jaymo said:i just finished reading the 11th book in the LS series and "the face" by dean koontz. i'm not sure what i'll read next. i'm in the mood to be scared. any suggestions?
I'd recommend "Writer of the Purple Rage" by Joe R. Lansdale.
Joe is good friends with Dean Koontz, btw. Their writing styles are very different but some of the stories in WotPR (it's an anthology of shorts) should have your flesh crawling some. Like "Drive-In Date" or "Steppin' Out, Summer '68". And, one of my all-time favorites, "In the Cold, Dark Time". And then there's others, like "Bubba Ho-Tep" (now a fantastic B rate movie starring Bruce Campell and Ossie Davis) and "Godzilla's 12 Step Program" are just plain funny in Joe's inimically twisted way

Joe's written a lot of other good stuff but he mostly writes crime/mystery these days. But WotPR is a very good collection with some of his old horror stuff. He's one the Bram Stoker award 4 times for his horror work - he's a *very* good author.