Pressure points

Levetation exposed

I kow this is off topic well sort of its still suposed to be a mind power and this is not an attempt for me to suggest that it is impossable but merrly a base for reserch for those looking into it.
There are many more flicks avalable in the same page to kick you off so have a look. But i suggest if you are interested in these type of topics then one must go in with as has been repeated an open mind.
If you don't go in with an open mind its hard to walk through closed doors.
But to know what is real you must know what is not.
Then begins the search for truth.
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Presure points in general are tied to the 12 meridians and to hard or soft organs!! Some shut the brain down so quickly before the legs fold.

Others such as Gall Blader effect the legs and collaps the legs but the person may still be awake.

First and formost all you guys over 40 must not have more than 15 minutes manipulation in two weeks. I watch a bunch of macho law enforcement and corrections people play MMA and youger guys were manipulating areas that can cause stroke or heart atack up to 7 years later from Plaque released in the blood.

Youn Boys young dumb full of cum go ahead beat each other but you older guys need to wise up!!!!!!!!!

I know people with permanent organ and other problems nation wide due to oh oh please pick me pick me knock me out by people who do not care what or know what the end result to thier healt will be geeeeeeeeeez

grow up study dont just speculate
Ok you make some good valid points and that is appeciated, But this is a ongoing thread and your comment of awarness of damage is good but in the future you could tone down the other comments please.
Its not like anyone here is going to go out and strike pressure points tomorrow, I certainly hope not anyway.
The purpose of the thread is to understand where they are and what effects they have.
Its handy to know if i accidently hit someone there and they start flopping around on the floor i may know why and massage them back.
This was more my idea Awarness.
It seems you know alot about the subject and i encourage you to keep particapating with links of damage being done etc.
That would be a more constructive way of helping with the topic.
If i wanted or was inclined to do what you seem to be suggesting then you have a lot of commets to make for all those showing on youtube where i would have stayed but i come here to learn from a good variety of skilled people.
This topic has evolved very nicely from where it started and im enjoying it, Its giving me direction for research.
Written without prejudice
Presure points in general are tied to the 12 meridians and to hard or soft organs!! Some shut the brain down so quickly before the legs fold.

I would very much like to know what points you are talking about specific that you can press or needle that knocks a person out.

Others such as Gall Blader effect the legs and collaps the legs but the person may still be awake.
Can you give me the point or points pressed to achieve this?
I mean if you press like GB-33 Xi Yang guan which is the knee joint I suppose the leg would "collapse" and you would fall but thats not mystical thats just basic anatomy.

First and formost all you guys over 40 must not have more than 15 minutes manipulation in two weeks. I watch a bunch of macho law enforcement and corrections people play MMA and youger guys were manipulating areas that can cause stroke or heart atack up to 7 years later from Plaque released
in the blood.
What points are you refering to? How would you or anyone be able to test
that the point pressed caused the plaque to be released 7 years later?

I know people with permanent organ and other problems nation wide due to oh oh please pick me pick me knock me out by people who do not care what or know what the end result to thier healt will be geeeeeeeeeez
What organ or organs were damaged? What points were used?

I look forward to your reponse.
First, I don't believe in no-touch knockouts. I also don't think you can do that much convincing in the short amount of time an attack happens. Maybe if you did a Mindfreak thing like Chris Angel, or whatever that show was called. That might work, because you have time to work the crowd and get them into the idea. Other than that, I wouldn't count on it in a self-defense situation. Also, Dillman goes to great lengths at the end of the interview to explain why it may not have worked saying things about the placement of the tongue in the mouth or the toes on the ground. Why would you want to rely on something that is so finicky?

@Master Dan, first off, I'm just going to call you Dan if you don't mind since I don't know your last name. No offense, but you're not my master, and even my master asks us to call him Mr. Brown. I don't think anyone said that meridians and pressure points don't exist. A lot of us have just said that they aren't reliable. Not everyone has the same sensitivity, and in a non-training situation, the precision necessary to execute pressure point strikes just isn't worth it. A few are easily accessible, and easily activated, but the majority are not.

As far as delayed death is concerned, too many cheeseburgers could cause a major buildup of lipids on the walls of my coronary arteries and an eventual blockage leading to a heart attack. I'm not going to write it off completely, and you should never take lightly things that can't be fully tested, like delayed death via pressure points, but still, I'd rather train to win a self-defense situation outright sans pressure points than say, "You just crushed my face, but don't worry in 40 years my vibrating palm technique will explode your liver."
Hi Eazy,

That list is a basic one very similar to the ones from Koto Ryu and Takai Ryu. So you know, though, it's not really "pressure points", or Dim Mak, it's a system of targeting refered to as Kyusho. There's a difference between them, really.

To really get the best out of something like this, it needs to be combined with the education of how to approach each target, what strikes are suited to it, what angles to use (that'll change for the same point depending on the system studied, so you know), without that it's mostly just a list of points. Think of it like learning a bunch of words from a language, but not how to put them into sentences.
First and formost all you guys over 40 must not have more than 15 minutes manipulation in two weeks. I watch a bunch of macho law enforcement and corrections people play MMA and youger guys were manipulating areas that can cause stroke or heart atack up to 7 years later from Plaque released in the blood.

grow up study dont just speculate

So, is it reasonable that if 15 minutes every 2 weeks is too much, that say 10 minutes every 2 weeks would be sufficient to release smaller amounts of plaque(up to 7 years later), which would in fact extend the life span of the practioners? Or would this be too hard to attribute to manipulating pressure points almost a decade earlier?

What studies have you done that provide any kind of conclusive information that pressure point manipulation can cause death UP TO 7 years later? Or is that just speculation?
You got it yep its from the same martial art you do. Ninjutsu out of one of there books im lead to believe.
Yeah, trust me, I'm going to recognise our terminology. As said though, the points are rather useless without the requisite training that goes along with it, for the most part. For instance, what can you tell me about jakkin, exactly where it is, how it is best approached etc? Or hoshi ita? Or in, which is given a different name in your list, by the way....

My point is that learning the points for interests sake is fine, but it is not to be confused with actually learning the points properly. So while you may have a list, it's like having a book listing ingrediants for a cake without the recipe or a kitchen.
I agree and its a bit of a mud map, I would try anything like that till trained but its interesting to touch around those areas on my self and feel the sensation of discomfort and realise the likleyhood of serious impact.
I had a good flick off youtube these two blokes fight on the street for real and one guy hit the other on the side of the neck with a forearm and that guy was shaking on the ground like electricity going through him. everyone just standing around doing nothing.
I think learning how to reverse it before applying it is the key. The after massage is critical even if you don't like the attacker.
I found it, check this out.
This guy drops the other and before the other bloke hits the ground he punches him in the head back onto his feet then the next erious knock is towars the end when the drops hin with a forearm across the neck the guy hits the deck and is in a kind of fit.
Its a serious Knock out and well caught on flim.
Pressure Nerve Points as we call them in IRT can be effective and a method of knocking out an attacker, stunning or inflicting non lasting pain. They do work well some of the time but of course each individual and violent encounter is different. PNP's should be utilized within a structure where they are not the only thing that could happen. Take the following clip where I could affect the Hypoglossal as well as the Brachial Plexus (Neck).


The above could just as easily affect the jaw on both sides skip the PNP's and affect a knockout or structural damage. I could easily do the above from a boxing mode where I do a cover parry folowed by an uppercut or a hook! With PNP's they should work in conjunction with your movement and with striking, trapping, locking, grappling, etc. They can be utilized with body tools or by man made tools. They also should work in conjunction with vital points. Professionally I have used them a few times with good effects. I have also known people to not have good results as well. Bottom line is you should not build your personal protection house around them but have them there to help or augment if needed but not the foundation! No magic just good body mechanics!!!

Shameless plug: We offere a CD on our PNP's at our IRT store! ;)
This guy drops the other and before the other bloke hits the ground he punches him in the head back onto his feet then the next erious knock is towars the end when the drops hin with a forearm across the neck the guy hits the deck and is in a kind of fit

I don't want to be pedantic, honestly, but your sentences would be much easier to understand with some proper punctuation.
I wish i could mate, I really wish i could.
Im aware of it and just do my best, Im not that good at spelling either.
I try to breake the sentences up cause i just write how i talk and some times i get stuck to find places to break the sentences so i use a comma here and there.
Believe me im alot better than i used to be.

Chris Parker asked me to seperate questions and frazes i think or organise them so things arnt so bunched up.
Its a work in progress i'll keep focused on it, Thanks for letting me know.
Ok , I just went and looked at the sentence you was refering to, Yes it was bad even for me. I apologize.

What did you think of that strick to the neck?.
It didn't look that intentional, I thought he was going for a hit then didn't connect and turned it into a push with the forearm that could have hit a few pressure points.
It was more of a push than a hit and didn't appear that powerfull and thats what makes me think of pressure points.
He defenetly new some form of martial arts though, The way he got in close to tip the guy up but was told not to.
He was keeping it a street fight or boxing i mean. Street fight = (no rules) in my book.
I don't know what it is that makes people not follow through with their momentum and follow what their mates say, He could well have lost because of that.
Once commited to a move don't turn back i think.
Thanks again for picking that sentence up it helps if people remind me, I must have got a bit carried away when i found the flick ide been looking for.
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I don't want to be pedantic, honestly, but your sentences would be much easier to understand with some proper punctuation.

I wish i could mate, I really wish i could.
Im aware of it and just do my best, Im not that good at spelling either.
I try to breake the sentences up cause i just write how i talk and some times i get stuck to find places to break the sentences so i use a comma here and there.
Believe me im alot better than i used to be.

Chris Parker asked me to seperate questions and frazes i think or organise them so things arnt so bunched up.
Its a work in progress i'll keep focused on it, Thanks for letting me know.
Ok , I just went and looked at the sentence you was refering to, Yes it was bad even for me. I appoligise.

First note, on writing... See Strunk & White. It's worth purchasing the book, really... It's not very expensive. ($7 to $10, US) This online edition isn't bad -- but there have been a few revisions in subsequent editions.

Second, on pressure points in general. There are three broad types, to me. You have anatomical points that compromise structures, like popping the back of the knee someone's standing on. Not a true "pressure point" but you get a reaction from pressure there, so I'm calling it a pressure point. You then have physiologic or nervous points. These are areas where nerves are vulnerable to attack, like the brachial plexus or hypoglossal. These vary in different people (good luck finding them on my arms or shoulders, for example...), and work to varying degrees on different people subject to their pain tolerance, which gets effected by physiology, nervous arousal, and chemical influences. Finally, there are the acupuncture points. Lots of claims are made for these. I haven't seen many work reliably under controlled conditions... and these are the ones that often get excuses for why they didn't work. (Dillman's "lifted his toe" explanation among the most egregious!)

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