What fiction book are you currently reading?

:chcukles: It's not our fault if there aren't many ladies writing military fiction :D.
besides 'Atlas shrugged' do any of you guys ever read a female author?

Elizabeth Moon, Ursula Le Guen, Jody Lynn Nye, Melanie Rawn, and while I used to read Anne McCaffrey, I haven't read one of her books in years.

Edit: and Lois McMaster Bujold.
Finished "The Last Centurion" by Ringo, and well, I probably should have quit about halfway through, it wasn't great.

Started a short story compiliation edited by George RR Martin called Warriors 1, pretty good so far, one of the things is that it is cross genre, so you get sci-fi, fantasy, and historical fiction rather than it being a "Sci-Fi" themed book. I bought it for the Dunc and Egg story, but the others are pretty good too.
Forgot Luis McMaster Bujold, and I'm sure many others...

There are some authors I do read just about anything they write. Steve Perry, L.E. Modessit, Gordon Dickson (late, regrettably, and with more left to write in The Childe Cylce :( ), Robert Buettner... just looking around at recent reads. There are plenty of others, and the omission of a female at this juncture doesn't mean there are none, just that I'm not running through 'em all. There are other writers that I read any of a particular series. Jim Butcher is one; I like the Dresden Files books, but not so impressed by some of his other books. But, generally, I look at the material (I like certain types of mysteries, I like science fiction, I like fantasy that touches on reality - like the Dresden Files or the Monster Hunter International books, and pure fantasy, among other things -- especially stuff that makes me think) and the writing. If the book catches my eye, and the description on the back seems decent -- I skim a few pages. If I like what I see... I give it a shot. So I don't often care about the gender of the author.
So I don't often care about the gender of the author.

I was saying just the same thing yesterday whilst conversing with a colleague on this very subject.

By happy coincidence with Gran's question, I've been listening to a radio series (on Radio 4) of discourses about female writers over the past century and it sparked an interesting chat on whether women actually do write differently than men and if that is a desirable thing or not.
The Measure of the Magic by Terry Brooks.

I'm reading this as well. I'm almost done. I really like the idea of these pre-Sword books. I really liked the Word and the Void books (set modern day), but these in between ones haven't had the same magic (pun intended) as the original trilogy had for me when I read it in the early 80's.

Jim Butcher? How is that? My friend got into the Dresden books and was raving to the point that he left the first 3 books at my house with an order to read them. They were light, fun, airy, humorous, but I can't really call them good. Much like I think of my Mack Bolan/Executioner books.
Jim Butcher? How is that? My friend got into the Dresden books and was raving to the point that he left the first 3 books at my house with an order to read them. They were light, fun, airy, humorous, but I can't really call them good. Much like I think of my Mack Bolan/Executioner books.
Anytime anyone says "YOU HAVE TO READ THIS" I get turned off, it all goes back to To Kill a Mockingbird in 5th grade...
I like it, but, I read solely for entertainment, so, YMMV
I hear you man. Most of the time people doing the recommending of books don't know a thing about literature ... not enough to deem something "great" and a must read. I can't tell you how many Stephen King books I've gotten as presents, but he's truly terrible. Or the time when everyone was telling me how great the Divinci Code was.
I'm reading Power Down by Ben Coes. I kept seeing ads for it on facebook and then saw it in the gift shop at the airport, where I had no book...
Pretty interesting so far.
Just started reading A Game of Thrones.

Waiting on the last book of Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi to come out so i thought id start another series. Watched the show on HBO and my friend told me the book was much better.

We shall see

Just started reading A Game of Thrones.

Waiting on the last book of Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi to come out so i thought id start another series. Watched the show on HBO and my friend told me the book was much better.

We shall see


The latest SW:FotJ is out. I get them on audio since I don't have a ton of time unfortunately to spend on reading. GoT is good....
The latest SW:FotJ is out. I get them on audio since I don't have a ton of time unfortunately to spend on reading. GoT is good....

I thought the last book of SW:FotJ was Apocalypse and it wasnt due out till next year.

I shall be Googling now....
