What is the best fighting style????

Ceicei said:
You are asking a very tough question. I would suggest that you go into different schools and try out a class or two. Most will allow you to try, either for free or at a minimal cost. Some will allow you to sit in to watch. That would be the only way you can check out to see what catches your interest. Pay attention to how instructors teach. It might be a marvelous style, but the quality of the instructor(s) will make/break the experience for you.

What sort of martial arts schools are available near you? If you could let us know what is there in your area, then we could give you some of our own reasons/opinions why we like these styles. Be aware, however, that our reasons may differ from yours as each of us are on our own journey.

- Ceicei

The only one is Karate, but I personaly like JU-JItzu the brazilian kind.
Ok, I normally will not answer a question like this but Im going to go ahead and do it. I think that the best style out there is Chinese Shuai Chiao. I realize that there really is no BEST style, but if I had to give an answer, that would be my opinion.
DeLamar.J said:
Ok, I normally will not answer a question like this but Im going to go ahead and do it. I think that the best style out there is Chinese Shuai Chiao. I realize that there really is no BEST style, but if I had to give an answer, that would be my opinion.

Why? (If you don't mind my asking that is.) :)
Clint, I have a couple of thoughts for you here.

As it seems that you are uncertain about with which art you want to apply your efforts, I encourage you to stay away from any contracts that schools might offer. It seems to me that you aren't really in a position to make a long term commitment. In fact, I echo what's been said already - check out a few different schools and see what feels best.

Also, you mention that you like Brazilian Jiu Jutsu. Why is that? What do you know of BJJ? What about this art appeals to you? Either way, if you really feel a predilection for this art, then by all means, go and check it out!

The most important point here is that it doesn't really matter what art you study. What matters is that you learn it from a qualified instructor that will commit themselves to your training and improvement, and that you commit yourself equally. If this happens, you will find success and experience the development of your skills and abilities.

Keep us updated as to your decisions and progress, Clint. The journey that you take here may help others who are on the same path, later on.
green meanie said:
Why? (If you don't mind my asking that is.) :)
This is just my opinion because of what I have seen, ok?

The reason why I feel that shuai Chiao is best, is because I have seen some students of this art beat other students of so many other arts that I cannot even remember the number. And I must stress, the teacher, Grand Master Gene Chicoine. Anyone who is awarded a black belt under this man has earned that right by any standard. IMO he is the best in the WORLD. His dojo has had an open challenge policy for over 20 years and no one has ever defeated him. He was Grand Master Tung Sheng Chang's top student, who was china's last undefeated champion in no holds barred fighting.
This is just my personal opinion.
DeLamar.J said:
This is just my opinion because of what I have seen, ok?

The reason why I feel that shuai Chiao is best, is because I have seen some students of this art beat other students of so many other arts that I cannot even remember the number. And I must stress, the teacher, Grand Master Gene Chicoine. Anyone who is awarded a black belt under this man has earned that right by any standard. IMO he is the best in the WORLD. His dojo has had an open challenge policy for over 20 years and no one has ever defeated him. He was Grand Master Tung Sheng Chang's top student, who was china's last undefeated champion in no holds barred fighting.
This is just my personal opinion.

Ok. I was just curious. Thanks for the info. :)
Where is his school located? It sounds like something definately worth checking out.

There is no best MA. And if anyone tells you there is they are being less than truthfull. I'm a TKD guy, and if you were to call me up I'd sell you on taking it, I will not do that here. Let me make a suggestion, there is a book that I have read called "Living the Martial Way" by; Maj. Forrest E. Morgan USAF Ret. He covers this exact subject in the first few chapters of that masterpiece of a book. I'll go ahead and post a link to the book. I'll also PM you with this post.


If you have any questions PM or Email me. Good luck

Master Fluffy
green meanie said:
Ok. I was just curious. Thanks for the info. :)
Where is his school located? It sounds like something definately worth checking out.
Akron ohio. I am trying to get in as we speak.
here is The MMA kid!'s 2 cents.

just because there isnt a "best" martial art, doesnt mean that some arts are simply obsolete, i believe TKD is obsolete in street fighting/cage fighting.

here is my list

One on one, hand to hand combat- Brazilian Jiu jitsu+striking skills

multiple opponents- Aikido or Run-fu

best stand-up/ no grapple one on one- Muay thai

beauty- Wushu?

relaxation- Tai chi

That question is right up there with the meaning of life. There are different styles and I would say that all legitimate styles are good, and the answer to your question usually lies with the particular teacher (how realistic their approach to a real life scenario is) and not the style per se.
The MMA kid! said:
here is The MMA kid!'s 2 cents.

just because there isnt a "best" martial art, doesnt mean that some arts are simply obsolete, i believe TKD is obsolete in street fighting/cage fighting.

Im not starting another thread here, but just remember that Tae Kwon Do does actually have other applications other than kicking! such as elbow strikes, punching combinations etc etc.
A kick used correctly in a street fight can and will be devistating if applied correctly. If your in a street fight and you say use a kick to the lower knee with a turning (roundhouse) kick and apply it correctly along with maintaining other factors I would say that chances are more than likely your opponents knee will give way.
Im not having a go! I just believe its not as obsolete as some people would choose to believe, but hey, its a matter of opinion and we are all entitiled to that.
If I had to choose a favorite style, I would say, Jeet Kune Do, the only problem being that its not a style its a system. I agree with the other guys here, its what works for you that counts and not what anybody may say work or not!
Good luck with finding a school! Regards
There is no fighting style that is the best. it is all in how the karatika {student] uses the fighting style, someone could think that their opponotes stylie is undergraded than his so h they think nothing of it, it is all in how well you aply your tech.
just because there isnt a "best" martial art, doesnt mean that some arts are simply obsolete, i believe TKD is obsolete in street fighting/cage fighting.

You should probably tell Anderson Silva that his TKD is obsolete, he seems to be ignorant of the fact.

Anderson Silva: I try , in the best possible way, to make sure that all the disciplines that I practised and that I practise are very alive and present with me when I'm fighting. And with taekwondo is not different.

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