What fiction book are you currently reading?

Don't drive yourself crazy about the order with Discworld really. At this point you should be familiar with Rincwind, The Witches, The Professors at the Unseen University, The City Watch, Lord Vetinari. At this point you can pretty much read them in whatever order you get them in.
I'm not. Well, too much...
You mentioned Clancy so I must mention I got the new Clancy novel this morning. It's on the pile, in the rotation, I'll get to it by at least Thursday since it is 7 down.
Oooh, I haven't picked it up yet, but, I may Thursday is payday.
You mentioned Clancy so I must mention I got the new Clancy novel this morning. It's on the pile, in the rotation, I'll get to it by at least Thursday since it is 7 down.

how do you read so fast?

Or do you read several at the same time?!
how do you read so fast?

Or do you read several at the same time?!
I generally read about one a day, depending on what all I have to actually, do.
I read one at a time, because, even reading wildly different genres, I get confused.
I blame my blonde sister.
how do you read so fast?
Or do you read several at the same time?!

I went to college for Literature and Journalism remember. So yeah, I speed read though I hate calling it that since most people take it as skimming which it is not. You can easily teach it to yourself, I've taught several people, send me a PM if you want.
I went to college for Literature and Journalism remember. So yeah, I speed read though I hate calling it that since most people take it as skimming which it is not. You can easily teach it to yourself, I've taught several people, send me a PM if you want.

Thanks, I appreciate it. Though my problems are more of the nature that I have too much going on that demands my attention.
No problem at all. I find it a great skill that many should try to develop but don't. But then many people don't read as much as they should.
The holidays were a good time to kick back and do some popcorn reading.

Most of the John Ringo "Paladin of Shadows" Series
Choosers of the Slain
Unto the Breach

Still pretty much a modern day soldier fantasy, with lots of sex with hot women and lots of firefights, the ratio of sex to firefights goes down over the series, and that is a good thing. the protagonist still has way way too much money to throw around so it doesn't feel like they have any real logistical problems that can't just be solved by the application of "more money."

The Crucible of Empire by Flint & Wentworth, good sci fi, I liked the first book (Course of Empire) better, but still pretty good.

"Old Soldiers" by David Weber, good bolo action, and another good female protagonist. :D

Finished Monster Hunters International by Larry Correia and just started Monster Hunter Vendetta. After hearing about it on this thread, I knew I had to read it, Larry was my concealed carry instructor. Good stuff, lots of guns, lots of dead monsters, lots of fun.
That is true. I usually use my time before bed to read, seems to work for the most part. Though it sometimes backfires and I end up staying up all night. Damn you Clancy!
That is true. I usually use my time before bed to read, seems to work for the most part. Though it sometimes backfires and I end up staying up all night. Damn you Clancy!

Yeah, I have been interupted at 3 AM (when I have to get up at 5:30!)
"Aren't you coming to bed?!" Rita Mae Brown does that for me.... :lol:
I ALWAYS have whatever book I am reading where I can easily get to it. No matter where you go, someone is going to make you wait.
Yeah, though I usually have my coffee table/bedroom side-table book and the book I leave in the car for when I'm stuck out somewhere.
I went to college for Literature and Journalism remember. So yeah, I speed read though I hate calling it that since most people take it as skimming which it is not. You can easily teach it to yourself, I've taught several people, send me a PM if you want.

Does that work on any sort of published work? I have a pile of philosophical... well, "tomes" pretty much, to get through and very little time to get through them...
I ALWAYS have whatever book I am reading where I can easily get to it. No matter where you go, someone is going to make you wait.

I usually have two or three books going and I preposition them for when I think I'm going to need something to do. There's the nightstand book, the office book for lunchtime, the book I keep in the car...
Once I get involved with a book, it goes everywhere with me. No need to keep a stash in the car or on the nightstand.
Does that work on any sort of published work? I have a pile of philosophical... well, "tomes" pretty much, to get through and very little time to get through them...

Yeah sure. I usually reommend a book that can lay flat like a hardcover to learn on because its easier but once you have it down then it works.

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