What fiction book are you currently reading?

Re-reading World War Z by Max Brooks. I'd forgotten how good it is. This is gonna make a fabulous movie if it doesn't deviate too much--especially if they use some of the actual dialog.
Just finished reading City of Ember and now I am on the second book, The People of Sparks. I love children's fantasy books.
I, Alex Cross by James Patterson, the library got it to me fairly quickly. 15min waiting for prescription to be filled = 35 pages.
Six Sacred Stones by Matthew Reilly
Entertaining. Just read his new one Five Greatest Warriors and so, had to reread this and Seven Deadly Wonders.
Robert Jordan - The Further Chronicles Of Conan

I've been reading through all the Conan cannon of late. With jason Momoa being cast as Conan and people loosing their you know what about it I thought I would go back and reread them as I have not in a while. after I finished the REH, DeCamp, Carter and a bunch of others I decided finally to buy the Robert Jordan novels because they are the only ones I am missing. I gotta say, he's not bad, couple grammatical errors (the use of "an" where "a" should be used happens a lot) but now I'm interested in reading Wheel Of Time.
Okay I'm blushing with shame to admit this, but I just finished Twilight.

It's not because there's a hunky, romantic vampire, heavens no! I just wanted to see what all the hoppla has been about. And to peek into the psyche of today's 13 year old teenage girls. Yup, it's pretty much the same as the psyche of yesterday's 13 year old teenage girls...from what I remember. A basic romance novel plot, but with virgins instead of steamy sex scenes. For a vampire book, there's very little in the way of either blood or violence. Neutered, in other words. But if I was a bit younger, I could see myself going nuts over it.
Just finished the novelization of the film "Terminator: Salvation" written by Alan Dean Foster. Foster has written many film novels in his time and has written a few that have been made into films i.e. *ahem* "Star Wars: A New Hope." Yes, he wrote it Lucas bought it totally and slapped his name on it and took full credit for it. Foster later admitted (on his website) that he indeed did write the story.

Anyway like much of the author's work dealing with film to novels, Terminator Salvation is just an expansion of the film written out with more detail than celluloid could ever give. Back stories and so forth. He also written Alien which is a good read in-of-by-itself.

I'm a big fan of the author ... having read dozens of his original novels including some of the Flinx and Pip adventures. The marvelous Spellsinger series and other trilogies that he's cranked out in his career.
Okay I'm blushing with shame to admit this, but I just finished Twilight.

It's not because there's a hunky, romantic vampire, heavens no! I just wanted to see what all the hoppla has been about. And to peek into the psyche of today's 40year old women. Yup, it's pretty much the same as the psyche of yesterday's 40year old women...from what I remember. A basic romance novel plot, but with virgins instead of steamy sex scenes. For a vampire book, there's very little in the way of either blood or violence. Neutered, in other words. But if I was a bit younger, I could see myself going nuts over it.
Fixed that for you :p
I reread a couple of Feist's books, Silverthorn, Servant of the Empire while waiting for the library to get me Dale Brown's Executive Intent.

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