Not cammo, but any and all combat gear. I wish I could encourage you to expand your horizons. But I think your horizons are artificially too close for you to even consider there are things you don't know. You constantly demand to be shown things, to battle test techniques, and yet refuse to evaluate anything beyond your own myopic understanding of your own art. Your lack of training or experience with other arts, and more, your constant attack on other arts simply because you are unable to understand them, makes you look not only uneducated in other arts capabilities, but ignorantly unwilling to learn. That is probably the saddest part. If I see something that I think is a good technique, I don't care whose art it is. I want to learn it.
And pressure points: Yes Virginia, their are pressure points even if there is no santa Claus, there are pressure points all over the body. Maybe you should seek out a MA that practices them and study for a bit. Or maybe not, it might destroy your smugness about the one and only true martial art, yours.