What is Marriage?

Originally posted by Chronuss
guess it's a good thing I don't wanna get married, ain't it? :shrug:

good thing for who? you or HER! :rofl:
Originally posted by FUZZYJ692000
Society...that would be larger possibility of little yettis running around :eek:

The way the guys on this board talk, the possibility is actually probably greater if he DOESN'T get married........:rofl: :rofl:
People cause 90% of all accidents, 90% of all people are caused by accident.
Originally posted by Seig
People cause 90% of all accidents, 90% of all people are caused by accident.
This should be emblazoned over the entrance to every highschool and college campus building in the country.;)
Originally posted by theletch1
This should be emblazoned over the entrance to every highschool and college campus building in the country.;)
It would put most of them into therapy.
My friend, you need to put things in persoective. Think of some of the great marriages: Burns and Allen, Bronson and Ireland, Smith and Wesson......

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