What fiction book are you currently reading?

no time to read but I've been doing a lot of listening lately: Stephen King's "Duma Key", Ben Bova Asteroid War series and currently working on Michael Koryta "So Cold the River".
Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

Awesome man. As you can see from my sig, I love Ayn.

Right now I'm reading Robert Markham (Kingsley Amis) Colonel Sun. It's his one entry in the James Bond canon following directly from Fleming's The Man With The Golden Gun.

Since the announcment of Jeffrey Deaver as the new Bond author I've went back and started rereading the whole thing from start to finish. So I've gone through Charlie Higson's Young Bond, Fleming's run, now Amis then (chronologically) Sebastian Faulk's "Devil May Care." Then I'm onto my beloved run by John Gardner and on.
Robert Ludlum - The Bankroft Strategy.

The last Ludlum novel, published after his death. I've had it sitting on the shelf for a long while now but could not bring myself to read it. Just like when Douglas Adams died and I could not read Last Chance To See.

Now I'm jumping back into reading the whole Bond canon in order. I've already finished the Higson, Fleming, Amis and Faulks books so I took a break to read the Ludlum before jumping into the Gardner, Benson, Westbrook part of the arc.
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. A Depression-era tale of a veterinary student who runs away to join the circus.

I am very impressed by Gruen. This has to be the best fiction I've read so far this year. Originally I picked it up because I'd heard it's being made into a movie. This one may be one of the few books that would made a good film IMO.
Just finished "Gone Tommorrow" by Lee Childs, and began "The Girl Who Played with Fire" by Stieg Larsson. So far I`d reccomend either one. I really like Lee Childs`s main character Jack Reacher, a former US Army MP. "Gone Tommorrow" begins with him riding a NY city subway and spotting what he believes is a suicide bomber. I`ll let you read the rest.
A good friend of mine is an unpublished author. I'm reading her latest work, a novel that we've dubbed "The British book", as it doesn't yet have a formal title.

Its a romance novel...a Boston composer visits relatives in London and falls in love with a young British lady. Not my fave genre really but the interplay between the traditions and cultures in the story has made it a rather enjoyable read. :)
Just started The Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi. It's the sequel to Old Man's War, which I liked a lot.
Just started The Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi. It's the sequel to Old Man's War, which I liked a lot.
You'll enjoy it. The entire series is well done, and each book stands on its own as well as being part of the series.

You might also look into the Jason Wander series (Orphanage, Orphan's Destiny, Orphan's Journey, Orphan's Alliance, and Orphan's Triumph) by Robert Buettner.
I'm in the last few pages of the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks. I read tons of sci fi/fantasy as a teenager, but have only dipped into the genre occassionally since. These are among the best I've ever read. Complex, intelligent characters, gritty violence and an epic storyline.

He's releasing the first in a new series later this month and I'll be sure to pick it up. I'm officially a Brent Weeks fan.