Clint Strickland
Orange Belt
Ceicei said:You are asking a very tough question. I would suggest that you go into different schools and try out a class or two. Most will allow you to try, either for free or at a minimal cost. Some will allow you to sit in to watch. That would be the only way you can check out to see what catches your interest. Pay attention to how instructors teach. It might be a marvelous style, but the quality of the instructor(s) will make/break the experience for you.
What sort of martial arts schools are available near you? If you could let us know what is there in your area, then we could give you some of our own reasons/opinions why we like these styles. Be aware, however, that our reasons may differ from yours as each of us are on our own journey.
- Ceicei
The only one is Karate, but I personaly like JU-JItzu the brazilian kind.