What Kind Of Martial Arts Do You Do?

Muay Thai mostly, However I do dabble in BJJ,Wrestling, and Boxing when I can since the School I train at offers them all. But I consider myself a Muay Thai guy.
originally ITF TKD

now practice White Crane, Longfist and TaiJiJuan (YMAA)

we are starting to do a bit of Sanda and Shiao Jaou (im sure thats spelt wrong) now too
Let’s see...my history in the martial arts spans about 34 years at this point and includes the following:

Serious/systematic study includes
Tracy lineage kenpo
Chen/huyn yin taiji
Sun taiji
Tibetan white crane

Dabbling along the way includes
Yang taiji
Some smattering of material from Shaolin long fist and Hung Gar
Grappling based on judo and Danzan ryu jiujitsu
Shaolin-do (yeah, I admit it, I was young and inexperienced and didn’t know better)

The only thing I do now is White Crane, I’ve dropped the rest to focus on the method that I feel is the best match for me.
Let’s see...my history in the martial arts spans about 34 years at this point and includes the following:

Serious/systematic study includes
Tracy lineage kenpo
Chen/huyn yin taiji
Sun taiji
Tibetan white crane

Dabbling along the way includes
Yang taiji
Some smattering of material from Shaolin long fist and Hung Gar
Grappling based on judo and Danzan ryu jiujitsu
Shaolin-do (yeah, I admit it, I was young and inexperienced and didn’t know better)

The only thing I do now is White Crane, I’ve dropped the rest to focus on the method that I feel is the best match for me.
I forgot, gotta add wing chun to the first list.
I wrestled from 3rd grade all the way through graduating high school. I coached on and off for about 10 years. I wasn’t the head coach who walked around and corrected things, I was an assistant who was on the mat the majority of the time.

I trained in a local Kyokushin karate offshoot from 18-25 years old.

During college I commuted an hour to the dojo a few nights a week. In between class nights at my dojo, I did the following...

I worked out at a Uechi Ryu during their open mat night for a semester

Boxing club - it was run by a former lower level pro who owned a local boxing club. A few of the guys trained at his club and had a few amateur fights. I spent most of my time with those guys.

Martial Arts club - it was a student run group of a bunch of us who trained MA at home. There were a bunch of different different styles - karate, TKD, kempo, CMA. We took turns basically running a class. We weren’t allowed to spar, but we did anyway. There were 2 or 3 people who didn’t have any MA experience.

My favorite outside the main dojo thing was what we called “Fight Club.” I was bar tending at a local brew pub. There were about 5 guys in the kitchen who trained MA at the time or shortly beforehand. We decided to get together at one of the guys’ house and spar. We took everything out of the living room and took turns sparring each other. We had an American kempo guy, 2 TKD guys, a kung fu guy (I don’t know which style), a goju ryu guy, and me. We sparred with and without gear. There were no ranks, formalities, etc.; it was a bunch of friends sparring pretty hard at times. It became our Sunday afternoon tradition for several months. Pretty soon we were bringing friends from our dojos who didn’t work with us. I brought my brother a few times who thought MA was stupid and didn’t teach anyone how to really fight. He found out pretty quick how stupid he was. That was honestly one of the best and most memorable time periods I’ve had in MA. No one got seriously injured, no out of control egos, etc. We all helped each other out and gave each other pointers. And we drank a ton of beer afterwards; remember, most of us worked at the brew pub.

Currently Seido Juku karate. I’ve been back almost 3.5 years after about a 15 year hiatus.
My primary art is taekwondo. I have rank from the KKW (2nd Dan), ITF (3rd Dan) and Moo Duk Kwan (4th Dan), and I have some experience with Aikijujutsu, Kenjutsu, and western weapons combat (primarily rapier).
My primary art is long fist and Chinese wrestling. I have rank from the American Combat Shuai Chiao Association (7th degree black belt). I have won 3 times United States heavy weight championships in Shuai Chiao (1982, 1983, 1984). I have taken the first US Shuai-Chiao teams to compete in Taiwan (1984) and China (1985).
I did the obligatory stint in TKD when I was younger. Then in university briefly Buk Sing Choy Lay Fut, and some boxing. Later I learned WSL Wing Chun for several years.

After a motorbike accident in my late 20s I stopped unarmed MA - I've been studying Japanese koryu since - Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto ryu for about a decade now, and I just started learning Kodokan Judo and Sosuishi ryu, which has been wonderful (if a bit bruising!)
My primary art is long fist and Chinese wrestling. I have rank from the American Combat Shuai Chiao Association (7th degree black belt). I have won 3 times United States heavy weight championships in Shuai Chiao (1982, 1983, 1984). I have taken the first US Shuai-Chiao teams to compete in Taiwan (1984) and China (1985).

What forms do you do in Longfist - Tan Tuis and Lien Bu Quan, Gong Li Quan etc ?

What forms do you do in Longfist - Tan Tuis and Lien Bu Quan, Gong Li Quan etc ?

Open hand forms:

- 10 roads Tan Tui (spring kick),
- Lien Bu Chuan (Shaolin dragon form),
- Gong Li Chuan (from Gong Li system),
- Inner and outer little 5 hands (2 men form),
- Lien Wu palm (2 men form),
- Elbow form,
- Mai Fu 1st road,
- Mai Fu 2nd road,
- Xi Zi Tan (a left handed form),
- Pao Chuan 3rd road,
- Si Lou Ben Da (4 directions running attack),
- Shao Hu Yen (little swallow and tiger),
- Cha Chuan 4th road,
- Tai Zu long fist (Emperor long fist),

Weapon forms:

- Sha Men Bi (dagger),
- Kung Wu staff,
- 7 stars knife,
- Bagua knife,
- San Tzi sword,
- Kung Wu sword,
- Yang's family spear.
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Open hand forms:

- 10 roads Tan Tui (spring kick),
- Lien Bu Chuan (Shaolin dragon form),
- Gong Li Chuan (from Gong Li system),
- Inner and outer little 5 hands (2 men form),
- Lien Wu palm (2 men form),
- Elbow form,
- Mai Fu 1st road,
- Mai Fu 2nd road,
- Xi Zi Tan (a left handed form),
- Pao Chuan 3rd road,
- Si Lou Ben Da (4 directions running attack),
- Shao Hu Yen (little swallow and tiger),
- Cha Chuan 4th road,
- Tai Zu long fist (Emperor long fist),

Weapon forms:

- Sha Men Bi (dagger),
- Kung Wu staff,
- 7 stars knife,
- Bagua knife,
- San Tzi sword,
- Kung Wu sword,
- Yang's family spear.

v interesting - I've only done the first part of Lien Bu Quan and Tan Tui 1 and 2 so far, and Four Golden Points etc., and also the first part of Yang TaiJiJuan form.
v interesting - I've only done the first part of Lien Bu Quan and Tan Tui 1 and 2 so far, and Four Golden Points etc., and also the first part of Yang TaiJiJuan form.
- The Lien Bu Quan was a southern CMA form but trained in the northern CMA way. Some people said it is the Shaolin dragon form.
- The Gong Li Quan came from the Gong Li system. It has nothing to do with the long fist system.

If you skip these 2 forms, it won't affect your long fist training. IMO, to train a southern CMA form in the northern CMA way is wrong. To train the Gong Li system form in the long fist way is also wrong. Learning 1 Gong Li form doesn't mean that you have learned the Gong Li system.

The long fist training used to start from 10 roads Tan Tui. Since the students drop out rate was too high, both Lien Bu Quan and Gong Li Quan were added in.
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Lien Bu Quan was one of the Goshu (sorry if wrong spelling) institute patterns wasn't it? - it has lots of different stuff in it I think - even Hsing-I - personally I love the form.
Lien Bu Quan was one of the Goshu (sorry if wrong spelling) institute patterns wasn't it? - it has lots of different stuff in it I think - even Hsing-I - personally I love the form.
Just like the XingYi forms, Lien Bu Quan is a form that you can train many times and you don't feel tired (because there is only 1 kick in it). It's a form that you can give public demonstration any time you want to without having to warm up first.

The form doesn't even have one back hand reverse punch (boxing cross). The one toward the end was added in by GM Han Chin-Tang in Taiwan.

I find many errors in that form design.

- A right punch should be added in after the initial left palm strike.
- Every time that you use your palm to strike your opponent groin, your opponent can always punch on your head.
- To break a wrist grip, it's better to step in with back leg, use body weigh, lean back, and pull. I also don't like the break wrist hold conservative approach. You should take advantage on your opponent wrist grab and lock back on his wrist instead.
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