What fiction book are you currently reading?

Wow, I must give a contrary opinion on Sensei, I didn't like it at all.

I finally finished God Emperor of Dune, that was a hard read for me, interesting social commentary, but I couldn't really identify with Leto II.

I'm about half way through Pride and Prejudice and will start F. Paul Wilson's Conspiracies.
AaronLucia said:
Cloud of Sparrows - An Epic Novel of Japan by Takashi Matsuoka
Could you tell me a little about the story line (Time frame, charachters and such?)
For Cloud of Sparrows, its basically set in the middle 1800's, when the foreigners just arrived. Basically there is a lower Great Lord (Genji) who is supposed to have the gift of prophecy..and alot of people don't like him. Basically, since i'm only half-way through i can't expungiate on the whole book, but..there isn't a whole lot of action, but the cool dialogue makes up for it. Supposedly some foreigner is supposed to save the Great Lord's life, but nobody in the Great Lord's posse trusts them..and in general the Great Lord is trying to survive because the Shogun and many other Great Lords don't like him

That might be a super crappy description..but...
AaronLucia said:
For Cloud of Sparrows, its basically set in the middle 1800's, when the foreigners just arrived. Basically there is a lower Great Lord (Genji) who is supposed to have the gift of prophecy..and alot of people don't like him. Basically, since i'm only half-way through i can't expungiate on the whole book, but..there isn't a whole lot of action, but the cool dialogue makes up for it. Supposedly some foreigner is supposed to save the Great Lord's life, but nobody in the Great Lord's posse trusts them..and in general the Great Lord is trying to survive because the Shogun and many other Great Lords don't like him

That might be a super crappy description..but...
Actually that sounds like something I might be interested in. How about "across the Nightingale Floor" and "Tears for his Pillow" by Liam Neeson?
I just finnished Battle Royale by Koushun Takami
man they need to hurry up and release the movie here in the states
untill then go hong kong bootlegs :P
...I finished the fifth Harry Potter book the only night...now I gotta wait til next year for the sixth...oy!
Marshall, what are Across the Nightingale Floor and Tears for His Pillow about?
I am now Currently reading "The Steampunk Trillogy" by Paul DiFilippo.

Its Cyberpunk set in the Victorian Era.
I have been reading the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan and the Wizards Firts Rule series by Terry Goodkind. Both are good series but it takes forever between new releases.
I have been reading the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan and the Wizards Firts Rule series by Terry Goodkind. Both are good series but it takes forever between new releases.

Wow, you have been sucked into two of fantasy's worst examples of stories that got away from the authors. I used to give away the first book in WoT, but now I just feel guilty about that. :uhyeah:

I also enjot L.E. Modesitt's Recluce series. I have read everything in that series, and I am awaiting another installmant.
At least Modesitt's books are stand alone, or two books complete the story, those are several books set within the same world. The Goodkind and Jordan books are one freakin' long story. And yes, I am bitter that the last three Jordan books could have been condensed into one..... :rolleyes:

Actually the Drake/Flint Bellisarius series seems to be doing the same thing now.

AaronLucia said:
Marshall, what are Across the Nightingale Floor and Tears for His Pillow about?
here is part of the teaser from the inside front dust cover of the first book "Across the nightingale Floor"....

In his black walled fortress at Inuyama, the warlord Iida Sadamu surveys his famous nightingale floor. Constructed with exquisite skill, it sings at the tread of each human foot. No assassin can cross it unheard.

The youth Takeo has been brought up in a remote mountain village among the Hidden, a reclusive and spiritual people who have taught him only the ways of peace. But unbeknownst to him, his father was a celbrated assassin and a member of the Tribe, an ancient network of Families with extraordinary, preternatural skills...

The hidden I took to be christians and the Tribe sound like the Ninja clans. Takeo is in the Hidden village when a warlord comes through and kills everyone, only Takeo escapes. He is adopted by another warlord, Otori Shigeru. The books deal with his strugle between his new adopted father and the pull of the Tribe to reclaim him...I thouroughly enjoyed both books and am anxious to read the third......of the "Tales of the Otori" Trilogy.

Hope my little book review helped and if you do read them, let me know what you thought about them.... :asian:
Blindside said:
At least Modesitt's books are stand alone, or two books complete the story, those are several books set within the same world. The Goodkind and Jordan books are one freakin' long story. And yes, I am bitter that the last three Jordan books could have been condensed into one..... :rolleyes:

Actually the Drake/Flint Bellisarius series seems to be doing the same thing now.


I liked Goodkind's stuff, I loved Jordan's stuff (although I have to agree, it is getting rediculous in length and he's become way too wordy), but I just couldn't get into the Recluse books. The stories were too spaced out and jumpy, and the world and rules of the Recluse world were too loosely spelled out. I bought the entire series or set of books, and never read more than three.
OULobo said:
I liked Goodkind's stuff, I loved Jordan's stuff (although I have to agree, it is getting rediculous in length and he's become way too wordy), but I just couldn't get into the Recluse books. The stories were too spaced out and jumpy, and the world and rules of the Recluse world were too loosely spelled out. I bought the entire series or set of books, and never read more than three.

I really liked the Recluce Books, they have a current situation in their world, and then the next book went back in time to how that practice came to be. It is an interesting set up.
I made the mistake of reading Goodkind and Jordan about the same timeframe.. finished one.. picked up another as I waited for the new release.. man did I ever get the two stories confused.. *hush all that know me~!* ;) I thoroughly enjoyed them til the last couple books.. I couldn't finish the last book~!!
Then Jordan decides to write the prequel 'New Spring' and well my small mind was like.. *tilt*
I found both series on audiotape.. and I must say, I'm really enjoying them more ten-fold by listening.. I think I must of skipped a bunch reading (all the descriptive filler).
I'm into the 3rd book of David Drake's 'Lord of the Isles' series.. It's different.. and reviewers say he's up there with Jordan and Goodkind.. I can see the similarity.. Not my favorite..
I really REALLY enjoyed the Elizabeth Haydon series 'The Symphony of Ages' Excellent Read~!! Find It Here
I usually get my books at the library, unless they are ones I absolutely have to buy.. and getting rather annoyed as they invariably have an author I like, but only one out of a series.. *grumbles*

Marshall, i think i know to what books you are referring.

I remember i saw them in Kuwait when i was stationed there. :P

Cloud of Sparrows has a character named Shigeru in it, i wonder if he's the same..
AaronLucia said:
Marshall, i think i know to what books you are referring.

I remember i saw them in Kuwait when i was stationed there. :P

Cloud of Sparrows has a character named Shigeru in it, i wonder if he's the same..
Book three is coming out soon, called "Brilliance of the Moon. The Shigeru in "Cloud of Sparrows" is just a coincidence. It seems that maybe Shigeru is a common name? I will be reading this book next after "Brilliance of the Moon" :asian:
Seig said:
I am reading Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series
I've heard a LOT of good about this series! Let us know what you think.

BTW: I've heard that if you like her stuff You'll LOVE the Harry Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. (I suggested these to your wife a while back)
Your Brother

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