What fiction book are you currently reading?

I just restarted the Wheel of Time series. The first time I made it to about book 10. That was right about the time Jordan died, which left me wondering if the series would be finished (and how well), plus I was just losing track of all the characters. I'm pleased to see that the new Sanderson books are getting good reviews.
I just picked up Equal Rites and Mort. Busy karate weekend, End of the Year Sparring, Stick class, Kiddie tournament, Seminar. Even money I finish Equal Rites before Sunday.
I just picked up Equal Rites and Mort. Busy karate weekend, End of the Year Sparring, Stick class, Kiddie tournament, Seminar. Even money I finish Equal Rites before Sunday.
Bah, It is technically Monday, but, I finished Equal Rites and am starting Mort.
Having read a few of these, without nearly incessant narration, I can't see how they would translate well to movies. The really good stuff isn't in the dialogue, but, in the descriptions.
Cohen the Barbarian's list of the three joys in life are great, it is a great scene with him and the other barbarians. I think they are in Color of magic, if that is the first book in the disc world series.
I just restarted the Wheel of Time series. The first time I made it to about book 10. That was right about the time Jordan died, which left me wondering if the series would be finished (and how well), plus I was just losing track of all the characters. I'm pleased to see that the new Sanderson books are getting good reviews.

I did the exact same thing. I stopped at 10 and haven't touched them since. I was getting tired of the whole thing, nothing ever seemed to "get anywhere".
I just finished "The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove" by Christopher Moore.

Its about a Sea Monster that wants to eat a Blues Musician, and hilarity ensues.

Pine Cove suffers a major crisis when the town psychiatrist, Val Riordan — who has been haphazardly issuing prescriptions instead of dealing with the real mental problems of her patients — suffers a sudden bout of guilt and substitutes all of her patients' anti-depressants with placebos. At this same time, by coincidence, human-generated environmental activity stirs a prehistoric sea-beast from its underwater keep to come ashore.
In addition to its ability to change form, the beast exudes a pheremone that inspires uncontrollable lust among the residents of Pine Cove and also lures some of them as prey. After mistakenly trying to mate with a fuel truck (causing an explosion), the beast hides in a trailer park, attracting the curiosity of local crazy lady and former B-movie star Molly Michon, who builds a rapport with the injured beast.
Meanwhile, Theophilus Crowe, the town constable, investigates a strange suicide, the activities of his corrupt boss, and his adversely affected marijuana habit. When the beast (whom Molly has named "Steve") starts eating residents of Pine Cove and interfering with Theo's boss's meth business, Molly (who has become romantically involved with the beast) and Theo band together to make possible the beast's safe escape and to take down the boss at the same time.

I didn't like it as much as the other 2 books by him I have read, "Practical Demonkeeping" and "Coyote Blue", but It was still a decent read.
I did the exact same thing. I stopped at 10 and haven't touched them since. I was getting tired of the whole thing, nothing ever seemed to "get anywhere".

Supposedly, the Sanderson books are to be the last three (of which two have been released). So there's a good chance that this thing will be done and over with by the time I get down to the last few books. I'm using a wiki this time to keep the names straight; I do okay until a second-string player goes missing for a book and a half and then turns up again to play a crucial role.
I love the Wheel of Time series. I have read the first of the last three and enjoyed it. I felt like the loose ends were finally coming together. I bought the second one a couple of weeks ago, but it will probably be untouched until after Christmas. I should have some peace and quiet once all the Christmas toys are finally opened and guests are gone!
Just started The Red Fox by Anthony Hyde. Seems interesting so far. After that I have another one lined up, The Fifth Angel by David Wiltse which also sounds quite good.
THe Anita Blake vampire novels are good up to about book 5. The problem becomes her obsession with sex(I know, how can that be a bad thing), because it is one scene after another in her later books, with the rest of the story thrown in as an after thought. If you go to amazon and read some of the reviews you can see the frustration of the fans of her first books.

If you like urban fantasy, the Dresden books are really well written, and he manages to keep the series pretty fun even through the last 6 books or so.
Finished Sourcery, Eric, and Pyramids. The OCD in me makes me read all the books I can of an author as soon as possible...
I'm about ¾ of the way through W.E.B. Griffin's The Outlaws. Much better than his last two or three.
OK, Omar, now I am starting Small Gods. I have to mention, the compilations that the library had, are really screwing with my OCDish need to read books in their published order.
I hate it when authors, like Vince Flynn (with American Assasin) and Tom Clancy (with BOTH, Patriot Games and Red Rabbit) go back in time with their characters to show us something. Even when I like the books, it makes the OCDish thing crazy...
Just started reading: The Paris Vendetta by Steve Berry.
Got hooked on ready Mr. Berry's novels a while ago and only have two left that I have not read. I must say he sometimes give one something to think about with some of his thoughts
OK, Omar, now I am starting Small Gods. I have to mention, the compilations that the library had, are really screwing with my OCDish need to read books in their published order.
I hate it when authors, like Vince Flynn (with American Assasin) and Tom Clancy (with BOTH, Patriot Games and Red Rabbit) go back in time with their characters to show us something. Even when I like the books, it makes the OCDish thing crazy...

LOL, I feel your pain.
Not in the story, that's ok when it's not all that confusing...

But the book thing, I hate. Especially when some aspects of the story from a previous book are refrenced....

(but you can help yourself out by donating heavily, books or money and give the librarian a wish list! ;) )
OK, Omar, now I am starting Small Gods. I have to mention, the compilations that the library had, are really screwing with my OCDish need to read books in their published order.
I hate it when authors, like Vince Flynn (with American Assasin) and Tom Clancy (with BOTH, Patriot Games and Red Rabbit) go back in time with their characters to show us something. Even when I like the books, it makes the OCDish thing crazy...

Don't drive yourself crazy about the order with Discworld really. At this point you should be familiar with Rincwind, The Witches, The Professors at the Unseen University, The City Watch, Lord Vetinari. At this point you can pretty much read them in whatever order you get them in.

You mentioned Clancy so I must mention I got the new Clancy novel this morning. It's on the pile, in the rotation, I'll get to it by at least Thursday since it is 7 down.

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