What Draft? Manditory registration in LA

Bob Hubbard

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La. Males Pre-Register For Selective Service To Get Driver's Licenses

Author: Louisiana Gannett News Source: Shreveport Times (LA)


A Glenmora man was floored when he recently discovered his 16-year-old son had to preregister for a nonexistent military draft to get his first driver's license.

"I just can't believe it," said Larry Chevalier, whose son Nathan filled out the form to register with the Selective Service. "They wouldn't let him get (his license) otherwise."

Even a 15-year-old male who wants a learner's permit in Louisiana must provide information to be forwarded, when he turns 18, to the Selective Service System, which would run a military draft if one is set up again. The same goes for any 16-, 17- or 18-year-old male who wants his first driver's license or state ID card.

"They can't even be a conscientious objector to signing up," Chevalier said.

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Wow, that is mind boggling. That leads me to think that we may just have a draft coming up sometime in the near future.


And guess what Ryan, you're on their list. (In the target ages, and a dual US/Canadian citizen).

I'm not sure how yr previous Service would affect that. I'd imagine you'd be even more desired because they already trained you. Or maybe they'd say you already did yr time. I dunno.

But maybe you'd be happy to Serve again. That's up to you.

Myself, I'd be VERY uncomfortable with myself or my husband or my son or anyone else I care about having to sign up on this list. It just makes it too damn easy.

BUT let's not jump the gun, folks. A draft requires congressional approval and the last bill proposing one (for young men AND women) was defeated 402-2.
And guess what Ryan, you're on their list. (In the target ages, and a dual US/Canadian citizen).
Actually I am not, due to being released from a back injury, I was taken off the list. Although I wouldn't have a problem going back if need be.

I'm not sure how yr previous Service would affect that. I'd imagine you'd be even more desired because they already trained you. Or maybe they'd say you already did yr time. I dunno.
Actually, anybody in normal circumstances have a minimum of eight years. Lets say you served a four year term. Then you would have another four years in which they can recall you. They have already been recalling these people for a while now

But maybe you'd be happy to Serve again. That's up to you.
Cheers! Although no it is not up to me. If you are to get recalled you have no choice, you go back in.

Myself, I'd be VERY uncomfortable with myself or my husband or my son or anyone else I care about having to sign up on this list. It just makes it too damn easy.
Yes, I agree, but if the country can forsee a draft coming they need to. I just disagree in having kids fill out these in order to get a drivers license. If anything they should get the men between 18 and 25 when they come to renew their license.

BUT let's not jump the gun, folks. A draft requires congressional approval and the last bill proposing one (for young men AND women) was defeated 402-2.
Very good point.


Both Bush and Kerry said they wouldn't do it....and Congress voted against it.

They all wouldn't lie to us would they?
I mean, nothing about reactivating the draft isn't burries in the 3,300 page bill they are working on now right?

Kaith Rustaz said:
Both Bush and Kerry said they wouldn't do it....and Congress voted against it.

They all wouldn't lie to us would they?
I mean, nothing about reactivating the draft isn't burries in the 3,300 page bill they are working on now right?

Yer right on that thought.
You never know what any of them are really up too.

As far as the selective service thing goes, you're not telling them anything they already don't know. I doubt the draft would be very popular in this Country for the most part. Might even get some officals thrown out office.

With that said, I'm not one that would agree with a draft for the most part.
Although, with all the whining and complaining I see from today's young folks maybe it would help straighten some folks out, and help them become better adults.......I dunno?:idunno:
Oak Bo said:
Yer right on that thought.
You never know what any of them are really up too.

As far as the selective service thing goes, you're not telling them anything they already don't know. I doubt the draft would be very popular in this Country for the most part. Might even get some officals thrown out office.

With that said, I'm not one that would agree with a draft for the most part.
Although, with all the whining and complaining I see from today's young folks maybe it would help straighten some folks out, and help them become better adults.......I dunno?:idunno:
I personally think that the military makes excellent people. It takes all sorts of different people and turns them in to a good, hard worker. The military personally straightened me out, and made me grow up. I think it is a great idea for any person to give a try. Though I think that what they are doing is wrong, and may raise many questions in the future to come.


Just to throw a wrench into the machine here, but having to register for Selective Service, as far as I'm aware, is nothing new. I had to do it to register for Financial Aid back in 2001 when I started undergrad, and even then was a little late. You're supposed to register for Selective Service at 18.

When I called the Selective Service agency to ask if I still had to because of my medical, the rep. told me to go ahead and send in my SS registration, and that, in the event of a draft being put in place and if I was called, I was to simply tell them about it and they'd knock me off the list. Dont know if this distinction really makes a difference, but I just wanted to bring it up.
Wow, I am really glad I already did my time in the Navy!!!
No draft for me. Whoo Hoooooo!!!!!!!
Rynocerous said:
I personally think that the military makes excellent people. It takes all sorts of different people and turns them in to a good, hard worker.
Yep absolutely!
I got news for you guys, Louisiana is not the only state with this requirement - Washington State and California and Oregon had similar legislation, but that legislation has been reversed.

Here is a link that outlines restrictions pending males registration for selective service. (pdf format)

How does your state weigh in?
RandomPhantom700 said:
Just to throw a wrench into the machine here, but having to register for Selective Service, as far as I'm aware, is nothing new. You're supposed to register for Selective Service at 18.
Yep. You are correct, sir.

Selective Service Website said:
Since 1980, the Selective Service System has discharged its mission of preparing to manage a draft if and when Congress and the President so direct.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Almost all male U.S. citizens, and male aliens living in the U.S., who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service. It's important to know that even though he is registered, a man will not automatically be inducted into the military. In a crisis requiring a draft, men would be called in sequence determined by random lottery number and year of birth. Then, they would be examined for mental, physical and moral fitness by the military before being deferred or exempted from military service or inducted into the Armed Forces. [/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A chart of who must register is also available. [/font]
But, hey, lets let more media manipulation get us all paranoid about the government stealing our children.

Cuz they are more honest than the body politic. Uh huh.
I registered too.....when I was 18.

Not when I was 15.
What's the big deal? He sent off information to one government agency that he was giving to another to get his learner's permit. And there doesn't seem to be much difference as far as his status; it remains nothing more than a list of people to call up in the event of a draft--he still hasn't been enlisted yet. In short, I'm not really seeing the harm involved here.
Point of information: The selective service bill in the HOUSE (HR163) was defeated in October. It made a great pre-election campaign statement. The SENATE version (S89) is still alive and well in the Committee on Armed Forces.

We went into the war with too few troops in the first place. Now our troops are tired, overextended, and being chewed up by casualties (about 10,000 dead and wounded). Their tours of duty are being extended beyond their contracts. The Bush Administration is now offering $30,000 bonuses to soldiers who re-enlist for Iraq duty--cheap mercenaries--and this will fall disproportionately on the poor. How long do you think this can go on?

Bush promised to continue the war, and continue he will. Neither he nor his Cabinet nor the Republican Party are concerned about the political consequences, because there ARE NO CONSEQUENCES. This administration rewards loyalty--not competence, not ethics.

The draft will be resurrected.

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