From a student’s perspective...
Keep it online, with a password if you’re so inclined. Have a few hard copies around for the occasional person who likes that. And have one you can show a new or prospective student.
A brief history of the art, and possibly your experience
Philosophy of the art
Dojo rules/etiquette
Explanation of ranks - you use kyu dan ranks differently than most others
Common non-technique words and phrases commonly used, such as counting, rei, mokuso, etc.
Syllabus, which includes eligibility requirements (time in grade, etc.). Also include any rank specific equipment and uniform requirements and/or options, like if 4th kyu + wear hakima, sparring gear, weapons, etc.
- My organization lists the correct Japanese terms for the techniques in the syllabus
I think that’s a bare minimum if you’re going the student packet/manual route.
For more of a manual feel vs a student handout, you could give step by step instructions for the standardized stuff. My dojo has one at the shinzen, and everyone’s allowed to look at it. There’s probably a way to obtain one from our honbu, but I’m not sure. It’s a written reference, not intended as a teaching tool. My teacher will look at it time to time during class if there’s something that escapes his memory at a certain moment.
Keeping this stuff online saves some cost and is more convenient for someone like me. It’s easier to pull it up on my iPhone that it is to find a book. A book will get thrown somewhere by my wife or kids and won’t be found when I want it. At least that’s how most things go anyway
I’d love a manual. My teacher has a bunch of stuff in a filing cabinet. Somehow that thing’s FULL of stuff, yet he can never find what I need specifically. And on the odd chance he can, it’s almost always a copy of a copy of a copy that was originally written on a typewriter and has a bunch of handwritten changes/corrections. I like stuff written out so I can practice new material at home without worrying about practicing it wrong.
I heard through the grapevine that students get a manual from honbu when promoted to dan ranks, but I haven’t heard a definite yes or no.