Originally posted by Chiduce
The knife assualt will probably not come from the frontal position.
In so many cases, it does come from the front. But it is very close. This is why LEO Opinions on the subject of Knife against Knife, Your Baton against a Knife and your Gun against Knife is somewhat skewed because in most cases, they respond to a call and they know there is danger and they can use range. You, on the other hand, are not responding to a call, but to A/V Cues.
I have not seen McCann & Kasper's Material on smothering draws, but I've been doing that for quite some time and look forward to seeing more info on that from them.
If you can smother the draw you see coming, you don't have to defend against the steel, you can simply start pounding on them.
Against a rear attack where the intent from the start is to kill you, there is no defense against a
[properly executed, rear attack in the form of an assassination, we're speaking about Sentry Removal Techs there...there is nothing you can do. If you let them take your Six, you're a Goner and at their mercy.
If they intent on
threatening you from behind, you can act, if they intend on simply killing you, you're toast.
It should be more of a slashing attack to not only get you attention, but also bring the fear of control upon you. This is the best possible time to respond because the attacker throughly believes that he/she is in control and their perception can be caught by surprise! In turn your element of surprise in this case, if you continue to counter attack until the assailant is unable to harm you will save your life!
Indeed, that is the time to spit right in their face and use sikaran and whatever objects/weapons you carry, that is the time to fog them with O.C. and take their legs out...then beat them to the ground and get out.
As for the gun attack (say pistol), nowadays the gun will be held sideways for better control and less recoil back to the shooter.
It offers no more control and no less recoil. The "Gangsta Method" of holding a handgun has been adopted by knuckleheads because they watched Police shooting handguns that way from behind bullet resistant shields, the reason they are held that way in that situation is because they usually have to be held that way.
There is one method for shooting a handgun with one hand where the handgun is canted a few degrees and resembles the "Gangsta Method" but it is not, it's known as "The Cirillo Cant." This does offer alot of control and you can still have incredibly accuracy and I use it whenever I shoot one handed.
It should not be confused with tilting the handgun over sideways, however. Two different things.
The one thing you can take a small degree of comfort in is this, the "Gangsta Method" is not that accurate, if it is in your face, it won't matter...but if it is at a distance and someone is doing that...it is not that accurate. It is very "Hollywood."
The subject of gun disarming is a hairy and controversial and there are two basic ways, control and break the fingers in the trigger guard or simply break the arm down on the first strike and hopefully knocking the gun from their grasp and then pounding on them regardless of the handgun flying away or not.