresses #1. and the empty void of wanting to know something that no one else knows. This also distances willingness to seek other sources of knowledge or to even verify information. We often see this in religions where some will say all your answers are here and they will hold up a book.
3. I can do a crime and I would still have followers - This addresses the mindset of those who are willing to look in the other direction when a crime is done.
4. I'm the chosen one - This is a major red flag, because it's the same thing all cult leaders say. In reality if a person has to declare that they are the chosen one then they are probably not the chosen one. "The chosen one" would be something that one could not declare for themselves.
5. Only I can fix the problem - This is another isolation technique to get people to void everyone else but the leader.
6. Believe Me - Again an isolation technique. Don't believe anyone else only believe them.
7. No one is better than me - Another isolation technique

There are more examples - All of these have been used by other cult leaders and mass manipulators through out history. The key is to soak the minds so they do not think on their own. By soaking I mean you submerge it into one perspective and not introduce it to another.

Examples of things that may seem familiar
Lying and Liars
The great masses of the people . . . will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one.
Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf source: Adolf Hitler: Quotes

The manipulation of humans is an interesting subject because you see the same pattern over and over again. But the key is to always soak those brains in one mindset.

If you want your shirt to only be yellow, then you must only soak it in Yellow Dye. Allowing another dye to enter will dilute or take over the color of what you want your shirt to be.

I read through the entire thread but chose to respond to this post since it has the most content and seems most relevant. I will say I agree with you... in part. I do fully agree that the manipulation of humans is an intriguing topic but I also strongly feel the word manipulation is misunderstood and unsavory to many people.
Even the definitions can seem opposing:
  1. 1.
    the action of manipulating something in a skillful manner.
    "the format allows fast picture manipulation"

  2. 2.
    the action of manipulating someone in a clever or unscrupulous way.
    "there was no deliberate manipulation of visitors' emotions"
In 1.1 the word 'skillful' resonates with me loudly. Sadly so does 'unscrupulous' in 2.2.

To be certain, you are spouting some higher minded thinking. But you are giving your opinion based on the same conditions you are bashing against; in short, your exposure and experiences.
That is so common to the point of being blasé.
Clearly, you are looking at all things from the same perspective. So is that not 'the pot calling the kettle black'?

Until you, me, or anyone else has proven through their own tangible and reinforced evidence that what they say is worth listening to, it means very little. This is 100% true, 100% of the time. You are basing your perspective on how 'loud' or prevalent these truth's have been presented. Sensationalism and manipulation at it's finest.

Bear in mind, almost Everything as we know it is in a state of flux. What is true today will quite possibly not be true tomorrow. Use your radiation exposure in the early days as proof positive.

I truly believe the way information is presented, received, and accessed will change radically in the next 10-20 years; just like it has in the previous equal length of time.

As an example; your argument that All knowledge should be common knowledge to everyone. How is that at all possible when everything is changing in real time?
Another example of this is physics (which seems to be what you and @jobo have centered on). Many, many 'concrete' laws in physics have been either disproven or modified. But, my oh my, how many things have been discovered and/or invented based on the physical laws of the current time. Where would we be without them?

So I will say the same phrase to you that I recently said to @skribs; 'paralysis by analysis' is So true and applicable to your list.
i came accross a site called" stolen history" which i though would be intresting, as with out doubt popular history has beem exstensivly edited rewriten, to remove some of the less savoury bits,

however, it reaches a whole new level of crazy, im not sure if im allowed to link?

the people are dedicated beyond beliefs , they have invested years in there reseach and can pull really obscure historical documents.

however the net result of this research, is there was a global flood in the early 1800s, this may have been the biblical flood or it may have been a mud flood, there is little consensus, which lead the the death of billions and a complete rewrite of history , there are variations, they also have an obsession with star forts and giants, occasionaly dinosaurs and a particular intrest in siberian forests or the lack there of.

its both impresive in the amount of research they do and extremly funny and occasionally you learn something, i read the peace treaty from the war of 1812 last night, how many have,done that i wonder

now if i could only work out what happened to those,Siberian forests
I do fully agree that the manipulation of humans is an intriguing topic but I also strongly feel the word manipulation is misunderstood and unsavory to many people
You would be correct on all points here. I myself don't like the term manipulation and when I talk about it, I have to first remind myself not think of it as something as good or bad. There's a lot stuff about manipulation that is hard to stomach. It's like medicine. You know the validity of it, but it's still going to taste like crap.lol.

But you are giving your opinion based on the same conditions you are bashing against; in short, your exposure and experiences.
To speak from personal experience is common. We all experience this world directly or indirectly. The amount of exposure we have and from which side of that exposure will play a large role in how we understand things.

Clearly, you are looking at all things from the same perspective. So is that not 'the pot calling the kettle black'?
We all have perspective even though they may seem similar in some areas it doesn't make it the same. 5555555555 is not the same as 5555555554. No matter how similar it may be in some areas it is still not the same in another.

In terms of calling the kettle black that will depend on what part. If you are talking about Manipulation, then I'm not calling the kettle black. No one can live on this planet without manipulating someone in one direction or the other. If you have kids, then you know you do it often, but probably don't refer to it as manipulation because it comes with that negative imagery.

If you are talking about me soaking my brain in only one perspective. I don't do that. You may have heard me say many times that I always try to keep balance. So if I find myself not willing to listen to other perspective or at the very minimum hear other perspectives then I know that at that point I'm not in balance. I'm a news junkie but when I feel like I'm hearing the same thing over and over on a perspective, then I will turn the news off and not watch it for a few weeks. It doesn't matter which news channel does this. That's just me.

I have discovered that my mind is more steady when I know which perspectives are out there. I don't need to know all of them. I just need to nor more than my own and I can't personally define those other perspectives. So for me. I will ask you about your perspective vs trying to tell you how you are without first asking you to share your perspective.

You are basing your perspective on how 'loud' or prevalent these truth's have been presented. Sensationalism and manipulation at it's finest.
Actually I haven't said anything much about what is true and what isn't true. I pretty much left it open for others to make their own assumptions about what I stated. I could be wrong, but I don't think I mentioned the word true or truth in anywhere.
I was already aware of the behavior of people who lie and which type of people use this strategy of lying and brain washing. Dictators, Cult Leaders, Parents, Marketers, Politicians. This is why I always have to get into the correct mindset when talking about Manipulation

Bear in mind, almost Everything as we know it is in a state of flux. What is true today will quite possibly not be true tomorrow. Use your radiation exposure in the early days as proof positive.
Everything we know is not in a state of flux. I will be a black American regardless if I wake up tomorrow or not. I could wake up dismembered and that would never change that truth. You have to look at the context of which I made my statement about radiation. It doesn't apply to everything. It just applies to somethings, specifically about the topic or radiation as there has been a history of humans not fully understanding radiation. There are a lot of things that I wouldn't apply that line of thinking to.

The problem with applying it to everything is that it also applies to what you think will be true. That means that what you think is untrue today will eventually proven true. But apply that same rule again, and the truth of that comes tomorrow will also be proven untrue. If you continue that cycle then nothing is true because the future will ultimately prove that it's untrue.

I truly believe the way information is presented, received, and accessed will change radically in the next 10-20 years; just like it has in the previous equal length of time.
I believe this as well. The fact that we are communicating the way that we are speaks volumes.

As an example; your argument that All knowledge should be common knowledge to everyone. How is that at all possible when everything is changing in real time?
Not sure if that's my argument. If I were to make an argument along the lines of that it would be "History Repeats itself." "All life is a pattern and by understanding the pattern, we can understand the things to come." We watch Jobo prey upon patterns all the time. We usually refer to it as "stirring the pot" or "pushing buttons" but it's nothing but pattern recognition. Jobo recognizes the patters and behaviors and then exploits them. Which is again Manipulation.

Another example of this is physics (which seems to be what you and @jobo have centered on). Many, many 'concrete' laws in physics have been either disproven or modified. But, my oh my, how many things have been discovered and/or invented based on the physical laws of the current time. Where would we be without them?
yeah that's Jobo in Manipulation mode with that coversation We were originally talking about radiation and test subjects to see how long cancer would grow. to Physics and Quantum theories and scientist who are the smartest that the world has ever seen. While totally ignoring the fact that science has created things and accomplish things that scientist in the past were unable to do. I just didn't feel like getting into with Jobo on that today. Then I'm called a scientist of Google. not sure what that mean. Nothing wrong with looking up names. None of that changed my perception that the scientist of today are more knowledgeable than those of the past, evident by how many things exist today that didn't exist in 1938. So naming someone who is "better" just doesn't matter.
i came accross a site called" stolen history" which i though would be intresting, as with out doubt popular history has beem exstensivly edited rewriten, to remove some of the less savoury bits,

however, it reaches a whole new level of crazy, im not sure if im allowed to link?

the people are dedicated beyond beliefs , they have invested years in there reseach and can pull really obscure historical documents.

however the net result of this research, is there was a global flood in the early 1800s, this may have been the biblical flood or it may have been a mud flood, there is little consensus, which lead the the death of billions and a complete rewrite of history , there are variations, they also have an obsession with star forts and giants, occasionaly dinosaurs and a particular intrest in siberian forests or the lack there of.

its both impresive in the amount of research they do and extremly funny and occasionally you learn something, i read the peace treaty from the war of 1812 last night, how many have,done that i wonder

now if i could only work out what happened to those,Siberian forests
When things get way out there you have to start looking at the historical documents that they claim to be using.
The flood that you are talking about is something popular among religions that believe that the earth is only 2020 years old . Where year zero is the beginning of the earth. Some guy years ago tried to hand me a brochure. He was part of a homeschool group and was mad that the movie we showed said that water is millions of years old and that it's the same water that dinosaurs were drinking. That set him off. After the tour he singled me out and gave his rant about how humans and dinosaurs lived together and that I needed Jesus, and I should go to the church in the brochure that he handed me. There haven't been many days stranger than that. Not sure why he focused on me, but damn. I will forever remember that it happened lol.

According other sources there have been multiple great floods that have occurred in various places. They have found multiple documents from many places in the world about a big flood. The only thing is that these documents were not created during the same time period, nor did the flooding happen in the same part of the world.

I've read many treaties in highschool history. I hated every minute of it. I didn't score high on those test either. So I've read treaties but couldn't tell you much about them. I can't even say that I would enjoy reading them now.
So I will say the same phrase to you that I recently said to @skribs; 'paralysis by analysis' is So true and applicable to your list.
Actually I haven't done much analysis on it. I just pointed out a pattern and recognize that it's similar to what other people and leaders have done. In other words it follows the same or similar rule sets and beliefs.

I will usually post tons of links when I'm in my analysis mode.
You would be correct on all points here. I myself don't like the term manipulation and when I talk about it, I have to first remind myself not think of it as something as good or bad. There's a lot stuff about manipulation that is hard to stomach. It's like medicine. You know the validity of it, but it's still going to taste like crap.lol.

To speak from personal experience is common. We all experience this world directly or indirectly. The amount of exposure we have and from which side of that exposure will play a large role in how we understand things.

We all have perspective even though they may seem similar in some areas it doesn't make it the same. 5555555555 is not the same as 5555555554. No matter how similar it may be in some areas it is still not the same in another.

In terms of calling the kettle black that will depend on what part. If you are talking about Manipulation, then I'm not calling the kettle black. No one can live on this planet without manipulating someone in one direction or the other. If you have kids, then you know you do it often, but probably don't refer to it as manipulation because it comes with that negative imagery.

If you are talking about me soaking my brain in only one perspective. I don't do that. You may have heard me say many times that I always try to keep balance. So if I find myself not willing to listen to other perspective or at the very minimum hear other perspectives then I know that at that point I'm not in balance. I'm a news junkie but when I feel like I'm hearing the same thing over and over on a perspective, then I will turn the news off and not watch it for a few weeks. It doesn't matter which news channel does this. That's just me.

I have discovered that my mind is more steady when I know which perspectives are out there. I don't need to know all of them. I just need to nor more than my own and I can't personally define those other perspectives. So for me. I will ask you about your perspective vs trying to tell you how you are without first asking you to share your perspective.

Actually I haven't said anything much about what is true and what isn't true. I pretty much left it open for others to make their own assumptions about what I stated. I could be wrong, but I don't think I mentioned the word true or truth in anywhere.
I was already aware of the behavior of people who lie and which type of people use this strategy of lying and brain washing. Dictators, Cult Leaders, Parents, Marketers, Politicians. This is why I always have to get into the correct mindset when talking about Manipulation

Everything we know is not in a state of flux. I will be a black American regardless if I wake up tomorrow or not. I could wake up dismembered and that would never change that truth. You have to look at the context of which I made my statement about radiation. It doesn't apply to everything. It just applies to somethings, specifically about the topic or radiation as there has been a history of humans not fully understanding radiation. There are a lot of things that I wouldn't apply that line of thinking to.

The problem with applying it to everything is that it also applies to what you think will be true. That means that what you think is untrue today will eventually proven true. But apply that same rule again, and the truth of that comes tomorrow will also be proven untrue. If you continue that cycle then nothing is true because the future will ultimately prove that it's untrue.

I believe this as well. The fact that we are communicating the way that we are speaks volumes.

Not sure if that's my argument. If I were to make an argument along the lines of that it would be "History Repeats itself." "All life is a pattern and by understanding the pattern, we can understand the things to come." We watch Jobo prey upon patterns all the time. We usually refer to it as "stirring the pot" or "pushing buttons" but it's nothing but pattern recognition. Jobo recognizes the patters and behaviors and then exploits them. Which is again Manipulation.

yeah that's Jobo in Manipulation mode with that coversation We were originally talking about radiation and test subjects to see how long cancer would grow. to Physics and Quantum theories and scientist who are the smartest that the world has ever seen. While totally ignoring the fact that science has created things and accomplish things that scientist in the past were unable to do. I just didn't feel like getting into with Jobo on that today. Then I'm called a scientist of Google. not sure what that mean. Nothing wrong with looking up names. None of that changed my perception that the scientist of today are more knowledgeable than those of the past, evident by how many things exist today that didn't exist in 1938. So naming someone who is "better" just doesn't matter.
true scietific genius, that original thought that changes the whole way we virw,science/ the world/ the universe comes around about every 200 years or so, so every 10 generations or so we get one genius

in the early 1900s we had half a dozen of them at the same time, a really bizare cluster of genius,,,, thats why there has beem a dramatic increace in the rate of technological exspantion, these are people who were born before the invention of the internal conbustion engine who saw us through atomic power and though to the moon landing, all the micro electronics and computers ate down to the original work they did in cica 1920, all those that have come since have refined and redirected the original thought they did, with out themselves being greatly original.

even now the next generation of computing is dependent on what they did, way back then,there is enough there to keep us progressibg till the next original genius comes along, about 2070 should do it
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true scietific genius, that original thought that changes the whole way we virw,science/ the world/ the universe comes around about every 200 years or so, so every 10 generations or so we get one genius

in the early 1900s we had half a dozen of them at the same time, a really bizare cluster of genius,,,, thats why there has beem a dramatic increace in the rate of technological exspantion, these are people who were born before the invention of the internal conbustion engine who saw us through atomic power and though to the moon landing, all the micro electronics and computers ate down to the original work they did in cica 1920, all those that have come since have refined and redirected the original thought they did, with out themselves being greatly original.

even now the next generation of computing is dependent on what they did, way back then,there is enough there to keep us progressibg till the next original genius comes along, about 2070 should do it
That was in an era of HUGE leaps in technology, which I do not think can be ignored. For example, look at the 300 years prior. Boring by comparison. I wonder if/when it will happen again, if ever. I do not see it happening in our lifetime.
Sadly, I am very concerned we are headed towards another world war in our lifetime.
This new regime in the US is scary as hell and it hasn’t even been a week.
Liberalism hard at work.
That was in an era of HUGE leaps in technology, which I do not think can be ignored. For example, look at the 300 years prior. Boring by comparison. I wonder if/when it will happen again, if ever. I do not see it happening in our lifetime.
Sadly, I am very concerned we are headed towards another world war in our lifetime.
This new regime in the US is scary as hell and it hasn’t even been a week.
Liberalism hard at work.
i dont disagree, but i dont want the thread shutting down by straying into contempary history, ,i have a really bad feeling that society has changed for the worse over the last few months ,
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