What do you want to be when you grow up

I'd love to be a writer and artist full time, and a stay at home dad. My wife travels a lot for work, so most weeks it's just me and the three kids. Would be great to work flexible hours from home and be more available for the kiddos.

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I've always wanted to be a time traveler. I would so totally go and see the future.

After that, I always wanted to be an evil genius.

And if that didn't work out, I think I could live with being a philosopher king.
As with Bob, I'd say that my first, best, destiny (when the option of joining the Royal Navy was lost to me) was to be a historian/archaeologist/curator. I actually achieved that too, after a diversion into commerce for a while, but, sadly, the pay in those professions is not up to that which is required to own a house and run a car in 'todays' world. I'd still love to return to it and if it ever becomes financially possible then it's off to research-every-day-land for me :D.

I wish you luck in achieving that. Sounds neat.
I always wanted to be a game designer. By the time I got all the skills needed to do it, I'd forgotten how to do that.
It's what I went to school to do though. Along the way I found a love of military history that I still have.
Photography I learned from liking costumes at cons, and built on it from there. Money's not that great but I do enjoy it.
Never wanted to be a web geek, just fell into that by necessity as I phased out of hardware.

The idea of focusing on military history, and digging around on old battlefields, just appeals to me. I've been sitting in an office 20+ years now...some outdoor time would be nice :)

Move to the South. Still lots of battlefields. Or, move to Arizona and join their amature archaeology program. Did you know that some of the oldest finds in Korea were from a young soldier who was a product of that program?

Oh yeah, you just bought a house. Darn, life gets in the way at the most inconvenient times doesn't it? But I wish you well. My wife tells me when I decide to retire, again, we may travel and that would allow me to do more photography. Right.

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