What is the name of this form?

My 5 year old daughter is also in class, although not the same class, as I am. All the little kids are in 2 classes, the adults (12+) are in the "adult" class. There are about a dozen people in my class. Don't think it doesn't make me jealous to see these 8-9 y.o. kids coming out of class with their orange belts on....
My wife used to take TKD at the Karate Institute of Pennsylvania, I think she was a green or blue belt. She moved to Indiana, we met on the internet talking about 4x4 trucks of all things! We got married, she took some TKD classes at another school than where I am going. Then after the baby she started having some health problems. Thinking it was just asthma and allergies, moving to a different region and such. One day she passed out at work, I took her to the ER I was working in at the time, they worked her up for belly pain. Turned out she had a heart murmur that she had never had before. She got an echocardiogram and the pressure of the blood coming out of the right side of her heart (to the lungs) was 2x "high". After many tests and trips to see a pulmonologist, she was diagnosed with Primary Pulmonary HTN. The blood vessels in the lungs don't dilate during activity, so she can't hardly walk across the floor, let alone TKD. They are thinking (testing is showing) that this might be brought on by pregnancy. Anyway, I'm wearing my wifes Gi to my classes so she can be there with me.
I wasn't sure what this word meant, so I looked it up. I still don't understand exactly what you are saying in this post. Do you mean to visualize what the "other" person would be doing in this part of the kata?
Bunkai is the interpertation of the movements. It literally means to break apart or disect
I'll read those articles here shortly. I'm at work at the hospital....kinda Q-U-I-E-T at the moment. [fingers crossed]
I'll read those articles here shortly. I'm at work at the hospital....kinda Q-U-I-E-T at the moment. [fingers crossed]

Aaaaaah...he said the Q word...!

The articles are good and worth taking your time over, his DVDs are very good as are the books. I did a seminar with him the other month, absolutey brilliant. He also has a forum on his website, you can ask him anything about kata etc.
It is Taikyoku Shodan for sure. I have no idea why your instructor calls it Tekki.

Maybe his instructor had meant to call it "Tae Guk," (pronounced Teh Koook) which can sound a lot like "Tekki?" (Teh Kee)

There are several Tae Kwon Do organizations that use the Tae Guk series of kata, although they usually call it Tae Guk Il Chang (for the first), and Tae Guk Eee Chang (for the second).

The actual kata Tekki Shodan should be similar to other systems that call it "Naihanchi" or "Naihanchi Sho," where the practitioner is primarily in Naihanchi Dachi / Kiba Dachi, and only moves laterally. Still, if another system wants to call their fundamental kata / forms by whatever name they want, then that's their choice.
Maybe his instructor had meant to call it "Tae Guk," (pronounced Teh Koook) which can sound a lot like "Tekki?" (Teh Kee)

There are several Tae Kwon Do organizations that use the Tae Guk series of kata, although they usually call it Tae Guk Il Chang (for the first), and Tae Guk Eee Chang (for the second).

The actual kata Tekki Shodan should be similar to other systems that call it "Naihanchi" or "Naihanchi Sho," where the practitioner is primarily in Naihanchi Dachi / Kiba Dachi, and only moves laterally. Still, if another system wants to call their fundamental kata / forms by whatever name they want, then that's their choice.
Being a shorin ryu guy I am very familar with Naihanchi / tekki kata. Though very different from what was shown in the video. If someone calls a kata Tekki and its Taikyoku its not ok its misleading and completely out of place. If TKD instructors have a korean name for their kata and its sounds similar and its just misunderstood its ok but thats why I said it needs to be clarified.
Interesting that the demonstrator used no defensive or offensive stepping, or twisting from the waist. We also go into deep stances.

Apart from the step I mentioned we do it exactly the same way as the video, we don't twist much from the waist. I'm not sure what you mean by offensive or defensive stepping?
We don't have deep stances we keep them about the same as Shotokan stylists, just a bit deeper than Wado stylists.

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