What is everyone's weakness

I'm a congenital klutz. Really....I suck at everything.

(Move along. Move along.)

Oh, and cats-most people who are "allergic to cats," are allergic to cat saliva.....after that comes dander....then hair.

I'm allergic to all three-cats are like my goddam kryptonite.....

Blondes, but it's often a reciprocal thing....
Oh, and cats-most people who are "allergic to cats," are allergic to cat saliva.....after that comes dander....then hair.

I'm allergic to all three-cats are like my goddam kryptonite.....

Blondes, but it's often a reciprocal thing....
Hah! This means I have no fear of you now. At any given moment I am probably covered in enough cat hair, dander, and saliva to render you helpless should you dare lay hands on me.
Hah! This means I have no fear of you now. At any given moment I am probably covered in enough cat hair, dander, and saliva to render you helpless should you dare lay hands on me.

Well, it's like exposure to any substance-time, intensity, and distance.

Yesterday, in church, the woman in the pew in front of me had her coat over the back of the pew. Took about a half hour for me to realize that she must have a cat, maybe forty minutes......of course, then I had to get the hell away from her coat, what with the itchy eyes and wheezing and all......on the other hand, should I dare lay hands on you, Tony, I dare say that it wouldn't take me nearly that long to inflict whatever ill will I intended, or vice versa....on the other hand, we won't be doing ANY BJJ rolling in street clothes any time soon....

Merry Christmas, dude!
Speaking of one of my aforementioned weaknesses..... I had my last piece of cake just now...no more.. at least not until March...... all this sweet stuff over the holidays has added 8 pounds to me so it is time to get tough with at least one of my weaknesses....as for the other.....


That is a cross I shall have to bear