Originally posted by Ronin
I share your thoughts as well I do agree some people have lost a step or two, myself being one of them. I went through having a lot of training partners that all vanished after our school closed down. I lost a lot of friends and some of them have returned and have lost the desire to really work out. Some just like to B.S. about the old days. I remember desiring my BB more than dating the hottest gal on the planet, that like everything changed in time. Here I am on the verge of my BB test and for some reason almost as if to postponed it and stretch out the past memories I dilly dally around and am under the belief that "I dont have it like I use to " and am hesitant to accept my rank. I dont know if its because I will be a black belt in an era where the flame is almost dead. Who knows? I struggle daily to rekindle the flame. I also frown on mysef for dedicating time to this forum when maybe I should be working out, maybe I shouldnt work on debates and work more on my skills. Well who knows what the tide brings in, and tomorrow the sun will rise. Perhaps then I will find the anwsers. Good post.
This reply by Ronin is almost scary. It sounds exactly like me all over again. Granted, my situation is not unique, but it seems that everyone else seems to do well, and I don't. So to see someone else in the same situation is almost unreal!:asian: