What makes it fun and interesting?

It is the most fun, when instructor and student, are interacting, which leads to the ideal learning experience for both. An enthusiastic teacher can make the most mundane lesson and techniques jump to life.

Good point. There is a difference between a teacher sharing with you as opposed to talking at you. :)
It is the most fun, when instructor and student, are interacting, which leads to the ideal learning experience for both. An enthusiastic teacher can make the most mundane lesson and techniques jump to life.

Agreed 1000%

When an instructor can interact with their students in a fun and friendly manner it makes all the difference. Remember Karate Kid and the Cobra Kai dojo and experience? Well take the exact opposite of what that sensei does to teach and you will have a fun experience.

We were doing finger locks in class a couple of weeks ago and to get us to remember and have some fun (while teaching us to be extremely careful) my sensei started speaking with his Scottish accent (which is like his father, who just happens to be the best instructor of pressure points I have ever seen) We laughed while we learned! It was fantastic.

Other times my senseis will joke about fat guy (cant get your arms around them etc) methods and bald guy methods (cant pull hair etc) to show us how some techniques can be modified for each person using themselves as examples.

The main thing is that if your instructor can make it fun while being safe, you will definately want to keep coming back for more.
Practing special techniques such a jumping flying side kick over some pads or jumping front kick. As a kid aI always enjoyed those special technique classes, I also enjoyed breaking boards.

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