What is in your student manual?

Thank you! One of the things we ran into since we were part of a college club was that our student base would rotate out every 4-5 years and you would have to train in the new people as they come in. We made instruction booklets for every officer position so the new people had a guide book to they didn't have to reinvent the wheel. We also set up the student manual for the club to work with our introduction program for students to check us out and see if they wanted to become full members. The organization kept everyone on the same page. The new club instructor is not as organized as I am, but he is figuring out his process and what works for him.
Well done! If more of my consulting clients understood this, I'd have a much harder time finding work.
Well done! If more of my consulting clients understood this, I'd have a much harder time finding work.

Well I figured the logic was strait forward. "If I am going to have to go through this every few years, what can I put in place to streamline the process so I can focus on what I need to which is teach the students."

You could almost call me lazy if it wasn't for the amount of work you have to put in to get there. :P
Well I figured the logic was strait forward. "If I am going to have to go through this every few years, what can I put in place to streamline the process so I can focus on what I need to which is teach the students."

You could almost call me lazy if it wasn't for the amount of work you have to put in to get there. :p
You'd think it was straightforward, but I see clients with 25% turnover (have to replace 25% of staff each year) who haven't regimented the process.
We don't actually have a manual, but we have everything and more that you mentioned available on our website under the "student resources" section that only our active students can access. We encourage all of our student's to start a martial arts notebook like a professional portfolio of sorts so they can look back on their training to see how far they have come and rediscover things they may have forgotten. We recommend they print out as much of the "student resources" material as they can to add to their martial arts portfolio.

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