FMAT: Performance after Sacrifices

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Performance after Sacrifices
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 00:28:41 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


I have a high respect to those whose effort is to find the right discipline ideally fitted for his or her mentality with the taste of his own genetics. I have met quite a number of people whose desire was satisfied and very much happy because all the years of his studies and practicing other martial arts he found to love the edge of a knife and the sharper image of a blade. His magnificent obsession was satisfied and a confession to learn more and more is a continuing education. Every person has his strong points to learn but if he landed in a wrong school in a a wrong teacher then his desire to learn technically stop. He is confused and frustrated.

So with this new technology in communication internet services are made easy for one to his own research . Finding one discipline that is ideal for one is not hard to find, it is just a matter of time and working with diligence.Pekiti-Tirsia present a different perspectives in the world of martial arts more in the FMA . Pekiti-Tirsia trains for honorable service to the community, helping each person to enhance his ability to accept discipline as his first line of responsibility. This responsibiity is to have a Philosophy of long lasting physical existense endowed with good health , well balanced mentality to judge what is right and what is wrong. To open all avenures of knowing and understanding any complicated issues in every life by being strong in all activities. It can be a personal business or work related activity. Discipline to withstand against the stress and tension how to survive is the main chore of every living person today. Where do you get this discipline ? from a correct institution with correct methods of learning education.

Some people underestimate the knowlege in the past and sometimes we often hear from the FMA Masters who made a combination of escrima or arnis into a Japanese , Chinese and Korean techniques that the old fashioned filipino style is " kara-an" meaning antigo and it is not a good working methods. They are so proud to present their modern methods as superior compared to the old fashion traditional system. We observed that today many had made an impression that grabbing the stick and disarming is the most impressive FMA of all styles. That removing the knife with flashing delights of hand disarming makes one a great master.

Judging by performance presents a degree of evaluation that a simple common sense can tell one , " well can he disarm my knife or can he use his Aikido against my double edge ginunting or my tanto cold steel or my shreded spiderco?.

Teaching an FMA with this perception presents a questionable background of a person presenting himself a Master or a Grandmaster. It is shameful impression that the old fashioned traditonal technology named as " Kara-an" is useless if not added or modified using a Japanese techniques with Judo or AIKIDO or with some kicking that looks impregnable.

In the world of reality the performance of a swift, silent and deadly Ginunting cannot understand what Aikido,judo or juijitsui or some fancy karate or kungfu inserts can do. Gone are those days where non-weapon style can work on todays' edged weaponry.

Pekiti-Tirsia will try to save the aspirants for higher education seeking for the real solution to so many frustrating years finding what is good for him or for her since the true warrior genetics tickles the blood stream to touch the blade of reality.

Today Pekiti-Tirsia continues and recontinue the discipline that leads to Perfection"PERFECTO" inspired by the five elements of combat. SPEED-TIMING-POWER-ACCURACY AND PRECISION.

This 2008 Licensure for Edged Impact Weapon Tactical Combat will bring a new breed of authoritative instructors equipped with the licensed to present a technology for military and law enforcement people with distinct classifications.

A licensed Edged Impact Weapon Instructors will have the respect since his achievement in terms of training in the Philippines is with blood and tears.;" HE WHO DID CAN DO WHAT OTHERS CAN'T"


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