What is good in life?


Black Belt
"to crush your enemies,
to see them driven before you,
and hear the lamentations of the women!"
kid said:
"to crush your enemies,
to see them driven before you,
and hear the lamentations of the women!"
Aww man I was going to quote Conan (Ah-nold) with that one... LOL But the question was what is BEST in life.

how about...
"...naw...all I need is some cresty waves, a cool Bud and I'm fine!"
Jeff Spicoli ~ Fast Times At Ridgemont High (Sean Penn)...
FearlessFreep said:
"The best thngs in life are dirty!"
Didn't Janet Jackson and Luther Vandross claim that the best things in life are free...
To my recollection dirty things are rarely free...
(Except underwear)
for the ost part everything i said was free and dirty. well i didn't really say conan did.
MACaver said:
how about...
"...naw...all I need is some cresty waves, a cool Bud and I'm fine!"
Jeff Spicoli ~ Fast Times At Ridgemont High (Sean Penn)...
Actually it's a cool buzz.
Didn't Janet Jackson and Luther Vandross claim that the best things in life are free...
and it was the Beatles who said you can keep them for the birds and bees, I need money.
Do you know what else is good in life, this babe that sits infront of me in my writing class. :jedi1: Naw for real though, i offered her some of my frito lays this morning. I got shot down. I didn't expect that, everyone likes fritos. I think. "Now thats funny i dont care who you are."

Kid said so
a no on the fritos?

what is the world coming to when you can't even pick up a girl with some fine tasting snack products anymore.......
OUMoose said:
and it was the Beatles who said you can keep them for the birds and bees, I need money.
Not quite sure where John and Paul were really going with that one but I have to agree...
The "What is best in life" line was stolen from Ghengis Khan for use in the movie with Ah-nold. I knew a Lt. Colonel of Marines that had that quote in bronze on his desk.

What is best in life? Loyal friends, a meaningful job, and at my age, a little blue pill whose effects last for six hours...or a little yellow/orange pill that lasts for 36 hours.

And if you don't know what the Hell I'm talking about, you're blessedly young.


yup you got me on that one. are those the pills from the matrix? cause that would be a strange trip.
hardheadjarhead said:
and at my age, a little blue pill whose effects last for six hours...or a little yellow/orange pill that lasts for 36 hours.

LOL. I can guess what the blue pill is, but the yellow one? Zantac? Celebrex? :)
yes...we have pills in this country that will make a male harder than Chinese algebra...yet still haven't found a cure for itchy, watery eyes. go figure. :rolleyes:

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