And what of Gay Marriages?

I see.

If you don't wish to answer the question, that's just fine. However--and to respond precisely in kind--in true fake-conservative right-wing talk show host style, you prefer invective. Never fails to amaze me, when folks who espouse Christian values abandon them at first opportunity.

Just to clear up a few things, unless I'm hallucinating--as we Libs are wont to do--the topic of this thread is, "and what of gay marriages?" I've several times simply asked you on what grounds, scientific or religious, you are resting your arguments against allowing it. You know--it's that thing about building one's house on rock or on sand?

Rather than offer an answer to a polite question, you've chosen various forms of insult--including the latest, "Bobby," which employs the dimunitive of my name in an attempt to position yourself as the adult responding to a foolish child.

I pursued the matter out of genuine interest, and to keep the conversation going--and, frankly, because I suspected that no answer or logical refutation would be forthcoming. And readers please note: whatever Mister Mike might think I think, I always phrased things politely, and well...judge the responses for yourself. For me, it's enough to make one think that Neil Hertz had a point about male hysteria in response to political pressure.

Part of the reason I've become more and more sympathetic to, "minorities," like gay people as I've gotten older, I have to say, is the unreason of those who have problems with them. Here, it's the classic right-wing talk-show host response: get a question, launch insults, wait for the other party to get honked off in the slightest, accuse them of being childish and losing their temper, keep shifting the grounds of the discussion, keep claiming that one has, "proof," without ever specifying what that proof is, and eventually, when the game grows tiring, break off the conversation on the grounds that the other party is somehow being unreasonable for asking a question. Follow up with a snippy comment about the other person's beliefs, or what you're pleased to claim they believe.

And never, never, never answer the question. Never cite the basis for the belief. Never follow ordinary rules of courtesy. Just yell.

As for the topic, the connection is that it is this sort of unreason that makes life difficult for so many.

Just to "help," the other side, here are the primary arguments against so-called, "gay marriage."

1) Christian. Gay marriage violates the rules for life laid down in the Bible, and in mainstream Christian teachings since the Renaissance at least. It particularly violates the teachings of modern Protestantism, in particular those of the evangelical and fundamentalist divisions of Protestantism.

2) Christian. Gay marriage violates the basic premises that a) sex in marriage, the proper place for all sexual behavior, is either a sort of, "necessary evil," preferable to illegitimate lust or a pleasure that serves as a foretaste of Heaven, and b) sex in marriage is to be enjoyed in the context of procreation.

3) "Scientific." Gay marriage, based as it is upon, "abnormal," sexual expression, contradicts the biological basis of marriage. {Note: I have put quotes around, "scientific," since it is difficult to find evidence for this assertion of absolute, normative heterosexuality in animal studies or in human history.}

4) Scientific. Gay marriage rests upon the expression of perverse sexuality, with homosexuality being the result of an unusual genetic trait.

5) Historical. Gay marriage has never been practiced before, and is a modern notion altogether. It is wrong, because it flies in the face of past practices.

6) Cultural. Gay marriage is a perverse expression of a perverse, declining, corrupt culture.

7) Cultural. Gay marriage is part of an ongoing, active and quasi-deliberate attempt to undermine the normal American family.

8) Legal. Gay marrriage runs contrary to the establish tradition of Western law.

9) Legal. Gay marriage would require enormous, sweeping changes in our civil laws, with dangerous consequences.

10) Financial. Gay marriage would place enormous and unreasonable burdens on our insurance system and tax revenues, since gay people would immediately become eligible for marriage deductions, spousal benefits, and certain inheritance rights.

11) Psychosexual. Gay marrieds who adopted, or otherwise had children, would "spread," homosexuality to them, or create a generation of confused, unahappy, and indeed neurotic children.

Sheesh. Bobby shut up now.

Hmmm...I'll agree with you that marriage as recognized by the state, especially in Western Culture, is about a legal agreement and economics.

I don't agree that "marriage" had nothing to do with "religion" if we are talking outside of governments, though. Monogamy has been around as long as we have, as far as we know. Tribal cultures predating Christianity had rules and practices and ceremonies involved in bonding a man and woman together. Some of the "rules" as far a the families and tribe were concerned may have been economic. However, overall how can we say that the desire to have a monogomous relationship with someone, wed, have children, etc. is rooted in economics and not love? How can we say spiritual beliefs don't play a role?

I think that the roots of "marriage" as a monogomous union can't be anything but love and spiritually based. It doesn't make sense to me otherwise, and I think you'll find it tracing back a lot longer then Government recognised marriages.

However, if we are talking about "Marriage by the State" then I agree with you in that marriage is based on economics; it was then and is today.

I am just not sure which you are refering too, and I think it is important to make the distinction between State Marriage and Religious Marriage. When we are talking about Gay Marriages, the issue is State Marriage.
It could be that it was men marrying for the money (property actually).

It is very easy to prove who the mother of a child is ... she just needs to give birth in public (as many royals have in the past).

It is damn near impossible to prove who the father of a child is. Certianly, it was impossible in the beginning of the modern era. As youth were viewed as chattal, the only way to assign ownership of the child(ren) to the male progenitor was through marriage.

Think about it - Mike
Originally posted by Nightingale
Its the second statement I was taking issue with... MARRIAGE WAS ORIGINALLY A LEGAL AGREEMENT, WITH NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION. As you can see by the quotes I gave you in my previous post, one should really be asking the question of "should RELIGION be throwing the term marriage around?" since, after all, the roots of marriage lie in economics, not in religion.
Marriage is a contract that seperates legitamate children from ilegitamate children. It is a pre US government and child support covanent meant to decide the distrubution of wealth after we die. To suggest it never had any religious connotations would be to suggest that our Kinship systems were not religiously based. And hopefully everyone knows that that is crazy talk. Because back in the tribal days when this stuff mattered, religion was everything.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Marriage is a contract that seperates legitamate children from ilegitamate children. It is a pre US government and child support covanent meant to decide the distrubution of wealth after we die. To suggest it never had any religious connotations would be to suggest that our Kinship systems were not religiously based. And hopefully everyone knows that that is crazy talk. Because back in the tribal days when this stuff mattered, religion was everything.

Bingo, touch-o-death. Thats along the lines of what I was trying to say. :cool:
A few notes, today there is more than one religion that allows for a non monogamous relationship. And in one of those it is expected that you take care of your harem which are the women and childern in your family or extended family. This is not about a single religion claiming to be only monogamous.

Another point, yes tribes, used to beleave in lots of things, the tree spirits and the cloud spirits and also other gods as time went by. What does this have to do with marriage today or even a few years ago. The tree spirit was not asked to bless the union of two people. Now if you are talking about Dagda et al and driudism, or the blessing of the Earth Mother in what ever name she was called by the tribe then yes they were welcome at the wedding. Yet they were also welcome in the hunt, Also welcome in the sacrafice of an enemy to your favored spirit or god.

In England, if a person could prove their belief of god be swearug an oath they were let out of the asylum. Some were put into the asylum for not believing in the Christain god. What does this have to do with teh discussion of Gay Marriages.

People used to trade in slavery, (* No one mentioned this, I bring it up now *) and what does this have to do with Marriages or Gay Marriages.

All these things and more happened in history.

What do they have to offer us today in the USA or even elsewhere on the discussion of Marriage or Gay Marriage

In My Opinion Nothing. Now this does not mean that MisterMike or anyone here is wrong in their opinion or beliefs.

What it does mean is that in this society today, we have a government that happens to reconize for convenience sake religious marriages. We have the desire for separation of Chruch And State. We have the right of equality and freedom. Also some priviledges and Responsibilities in there also.

So, if an Individual does not believe in another person's belief so be it. Yet, let me ask some questions here.

Ok, let us pass a fictional law that all Christians cannot see their loved ones in the hospital and they have no rights to property or incomes due the estate, do to teh fact that have not followed the proper covenat of the Norse God Thor for Marriage. Would you hold this law in contempt? I know I would. Even if my belief system was the that of Thor and the Norse.

So, If I remember correctly, when I got married, I had to file for a license. I also received a document from the church I was married in. There were two separate documents for the marriage. The State just recognizes the ceremony of the religious practitioner. Some may argue since this is as it has always been. I will argue that it is good business. This means that te State does not have to provide as many Justice of The Peace, (* Judge *) to perform these ceremonies. And the time of these Judges may be spent more productive (* For the State *) cases in court.





(* My Definition of these words for this discssion *)
Morals: A group of beliefs that are presented by a group or organization for the betterment of society. (* AKA Religions *)

Values: What a person holds true or valuabel to themselves and also to their family and maybe for society.

Ethics: What is considered to be good or bad for Society. i.e. is it ethical to kill people. Is it ethical to kill convicts?

Law: What Society has taken from its' Ethics and deemed that some form or consequence is requried for some act.

So, if an individual belongs to a religious group that teaches them morals for the society they belong too. They also find what is valuable to them. Such as is ite really necessary to eat Fish on Friday or not to eat pork now that we know how to cook it? These Values may be a subset of the morals a super set or an interesection of their own beliefs or the beliefs from other moral institutions. So, a person then can take these Values and argue there worth to society. This is how a person tries to change what is ethical by society. In some cultures/societies it the custom that women cover their face. Some might argue that this would be better for all of society, since thier beauty cannot distract men from their business at hand. Others might argue that they believe that Gay Marriages should be recognized, yet they are more rights to tis recogintion from society and the State, since they are not imposing any religious issues on others. Others may find one or both of these points disagreeable and thereby argue that as a society they should not be accepted as Ethical. From what is decided as Ethical, there can be made the laws. And the Consequence of Marriage to the State is Money, Tax laws and inheritence and estate issues. In this case, the state gives a tax break to the Family or union. The laws then require that companies that provide health care coverage for spouses, cover all spouses. This is an increase in monies spent for coverage. Yet seeing what I paid as single and what I pay when I was married, it was not free to me, I had to cover much of the cost. (* For another thread, I would argue that this would actually decrease the amount of insurance fraud and thereby decrease the losses the insurance companies claim to raise rates. *)

So, in this case we are discussing the issue of Gay Marriage(s). As the State we should recognize it. Why, since it has been deemed ethical to provide health care to loved ones, and to provide visitation rights and also to provide for property transfer, and more issues to numerous to list.

So, the arguements against are I as I see it:
"It is against My Religion" and
"It has no historical Precedence"

The First is the Moral issue. As I tried above and not well, I believe that Morals affect Values, and Values affect Ethics, and Ethics Affect Law.

So, in the case of it is against a personal religion, I would argue that this has not been determine to be and ethical discussion. It is still a moral discussion. In moral discussion a person's belief system is called into the arguement and there by could be insulted or challenged. The arguement needs to progress further past Morals to Values, and then to try to affect what the majority of people believe to be ethical.

In the case of no historical precedence, I would argue that this is not the first time people this country or elsewhere made history by doing something never done before. It was nto that long ago women petitioned for the right to vote. It was argued and then it was deemed to be ethical to allow women to vote.

So, in general, in my long winded opinion, society has deemed it necessary to provide Medicare and Medicaid, even if they may not be the best. As well as Social Security those of certain ages or certain disabilities. Society has decided that the separation of Church and State, still stands today. Therefore, direct Religious doctrine should not be taken as law. No matter what the religion. Society has determined that slavery is not an acceptable act. Society has decided that education is requried, hence the taxes for schools and the requirement for kids to go to schools.

Society, still has it as be unethical to live together and not be married. It is ethical to be married though. Even though society has relaxed on this issue, there are still the looks and questions from many a person.

I think Gay Marriages should be allowed in the sense of the State. Also, if their religion that they belong to also accepts such a ceremony then I support that as well, and for the State to continue to recognize the Religious ceremony (* As it is good business *).

(* My apologies for this long post *)
Dang. I got a really good thread going here.

Go me!

By the way...I disagree with Govenor Schwarzenegger and think heterosexual Christians should be banned from gay marriages. I also think it should be illegal for Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christians to buy pornography, drink, curse, have extra-marital sex, or dress scantily. They should be put in jail for that. Or maybe we should bring back the stocks. Remember stocks? They used to be intstruments of punishment...well, given my investment portfolio lately, they still are.

Seriously, though...if a Church doesn't want to sanctify a Gay marriage, they ought not. If Gays want to leave that church as a result, then they should feel free to.

I was married with a judge in temporam's signature on a marriage license...a completely secular marriage. No church had anything to say about it. Such an arrangement would be extremely simple for a Gay couple to follow...finding a church to perform a ceremony might be more difficult. The benefits to the couple would be significant.

There is NO negative societal impact I can possibly see from such an arrangement. People will be pissed...and then things will settle down.

Robert...excellent observations concerning the Right's rhetoric. I see it also on the Left's part on occasion...but not on television.

The following found at this site:

Any good religious person believes prayer should be balanced by action. So a proposed Constitutional Amendment codifying marriage entirely on biblical principles:

A. Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one man and one or more women.(Gen 29:17-28; II Sam 3:2-5.)

B. Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives. (II Sam 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chron 11:21)

C. A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed (Deut 22:13-21)

D. Marriage of a believer and a non-believer shall be forbidden.(Gen 24:3; Num 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Neh 10:30)

E. Since marriage is for life, neither this Constitution nor the constitution of any State, nor any state or federal law, shall be construed to permit divorce. (Deut 22:19; Mark 10:9)

F. If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the widow. If he refuses to marry his brother's widow or deliberately does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law. (Gen. 38:6-10; Deut 25:5-10)

G. In lieu of marriage, if there are no acceptable men in your town, it is required that you get your dad drunk and have sex with him (even if he had previously offered you up as a sex toy to men young and old), tag-teaming with any sisters you may have. Of course, this rule applies only if you are female. (Gen 19:31-36)


So, Steve, I could have more than one wife? Wow! and I can also have extra girlfriends as well. WOW! and no divorce so I do nt loose it all, WOW!

Yet, I see a way around point E. Just Claim she was not a virgin in from Point C.

Wow, why did people ever give up this great rules and laws?

Maybe Civilizations have come someplace and the standard of living for all is being increased?

Still WOWED!:D
Its a sad state of affairs when we have to discuss this topic. Men were made for women, and women were made for men. Its that simple. Humans are the only land species that I know of that CAN face each other during the act of extreme intimacy. Is it an accident that our respective "parts" line up? I don't believe this design is by some amazing accident of nature. I believe we were designed by God, and for one another as male, and female. Not male, and male, or female, and female. So my vote goes against the legalization of gay unions, and any benefits derived from marriage.

By His Grace :asian:

I agree with the first sentence of your post. Its a sad day when we even have to discuss this.

Its a sad day when other people are so incredibly threatened by what happens in other people's bedrooms that they campaign to deny those human beings the basic civil rights that they have spent their lives enjoying simply because they were born heterosexual.
Well, thanks for saying it clearly. At least, we can see that it's a simple demand for everyone else to obey somebody else's religious beliefs, and nothing else.

It'll be a really sad day when a small group gets the "right," (as though somebody had taken away THEIR rights by suggesting that we all mind our own business) to impose its religious beliefs on everybody else.

And I also like this dream of do realize that you just made everything but missionary position a violation of God's Law?

I'm still waiting to read just how it is that gay people hurt anybody when they get married.
Originally posted by donald
Its a sad state of affairs when we have to discuss this topic. Men were made for women, and women were made for men. Its that simple. Humans are the only land species that I know of that CAN face each other during the act of extreme intimacy. Is it an accident that our respective "parts" line up? I don't believe this design is by some amazing accident of nature. I believe we were designed by God, and for one another as male, and female. Not male, and male, or female, and female. So my vote goes against the legalization of gay unions, and any benefits derived from marriage.

By His Grace :asian:
so by this I suppose you have members of your own family you won't talk to or associate with. This saddens me. :asian:
Originally posted by donald
Its a sad state of affairs when we have to discuss this topic. Men were made for women, and women were made for men. Its that simple. Humans are the only land species that I know of that CAN face each other during the act of extreme intimacy. Is it an accident that our respective "parts" line up? I don't believe this design is by some amazing accident of nature. I believe we were designed by God, and for one another as male, and female. Not male, and male, or female, and female. So my vote goes against the legalization of gay unions, and any benefits derived from marriage.

By His Grace :asian:

This may be your belief and this is fine.

It is not mine.

Humans are Sea Apes. They are the only primates with salt water tears, and a subcontanious layer of fat all just like sea creatures that are mammals.

Any in Belief system this is alse by design,

So be it by the Creator
Humans are the only land species that I know of that CAN face each other during the act of extreme intimacy. Is it an accident that our respective "parts" line up?

I'm not sure where we're suppose to go with that one.

Humans are also the only truly bipedal species...perhaps that has something to do with it? How this whole issue impacts Gay marriages, I don't know. Maybe we shouldn't let them marry because they don't "line up" right.


I'm going to go to bed now...I'll read myself to sleep with the Kama Sutra tonight. Let's see what unnatural positions those evil Hindus will have me doing this weekend.

I agree that everyone should have the right or a shot at health coverage.But same sex marriage?I dont think so.Thats just my own opinion.