I was a bit lost til that last paragraph, which I agree with.
But how do you prevent future transgressions when you don't even deal with the the acute one?
I think what gets me most in this case - aside from the morality issue - is the fact that the offender was walked in on during the act.
If it had been a women, had the walker in asked for a turn? Or lowered himself to be decent?
I mean, this is not only a case of a bunch of kids pointing fingers!
How do You prevent Future Road Accidents?
I know! You offer Sympathy to the Victims and Insult everyone who was Responsible! Yeah!
And perhaps give the Survivors Counselling. Thatll stop this from hap... Oh Wait.
...Or, You let that go to Court, and Focus on changing the Regulations and Speed Limits in that Area, possibly adding better Traffic Light Rotations.
I apologise in advance, if any of the following hits any nerves. Really, I dont intend for it to. It just comes accross a little strongly. But to be fair, try explaining this in a Passive Way, and then try to have it come accross as clearly.
In other Words, start with a Campaign to keep these Offenders from having the means to do this in the first place. How? Firstly, Encourage Parents to NOT let their Kids run amok in Town. Its all Cute and Innocent until they get Kidnapped and Molested. Then its "oh my dear god why my child i just let them go off on their own for hours on end".
Encourage Parents to, at least until theyre 14, keep their Child in Proximity to a Parent or Adult Guardian.
Secondly, Increase Surveillance in Public Restrooms (Not in the Stalls. Think about it, youll get why), Surveillance in Showers (Again, not IN the Showers. But just outside them - You know, how you go into a Shower Room, and the Showers are Offset? Well, suffice to say, Big man and Small child in one Shower? hmmm), Surveilance in Changing Rooms (Again.), and so forth. Just jack up Surveilance everywere.
Next, Awareness. Children need to grow up a touch faster than they did in the early 20th Century. In being aware of the risk of being Molested, they can be aware of possible Stalkers, and know to gain the attention of nearby People if they believe someone paying a bit too much attention to them may be a Threat.
Next, Increase Security Personell in Sports Facilities and Shopping Centers.
Lastly, teach Children to never, ever, go wandering off alone, anywere.
Note that all this is completely off the top of My head. Ive put very little thought into it. Its just an array of Ideas, and Suggestions. But its a start, and proof of concept.
This wont completely eradicate the Problem, but it makes committing the Offense a whole lot harder. And the Risk Factor goes up Exponentially.
As for the Person walking in, Yes, thats... Questionable. But think of it this way: You are a completely regular citizen. Untrained. You walk into a Room, and You see a Man who has Overpowered a Resisting Female Rape Victim, Adult. She is unable to overwhelm Him. He may have a Weapon. Whatre you going to do, run towards Him Screaming? Go Running for Help so He can bolt after You? Youre not exactly in the middle of an Office Building with Buddies nearby to Help You, or a Crowd to Bolt into. You are Alone. Change Raping to Stabbing and apply the same Logic. Same thing, more intense. Now change the Adult to a Kid. Same thing, less intense.
I, as a Martial Artist, would Intervene.
As an Untrained Individual, it would depend on what the Rapist looked like.
As for Kids pointing Fingers, how is that Relevant?

Hes Responsible. Yay. Now his Life is pretty ****ed. You can barely get a Job with a Record for Possessing a Tiny Amount of Marijuana, let alone Child Molestation. Even if its just the Accusation.
Now how can this be Prevented from happening to Other Children?