What does a punch to the side do?


Green Belt
I have been hit in the side of the ribs before (by a gloved sparring partner) and it feels like everything in my chest is being compressed. What is actually happening to the body? Now this is only at partial force, and by someone who is wearing gloves. What happens when someone is punched in the some manner, but at full force and no gloves? I just want to know exactly what this is doing to the body.
I have been hit in the side of the ribs before (by a gloved sparring partner) and it feels like everything in my chest is being compressed. What is actually happening to the body? Now this is only at partial force, and by someone who is wearing gloves. What happens when someone is punched in the some manner, but at full force and no gloves? I just want to know exactly what this is doing to the body.

Gloves do a great job of protecting the hand of the puncher. This is a Good Thing (tm) since that is what they're intended to do. They're not intended to protect the recipient of the punch.

Everything in your chest is absorbing energy. Regardless of the gloves.
Without gloves... the same thing happens.
Full force without gloves? You will absorb more energy. And the puncher may hurt themselves.
What happens at full force? Well you could break a rib. Ribs break pretty easily, especially the smallest ones at the bottom. What you are feeling is the force being distributed throughout your chest. It shouldn't feel compressed though. Should just hurt a bit then nothing after.
There's a whole lot of variables when hitting to the side. Most of which aren't any fun for the person being hit. My buddy, Brian, gives a good overview of a (one of many) hit to the side. Well worth the watch, IMO.

Trying to see if anybody actually died from a stomach punch.

Houdini is reported to have died from one but it's veracity is a bit iffy.
I have been hit in the side of the ribs before (by a gloved sparring partner) and it feels like everything in my chest is being compressed. What is actually happening to the body? Now this is only at partial force, and by someone who is wearing gloves. What happens when someone is punched in the some manner, but at full force and no gloves? I just want to know exactly what this is doing to the body.
What the punch does to the body depends on where on the side that they hit you and the technique that they use to hit you with. Some punching techniques cause the fist to land bluntly which has the capability of taking away your breath. Other techniques have a penetrating impact where the purpose of the punch is to penetrate and rip what is inside of you. A blunt punch to the ribs can break the bone. A penetrating punch under the armpit can rip the muscles in the chest. Some punches can cause spasms in the chest and in the heart. Ruptured organs are a possibility on the softer parts.

In my style we can either hit with the fist, palm, or the knuckles. Each one hurts differently and causes different damage
Trying to see if anybody actually died from a stomach punch.

Houdini is reported to have died from one but it's veracity is a bit iffy.
There's a story of a boy in the UK who died after being hit in the stomach with a football (assuming soccer ball)
Trying to see if anybody actually died from a stomach punch.

Sure they have. Liver or spleen lacerations are not at all uncommon. Moving around to the side and flanks, injury to the kidneys can occur. All four of these organs share one trait; they are extremely vascular. Which means injury can be fatal.
Obviously, the risk of death is not as high as, say, a strike to the larynx, but it does happen.
There's a whole lot of variables when hitting to the side. Most of which aren't any fun for the person being hit. My buddy, Brian, gives a good overview of a (one of many) hit to the side. Well worth the watch, IMO.

Love that video, thanks!

I have experienced a good shot to the floating ribs. The pain is intense, and even a bruised rib hurts for weeks. Only when I breathe, though.
Wasn't the story with Houdini that he had appendicitis and the stomach punch caused his appendix to rupture, which then killed him?

I looked into it.His appendix ruptured. When apparently can't be done by hitting.

So yeah it is iffy.

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