What famous actor you dislike,would you most like to beat up?

:drinky: Sure, sometimes when I drink, my head gets so full that I lose my balance, it's nice to have someone to hold onto when that happens.

Morph4me, that's merely the weight of the Great Thoughts that the rapid destruction of weaker brain cells has allowed you to formulate! Have courage---what you need at those moments is someone to write down those thoughts for you before the process Scott described takes over and you lose them...

BTW, my glass is empty, as you may have noticed, and yes, you may buy the next round, no argument! :D

(We probably should boogie on over to the Urusai B &G, no? Thinking about those free peanuts...)
Scott, that definitely has the ring of truth to it!---and I'll drink to that!

Hey guys, notice something? The troll has been dispatched, we've taken over the thread and are having yet another hilarious mellow MT party on it... Trolls, take notice, that's what happens to you here! :ultracool

Heh heh heh. :D
I know how you feel. I was out with some friends of mine from the Air Force a few years ago and after a few sips of CC & 7, I regaled the barroom with my talented rendition of "Turn the Page" on the Kareoke machine. Somebody had a video camera with them, but must have forgot to remove the "Goober Lens" when they shot the footage. Man what the world missed that evening, all for a simple mistake in len choice.

I told people I do not sing.

Would they listen to me?

Nope, and so I am doing a song in some two bar hick town, and this women jumps back from the bar off her stool. Grabs it off the floor and tries to throw it at me (* About 40 feet away *). It lands about 12-15 feet and slides a couple. She then picks up a much lighter chair and screams this battle cry just like and good berserker, and she chargers the stage. She then trips over the stool she threw, and falls flat on her face and "throws" the chair while falling forwarded that slides up to the stage area. I am in shock I stop singing and she gets up all ok and heads back to the bar. I open my mouth to sing again and she runs back at me screaming again. From the outside I hear it was quite funny. :( ;) I was thinking how I as going to have to explain to an officer about a crazy woman who tried to hit me and I was only defending myself. ** Her being totally calm as soon as I had stopped singing. **


PS: Tom Cruise could walk into an elbow or two from anyone, for being his belief and in trying to get south park to not air an episode. Censorship is something I seriously dislike, and combine it with his threat (* blackmail *) of not supporting his latest movie at the time, they caved. (* TV station being owned by the larger company that had invested money into the movie. *) I wish him the best in finding his place. I just wish he would keep his issues out of the public eye or try to persuade people with strong arm tactics.
Hey guys, notice something? The troll has been dispatched, we've taken over the thread and are having yet another hilarious mellow MT party on it... Trolls, take notice, that's what happens to you here! :ultracool

:lol: :drinkbeer :cheers:

And balance has been restored:yinyang:
:lol: :drinkbeer :cheers:

And balance has been restored:yinyang:

Greetings, Xue---welcome to the party! Rich has agreed not to sing, Morph4m4 or Drac or someone is buying... me, maybe???... and everyone is having a great time... :drinky: :cheers: :drinky:
... alcohol takes over again .... :drinkbeer
PS: Tom Cruise could walk into an elbow or two from anyone, for being his belief and in trying to get south park to not air an episode. Censorship is something I seriously dislike, and combine it with his threat (* blackmail *) of not supporting his latest movie at the time, they caved. (* TV station being owned by the larger company that had invested money into the movie. *) I wish him the best in finding his place. I just wish he would keep his issues out of the public eye or try to persuade people with strong arm tactics.

Whoa, now, you can't *Gilbert Gottfried* suspend a guy for a topic and then answer the *Will Ferrell* question! That would *Carrot Top* be wrong.

Ah, who am I kidding. I'm here for the beer! :drink2tha
... alcohol takes over again .... :drinkbeer

And why not?? Haven't we decided that it's a prime brain stimulant? At this rate, we are going to be making MENSA look like the Flat Earth Society...

Xue Sheng said:
Guinness for me

Now you mention it, that sounds good---maybe I'll have one as well...
Whoa, now, you can't *Gilbert Gottfried* suspend a guy for a topic and then answer the *Will Ferrell* question! That would *Carrot Top* be wrong.

Ah, who am I kidding. I'm here for the beer! :drink2tha
Gilbert Gottfried is a comic genious. I would protect him.
(Done in best pirate voice)
Aye when yee be wantin a beer ya can chew only Guinness will do. .

Arrgh, 'tis a meal en itself! (Wait... I should save that for Talk Like A Pirate Day, shouldn't I... 10 months to go!)
Morph4me, that's merely the weight of the Great Thoughts that the rapid destruction of weaker brain cells has allowed you to formulate! Have courage---what you need at those moments is someone to write down those thoughts for you before the process Scott described takes over and you lose them...

BTW, my glass is empty, as you may have noticed, and yes, you may buy the next round, no argument! :D

(We probably should boogie on over to the Urusai B &G, no? Thinking about those free peanuts...)

I've actually written down those thoughts, the problem is they are so lofty and profound that, with the rapid proliferation of those weak brain cells the day after, I don't understand what I meant, it's a great loss :(.

I got the next round.
I've actually written down those thoughts, the problem is they are so lofty and profound that, with the rapid proliferation of those weak brain cells the day after, I don't understand what I meant, it's a great loss :(.

Believe me, m4m, I understand that problem---happens to me fairly frequently. And since the people around me cannot comprehend these tremendous discoveries and mistakenly think that I'm just jibbering, all kinds of great thinking winds up getting lost forever... I suspect more than a few of us have that problem...

I got the next round.

OK, I'm good for the one after that.