What is wrong with the martial arts today?

muffin_cup_of_death said:
And why the hell would I want to learn a language in another part of the world?

this is another great line. love this stuff.

I'm not saying that martial arts classes necessarily need to be taught in other languages, but this is just what Americans are know for all over the globe: only speak English. Most Europeans speak at least two, often more. This is true in many other parts of the world as well. It's called "global community" Only the arrogant, pathetic Americans (myself included, I admit, but at least I am aware of it) are too lame to learn another language.
muffin_cup_of_death said:
I wish it was the way it was in the book "musashi", then I could walk into schools, and kick the crap outta these people legally.

And the fun goes on. tough guy. a real gun-slinger. the old west...
yeah, you guys are right, I know. Just having some fun. sorry. I'll go sit in the Time Out corner for a while. Thanks for reigning me in before I went out of control.
Flying Crane said:
this is another great line. love this stuff.

I'm not saying that martial arts classes necessarily need to be taught in other languages, but this is just what Americans are know for all over the globe: only speak English. Most Europeans speak at least two, often more. This is true in many other parts of the world as well. It's called "global community" Only the arrogant, pathetic Americans (myself included, I admit, but at least I am aware of it) are too lame to learn another language.

Most of those other countries NEED to learn english because its so important to do busniess. I thought there was just something in the news about that. Although Chinese may be good to know real soon.

In europe you cant go on a vacation without meeting another language.

Here where I am in the US english and maybe Spanish is all there is. I dont really know of any time in my life where I needed to or wished I knew how to speak anything else.

I dont think its arrogant just the way life is.
Blotan Hunka said:
Most of those other countries NEED to learn english because its so important to do busniess. I thought there was just something in the news about that. Although Chinese may be good to know real soon.

In europe you cant go on a vacation without meeting another language.

Here where I am in the US english and maybe Spanish is all there is. I dont really know of any time in my life where I needed to or wished I knew how to speak anything else.

I dont think its arrogant just the way life is.

yes, you are right about that, in many ways many of us don't have much immediate need to learn other languages. But we can find ourselves helpless when we travel, or do business internationally and we have to always rely on the other party involved to translate, or speak English. I just think it is closed minded to broadly categorize learning another language as a waste of time. People make their own choices about this, but I believe we would all benefit if we spoke at least a second language.
Blotan Hunka said:
I have a hard enough time with this one. ;)

another good point
With regard to the original implication by Muffy, I enjoy learning some Japanese as I train simply because this is the language the art developed in. I didn't mind learning some italian in music or latin when I worked in medicine. Why should MA be any different?
There are many varied reasons people are in martial art. Some for exercise only, some just to have something to do, some to grow mentally and physically stronger, some to learn to fight, some for the spiritual expression or enlightenment, so to be able to defend themselves, some for self-confidence, some to express themselves, some have their children there as a place to get away from them, so forÂ…, the list goes on and on. Because of the many varied perspectives people train each will have a litany of what is wrong and that is what is wrong. We are unwilling to acknowledge the otherÂ’s reason for being there. Take a look in all aspects of life and you will see the same concerns or problems. There will always be the people in whatever one may endeavor who is there because they can take advantage of others. Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, CPAs, Religious leaders, Automobile businesses, Insurances, and on and on. Look in your own way of making a living and you will see the same. We all have our wants, needs and desires within martial art just as in other areas of our lives. If there is something wrong it is because we as individuals allow it to be. We accept what is told or shown without question, without experiencing for ourselves if it is true. My instructor said it so it is the truth. But this happens everywhere, the news media for instance; it is in the paper so it is the truth. The paper said it didnÂ’t happen so that is also the truth. The professor stated it, so it is the truth, the book I was required to read listed all the politiciansÂ’ statements as lies so they are lies. It is the same in every aspect of life. Not just martial art. What is wrong is the individual doesnÂ’t question and seek answers and then question the answers. If it meets or goes along my way of thinking then it is right, I need to look no further. It happens in politics and religion just as much if not more than martial art.

I accept otherÂ’s are in the martial arts for many different reasons and if the training they are getting helps with their lives, Great for them. When the individuals attempt to cross over from one realm of martial art into another it will cause problems within that individualÂ’s life not mine. Like learning and training for martial gymnastic performances and then try to use their performances in the same manner for fighting. The problem is started by the instructors who lead their students this way however, in the end it is the individual martial artist who is responsible for not questioning, experimenting and testing if it is true for themselves. When it comes to children, the responsibility is the parents or guardians for not questioning and researching what they have placed their children in. We are so concerned about where and what educational schools we place them in but donÂ’t question what the martial art is doing or not doing for them.

I tell all those who train with me, “don’t take my word for it. Question it, ask others, and after you train it, question it again, research, and test it for yourself. You never know I may be lying to you. Just because I can do it doesn’t make it true.”

The problem in martial art is the same as in all aspects of life we are unwilling to accept the personally responsibility for what we accept as being true.

As to learning a language within martial art training, again it is up to the individual. Martial art training and lifestyle can be a catalyst toward understanding another culture and their language. Great. As for me, I live in the USA where I train and will be utilizing the martial art I train in. My emphasis is on learning to use the Martial art to live, survive, physical and mental exercise, entertainment, camaraderie, friendship and much more. Learning a different language isnÂ’t important to me. However, one of my instructors is Chinese and speaks English well although broken. For that reason I do use many Chinese terms within my training, and teaching those students who are within his association the terms. Not because it is a Chinese art but because when with him he speaks Chinese terms and we would unable to understand what he was speaking.

Another instructor from the FMAs is from the USA. Guess what we speak American English. Why because we donÂ’t speak another language. I have trained with his instructor who is from the Philippines several times and for the most part he speaks English. I donÂ’t think I am a better practitioner because I can speak the Chinese terms, it is because I have worked hard and practiced and questioned and tested at real time against otherÂ’s doing the same that I am as good as I am, not that I any good to begin with. I feel it far more important to be able to have good communication with the student so they are able to ask questions and not walk away think what did we just learn.

Danny Terrell
I used to wish that what I was studying was in english. I eventually realized that while it wasn't, it wasn't really teaching me a language as much as a code.
Look at Parkers Kenpo for a moment. "Delayed sword" "5 swords" "sword of destruction". All indicate a description for a technique indicating a chop (hand sword) and some technique "reminders". I don't see it as any different from Bong Sau, Tan Sau and Pak Sau, which all describe hand techniques. I see it as a code, not a language lesson. I get more language help from an imersion in Japanimation I think.
Man I just watched one of the last episodes of "Neon Genenis Evangelion" with both subtitles and english dubs turned on and it was *truly* weird. I mean, it was a weird episode anyway but trying to piece together a mental narrative from two *slightly* different but yet meaningully distinct dialogs was a trip
Aren't there lots of studies which prove that the more language you know and can speak fluently the higher your intelligence? Something about it aiding in learning and grasping concepts? expecially ... social ones?