What fiction book are you currently reading?

The latest SW:FotJ is out. I get them on audio since I don't have a ton of time unfortunately to spend on reading. GoT is good....

I thought the last book of SW:FotJ was Apocalypse and it wasnt due out till next year.

I shall be Googling now....


According to Amazon.com the release date is April 12, 2012.

Also never been a fan of audio books unless i have already read them like the HP series. To each their own

I thought the last book of SW:FotJ was Apocalypse and it wasnt due out till next year.

I shall be Googling now....


No Apocalypse is the last book in the series, not the latest and you're right it's due next year. The latest is Ascension.
I'm rereading Joel Rosenberg's The Crimson Sky, because I was too cheap to order the first two books of the series when I bought this one...
I have The Name of The Wind on audiobook and am just about ready to start listening.

Currently reading A Dance with Dragons by George RR Martin. I'm on page 510, which is almost the half way point.
Finished Storm from the Shadows (David Weber) and am now working on Mission of Honor the next book (sort of) in the Honorverse.

I am also rereading On Basilisk Station simultaneously, the first Honor book, and I must say that I really liked the stripped down approach of that first book, these latter books feel bloated in comparison. Too many badguys whose machinations the reader has to sit thorugh, in "Mission" you see the inner workings of Haven, Manpower/Mesa, and the Sollies. A bit too much, I am just waiting for the Sollie Battle Fleet group to arrive at wherever it departed for in "Storm." I won't quit reading but it is getting annoying.
I don't reckon he gives much of a flying about such things as death threats, Don :D. He strikes me as the kind of man I'd love to spend the night drinking and shooting the breeze with, even if I disagreed with him on some/many things. A bit like you and John {no blushing now :D}. When we first 'bumped heads' years ago I had a terrible opinion of you both; then over time I learned more about the 'men' behind the 'screen', which pierced the political 'shield' in a positive way.

I can't recall if I've posted these links before so please forgive my repetition if I have:





I don't reckon he gives much of a flying about such things as death threats, Don :D. He strikes me as the kind of man I'd love to spend the night drinking and shooting the breeze with, even if I disagreed with him on some/many things. A bit like you and John {no blushing now :D}. When we first 'bumped heads' years ago I had a terrible opinion of you both; then over time I learned more about the 'men' behind the 'screen', which pierced the political 'shield' in a positive way.

I can't recall if I've posted these links before so please forgive my repetition if I have:





I don't remember seeing them.
Just starting Prayers for the Assassin by Robert Ferrigno, pretty good so far. Going to test drive a kindle tomorrow night.